The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1880 The Queen of the Dark Night

1881. Queen of the Night

The planet Dathomir.

Mother Talzin looked at the man who appeared in front of her. Even though she was so powerful, she couldn't help but tremble all over.

There were two men wearing cloaks standing in front of the temple. One of them was short in stature and was of yellow race among humans. He looked very ordinary in appearance, and the cloak he wore was made of waterproof material. It looked more like a cloak than a cloak. raincoat.

The extremely powerful force of the dark side emanates from this man. There seems to be a vortex in his eyes, and people will be sucked into it even if they just look at it.

But just like that, Talzin was not afraid of this person. Mother Talzin is confident that she has the power to compete with the existing Sith Lords in the galaxy, including Darth Sidious and the Death Angels.

But what really frightened her was another old woman who looked to be in her sixties or seventies standing next to this man.

Although her whole body was shrouded in a cloak, her face, which was not deliberately hidden, was something she would never forget.

Because this face is now on the statue in the center of the Temple of the Night Sisters! That is the symbol of worship of the Dark Night Sisters and the founder of the Dark Night Sisters!

"Gethzerion..." Mother Talzin said this extremely sacred name among the Sisters of the Night.

With a hula, Guszeraine raised his hand and waved, and the cloak on his body suddenly flew up out of thin air, turning into an eagle, circling in the sky over the temple, and then landed on the roof of the temple, his emotionless eyes staring at the ground. Those members of the Sisterhood of the Night.

Under the cloak was an old human woman who looked sixty or seventy years old and had a ferocious appearance. She was wearing a red robe and had countless mysterious runes engraved on her hands, exuding ominous power. Behind her are long tail feathers, which make her look eerie.

Unlike the other Night Sisters who were formed by interbreeding with the Zabraks, the terrifying old woman in front of her did not have the characteristics of the Zabraks. She was almost a human. This does not mean that she does not have the blood of the Zabraks, but that she is the offspring of the original mating with the Zabraks, and human genes still account for the majority.

Yes, it's her! Guthzerion! Founder of the Night Sisters! Compiler of the Book of Shadows! The creator of shadow magic!

The witch on the planet Dathomir originated from a Jedi Knight Allya who was exiled from the Jedi Order. She settled on the planet Dathomir and found that the local residents had very good Force talents, so she Start teaching them the power of the Force.

And during these peaceful days, Aierya also cleansed her soul and returned to the bright side. Of course, from this point forward, the witches of Dathomir called the power of the Force magic.

But Elya herself is actually just a very ordinary Jedi Knight, so what she can really teach the witches is very limited. So in this development that was half teaching and half guessing, the Dathomir witches developed a system of using the Force through gestures and spells.

But in fact, their gestures and spells are meaningless most of the time. It can only be said that they have a sense of ritual, so they can concentrate? What the Jedi can do with a raised hand, the Dathomir witches have to recite a spell.

However, there is still some research, because it takes a completely different path. After a long period of development, it has really developed something different from the Jedi Order and the Sith Lords. Some of the Force skills, or 'magic', of the Witches of Dathomir are indeed beyond the capabilities of the Jedi Order, and do require gestures and spells.

Time passed hundreds of years ago, when there was a Songshan clan among the witches of Dathomir. The clan leader had four remaining children, one of whom was Guthzeryan.

Guthzerion has extraordinary talent in the Force. She easily surpasses everyone in the tribe, including her extremely powerful mother, the patriarch.

However, in the process of pursuing power, Guthzeryan inevitably fell to the dark side. This was not acceptable among the witches of Dathomir at the time.

So Gothzerion was banished and hunted. But she killed her pursuers, and then came up with an idea to create a group of witches who used the power of the dark side, so this was the Sisters of the Night.

Under the leadership of Guthzeryan, she wrote the "Book of Shadows", which detailed her understanding of the dark side force. Since then, the dark side force has been called shadow magic by the Night Sisters.

It can be said that the growth of each of the Night Sisters comes from the teachings of Guthzeraine!

After surviving for hundreds of years, in pursuit of immortality, Gethzeryan abandoned the already growing Night Sisters and entered a monastic life.

Hundreds of years passed, everyone believed that Guthzerion was dead, and she became a symbol of the Night Sisters and was worshiped by everyone.

Including, Matron Talzin herself!

Guthzeraine stared at Mother Talzin without saying a word, and her power did not fluctuate at all, but even so, it still brought extremely strong pressure to Mother Talzin.

With a pop, Mistress Talzin knelt down on her knees, prostrated herself on the ground, and said with great respect: "Guthzeraine, Queen of the Night, Lord of the Sisterhood... I, Talzin, welcome your arrival. …”

Following her movements, all the Night Sisters around them knelt down and worshiped.

Asajj Ventress looked at the old woman with a cold and noble temperament, and now she also looked over. Ventress couldn't help but trembled in his heart, and then he fell to his knees. As their eyes met at this moment, she already understood that even Count Dooku was far from a match for the old woman in front of her! !


Queen of the night!

"I returned to the sisterhood... for an opportunity, an opportunity to reach the top of the galaxy." Guszeryan said slowly, his voice was hoarse and unpleasant, making people shiver with goosebumps all over their bodies.

Her eyes slowly swept around, and then she walked towards the statue of herself in the center of the temple.

Guszeraine didn't make any movement, just walked forward slowly, and the extremely sturdy statue engraved with various runes just turned into countless black sand and dust out of thin air, and then condensed in a small whirlwind. It gradually turned into a black throne of Gundam!

At the same time, the eagle that her cloak transformed into also flew down from the top of the temple, passed over the heads of the Night Sisters at low altitude, and flew to the throne and stopped. She spread her wings high, as if looking up to the sky and chirping, and then turned into a stone sculpture.

