Chapter 1878 The Furious Extraordinary Vizsla

1879. The Furious Extraordinary-Vizla

The person coming is suddenly John 117, Master Chief! !

He turned sideways and said to Jango Fett: "Don't waste time, destroy the hangar as soon as possible!"

Jango Fett nodded, turned around and rushed towards the hangar platform. Over there, hundreds of soldiers had established a defense line based on the temporary bunker, but under Jango Fett's terrifying physical strength, they ran directly into it! Bunkers and human bodies were torn apart and flying everywhere!

It can't be stopped at all!

On the Master Chief's side, the Death Guard stood up from the shattered rubble, raised their guns and fired a series of shots. The Master Chief was extremely fast, constantly changing directions and running wildly, dodging most of the bullets. What's even more terrible is that the few bullets that hit him were blocked by the rippling energy shield!

Seeing that the distance was getting closer, the Death Guard immediately turned on the switch on his arm, and a stream of scorching flames spurted out!

But the next second, he lost track of the Master Chief, and at the same time, a whistling sound came from mid-air! The Death Guard looked up and saw the burly figure of the Master Chief falling from the sky with his back to the sun. Only a blurry figure could be seen on his side!

Bang! ! The Death Guard was knocked out again!

But the Master Chief did not pursue him. He raised his hands in front of him and shook them hard, feeling the endless power in his body.

At one point, the Death Guard got up and pulled his pistol from his waist. When he saw that the Master Chief was not looking here, he was so happy that he was about to pull the trigger.

Suddenly, the Master Chief suddenly turned around, and suddenly there was an N-7 Eagle pistol in his hand, and he fired several times!

The Death Guard's body was immediately knocked to the ground by the powerful kinetic energy of the bullet. He twitched and stopped moving.

I could only see a large amount of blood flowing from the gaps in his armor.

In order to facilitate movement, the Mandalorian's armor does not cover the whole body, but the places not covered by the armor are non-lethal parts, and it is difficult to be hit under normal circumstances. But the Master Chief's several shots were accurately shot through the gaps in the armor, and the angle of the bullets was very tricky! The powerful power of the N-7 Eagle Pistol still tore the Death Guard's internal organs into pieces!

Looking at his fallen opponent, the Master Chief muttered to himself, "Death Guard..."

Then he suddenly jumped away to the side, and a series of bullets hit the place where he was standing. Then the Master Chief took an N-7 Valkyrie assault rifle from behind and fired at the rushing defenders. Accurate shot!

Bang! ! A valuable sculpture was smashed to pieces on the ground. Chao Chao Vizsla's roar came from the palace of Sundali City: "Five thousand people!! Five thousand people!! You losers!! Five thousand people couldn't stop twenty of them!! You tell me why why?!"

The disgraced garrison officer stood there with his head lowered, not daring to say a word, allowing Cha Chao Vizsla to curse.

When he had scolded enough, the officer whispered: "Prime Minister... It's really because of those terrorists... They are simply not human beings! I have never seen anyone able to overturn an airspeeder with their bare hands... Those are all Super soldiers! Oh yes, that’s right, it’s the Mandalorian Super Commando! It must be!”

Snapped! ! Extraordinary Vizsla slapped him with his backhand, making the officer dizzy. "The Mandalorian Super Commandos were disbanded four thousand years ago!! Now we Death Guard are the successors of the Super Commandos!! We He is the most powerful warrior in this galaxy!"

"But...those Death Guards at the airport..."

"They are modified humans! That must be the case! They are just a group of terrorists who have given up their human identity!" Super Vizsla shouted angrily.


"Check for me! Find for me!! Issue a global wanted order for me!! Tell every Mandalorian that the so-called Restoration Army is just a group of beasts that have been modified by human bodies!! Yes, they are going to be transformed into In this way, there will definitely be a lot of human trials! Spread the word to me!" Chao Chao Vizsla said loudly.

"Yes...yes..." The officer nodded and bowed, regardless of whether he should do these things.

"Also, bring me the surrounding armies! Search all over the place! We must find their lair!"


After the officer left, Chao Chao Vizsla was still angry, his chest heaving violently, panting like a bull. Things have been really rough lately!

First, Tiber Zane suddenly turned against him and started coming to him to settle accounts and ask for money. But obviously according to the arrangement of Darth Tenebrous, the Zane Consortium should give him enough support in this early stage of his business!

As a result, he couldn't get the money, so this bastard Tiber Zane actually colluded with Black Sun to come to the town on his planet to rob! This is even more unbearable!

But Chaofan Vizsla's reason is still there, and he knows that he cannot fall out with the Zane Consortium. The Zane Consortium possesses a large number of smuggled weapons, and they even have channels to obtain some scrapped battleships from the Galactic Empire! Compared to the planet Mandalore, which cannot even build its own battleships, the Zane Consortium is now far stronger than them.

Therefore, he could only turn a blind eye to the robbery of the Zane Consortium, and at the same time urged the Mandal Engine Company to complete the industrial transformation as soon as possible and start building Mandalore's own battleships and fighter jets.

Only in this way can he get rid of his dependence on the Zane Consortium and no longer look at the face of that hateful little brat!

And this is just one aspect. Recently, the separatist fleet under General Severance Tann has become more and more active. This is also a force that the Mandalorian planet does not dare to provoke. However, Chao Chao Vizsla was fortunate that Severance Tann seemed to think that the situation in the Mandalorian sector was too chaotic, so she did not rush to send troops to occupy a certain planet.

On the contrary, Severance Tann invested a lot of energy in destroying pirates and ensuring the supplies of the planets in this sector that had become a mess. And her actions have been very effective. After three years of continuous efforts, more than 200 planets have expressed their willingness to accept Severance Tann's protection.

But that doesn’t mean Severance Tann has no ideas for Mandalore! On the contrary, her battleship would come to the periphery of Mandalorian planet from time to time, purporting to be chasing pirates, but in fact Chao Chao-Vizla understood that she was demonstrating!

The planet in the entire Mandalorian sector is the most chaotic, but also has the greatest strength and value. It is the planet Mandalore, and Severance Tann has no reason to abandon it.

And at this extremely difficult moment, the hateful Mandalorian Restoration Army is still looking for trouble for him!

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