At this time, Geszeryan also stepped onto the last step of the throne and sat on it.

On the throne, Guthzeryan glanced at the people in the audience again and said: "I will form an alliance with the Sith Lord Darth Tenebrous. Right here, on the planet Dathomir, step out The first step to conquer the galaxy. Mother Talzin, you will continue to lead the Night Sisters and be used by me."

"As you wish...My Queen..." Matron Talzin replied with great respect.

She looked back at the only person present who did not kneel down, the cloaked man who came with Guthzeryan, frowned and said: "But... Dear Queen... As far as I know, this person is not Darth-" Tenebrous..."

Mother Talzin has been in Dathomir for many years, so she naturally knows a little about Tenebrous.

"My master Darth Tenebrous is dead, and I inherited his Sith title." Shen Qiaoen said lightly.

"You are the one who has been plotting evil on the planet Dathomir!" Mother Talzin said sternly.

"It's a great thing that you know me." Shen Qiaoen glanced at her and said.

Indeed, the number of the Night Sisters is very small, only about 10,000, and together with the Night Brothers of the Zabrak people, the total number does not exceed 100,000. On such a scale, it is impossible to control the entire planet. There are not many Dathomir witches on the light side.

Most of the planet Dathomir is still undeveloped.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed remarkable to know to some extent that Shen Qiaoen and the others are plotting evil intentions on the planet Dathomir, even if Mother Talzin doesn't know much.

Matron Talzin's expression turned ugly. She turned around suddenly and said to Guszeraine: "Your Majesty the Queen! This person is absolutely untrustworthy..."

"Shut up!" Geszeryan shouted violently, and powerful force suddenly burst out, pressing Mother Talzin to the ground and unable to move.

Mother Talzin, who once fought against the second-in-command of the Jedi Order, Master Windu, and was evenly matched in a short period of time, was completely overwhelmed by Guthzeraine's roar!

This is the power of the founder of the Night Sisters!

"Darth Tenebrous is our ally. From today on, his words are my words, and he has absolute authority over you!" Guthzeryan's tone was extremely cold.

"My Lady Queen... we, the Night Sisters, are... your daughters..." Matron Talzin felt unfamiliar, and she lay on the ground and said with difficulty.

"That's right. When I take the Milky Way into my hands, the Night Sisters will naturally get their due status." Guszeryan's cold eyes swept across the audience, "But before that, each of you, Everyone must dedicate everything they have to this great plan!”

Her words shook all the Night Sisters present, and almost everyone trembled.

This almost makes it clear that you are just a tool!

"Yes..." Matron Talzin responded tremblingly.

She did not have the strength, nor the courage, nor the faith to disobey Guthzeryan's will.

"The time has come! There are still some clans of witches on the planet Dathomir. Crush them! Let them completely fall into the embrace of shadow magic! Strengthen our power!" Geszeryan waved his hand suddenly and said loudly.

Adele Ulan carefully arranged her appearance under the service of the maid. She even has strict requirements on the position and depth of every fold on her clothes. If there is a slight deviation, it means that the materials are not good and the focus is wrong, and the clothes must be redone.

Her makeup was exquisite and meticulous, and it perfectly reflected her original beauty, making her even more stunning and stunning. Her eyebrows were raised slightly, like the outline of a distant mountain; her cherry lips were rosy and plump, like the first bloom of the morning sun; her face was like pearls, radiant and enchanting.

The reason why she cares so much is not only because she is about to meet the most important man in her life, but also because this time has other meanings.

After making sure that everything was perfect, she stood up and walked towards the bedroom of her husband, Grand Duke Tang Xiao of Dawn.

However, before she reached the bedroom, she saw Tang Xiao striding over. Adele Ulan quickly bowed her head and saluted, "You are master. Today is..."

"Let's go!" Tang Xiao interrupted her directly, waved his hand, and walked out first.

Adele Ulan did not dare to neglect at all and quickly followed behind him.

They walked all the way to a beautiful courtyard, only to see that there were already more than a dozen nannies and maids here, and they were surrounded by them, not daring to neglect at all times.

There was a burst of cute laughter in the courtyard, and when I looked closer, I saw a pair of delicate children playing.

A boy and a girl, about two years old. The boy has blond hair and the girl has black hair. They both have bright eyes and white skin. They are extremely cute.

They played happily, surrounded by a variety of expensive toys. The nannies and maids around them were holding towels, medicine boxes, and clothes in their hands, and they were afraid that anything would happen to the pair of young children.

Seeing this pair of toddlers, Adele Wulan's eyes lit up and she shouted: "Xiaoxing! Xiaoyun!" She was about to run over and hug them.

However, at this time, a cold breath came from behind. Adele Wulan stopped abruptly, turned around stiffly, and looked at her husband, Tang Xiao, the father of the pair of young children.

"Who told you to do this?" Tang Xiao's voice was so cold that it made people shudder.

Everyone around them quickly stopped everything they were doing and bowed deeply in front of Tang Xiao, not even daring to express their anger! Even the pair of young children felt something was wrong and stared blankly.

It wasn't because they could sense words and emotions, but because the flow of the Force made them aware of their father's displeasure.

Bang! ! ! An invisible wave of air rose up without warning, blowing all the maids and nannies around the child away! They were blown several meters away and fell to the ground unable to move. There were even two people who were unlucky and crashed into a tree. There was a crisp crack and their spines were directly fractured!

"Who told you... to do this to my son and daughter?" Tang Xiao's voice was extremely cold, "In this era when the war has not yet ended, do you want to raise my son and daughter to be pampered playboys and princesses? ……roll!!!"

He even used the Force for the last roll. The maids and nannies were so frightened that they quickly helped each other and ran out.

Thank you to Wuwu Huaxia for the 500 starting coins! !

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