1872, Bo-Katan-Kriz

Protect Bo-Katan-Kryze!

This mission is a bit unexpected, because now Bo-Katan Kryze is at least nominally the Grand Duke and supreme ruler of the planet Mandalore. Moreover, Bo-Katan Kryze had already joined the Death Guard when she was still in her teens. At this time, she was still a hot-blooded middle school girl, and she strongly agreed with the Death Guard's extreme military doctrine.

When Satine Kryze was still the Grand Duke, she and Bo-Katan quarreled countless times because of the Death Guard matter. No matter how hard her sister tried to persuade her, it was of no use. In the end, Bo-Katan ran away from home and joined the Death Guard. Finish.

In fact, the main reason is due to the death of Satine and Bo-Katan's father. Their father died during the civil war on the planet Mandalore, and the Battle of Galidran, where the true Mandalorians were massacred by the Jedi Order, was part of this war.

Before dying in the battle, their father sent Satine Kryze to the planet Coruscant to study. Bo-Katan was not born yet at that time, so after he was born, he faced Mandalore, which was devastated by the war. planet.

(The dates of birth of the sisters Bo-Katan Kryze and Satine Kryze have not been determined because they have experienced too many events and spanned too long. The age difference between the two should be at least 20 years. In Cloning During the 19BBY Shadow Legion incident during the Human War, Bo-Katan Kryze should have been 16 years old anyway, so let's go with this age. In addition, someone asked Din Djarin's age before, and he was able to confirm that it was She was born in 19BBY, so she is at least 16 years younger than Bo-Katan, so she should be called aunt.)

The result is that Satine Kryze, who received an elite education on the planet Coruscant, returned to the planet and led the Mandalorians onto the path of peaceful development, while remaining on the planet Mandalore and growing up in the flames of war. Bo-Katan Kryze, however, accepted the Death Guard's military doctrine of respecting the strong and survival of the fittest.

Now with the support of Paranormal Vizsla, Bo-Katan Kryze has become the Grand Duke of Mandalore and reached the pinnacle of power. For this girl who is just 20 years old and still a little bit of a middle school student, it is not difficult to guess what she will think - she must be very satisfied and thinks that the whole world is at her feet.

And most importantly, judging from the several speeches she gave in public appearances, Bo-Katan Kryze clearly believes that the reason why she became the Grand Duke is because she is on the right path. She believes that the tragedy of her sister Satine Kryze is because she should not have allowed the planet Mandalore to disarm, thus leaving the life and death of the race completely to the Galactic Republic.

In fact, this is just consequentialism.

What was the situation like when Satine Kryze became Grand Duke? The planet Mandalore is undergoing a civil war, and the Jedi Order wiped out the real Mandalorians without careful identification. In addition, the Mandalorian planet had just begun to improve slightly 700 years ago, and it immediately attracted the attention of the Galactic Republic. Unjustifiable orbital bombing.

Under such circumstances, what can be done to let the people on Mandalore survive? Rearm yourself and get another orbital bombardment by the Galactic Republic? Don't think it's impossible. Judging from the way the Jedi Order wiped out the true Mandalorians at a disagreement and caused a lot of killings, the Galactic Republic was very wary of the planet Mandalore.

So what Satine Kryze did was to completely pull out the teeth of Mandalore and show her completely harmless side to the Galactic Republic. Maybe there was a better way at that time, but Satine Kriz's actions must not negate her achievements.

Although she made the Mandalorians live in vain, at least she was still alive. At least she could develop her own automobile manufacturing and processing industries, and she could also make the people on the Mandalorian planet eat better and wear warmer clothes. The newly built cities on Mandalore are protected by black protective shields from the erosion of the desert. Without the investment of the Galactic Republic, how could Mandalore itself be able to build them?

If you don't accept the rule of the Galactic Republic, can you still stand in the desert, endure the wind and sand every night, and fight another war with the Galactic Republic on a poor and white planet?

But Bo-Katan Kryze didn't think so, especially after Satine Kryze disappeared. She blamed Mandalore's current chaos on Satine's pacifism, and was full of thoughts of revenge. heart.

She would never think that she was just a puppet of Extraordinary Vizsla. With her current age and experience, the spirit of Extraordinary Vizsla would immediately swell up with a little coaxing, and then she could use Extraordinary Vizsla to her satisfaction. What little power was given to her.

Therefore, protecting Bo-Katan Kryze is tantamount to putting a warm face on someone's cold butt. Although a certain mirror said that he was willing to put stickers on this butt, after all, this is a thankless task and even half the result with half the effort.

But after all, this was a direct order from Tang Xiao, so he naturally needed to find a way to arrange it.

In fact, the main reason why Tang Xiao issued this order was because he was vaguely uneasy about the situation on Mandalore. He believes that Chao Chao-Vizla is not the real mastermind behind the scenes, and there is probably someone else controlling it.

According to the original plot, this person should be Darth Maul who saved his life from the garbage dump, but now the intelligence department of the Principality of Dawn has also not found Darth Maul's movements. For these powerful Force-sensitive people, it is even more difficult to obtain their intelligence.

But regardless of whether it is Darth Maul or not, Bo-Katan Kryze is someone who must be protected. Because after Satine Kryze disappeared, if something happened to Bo-Katan Kryze again, the planet Mandalore would definitely be in even more chaos.

Although Jango Fett and the 20 true Mandalorian warriors he led are extremely powerful, in terms of political influence, they are still far behind the Kryze family who have successively served as the Grand Duke of Mandalore and ruled the planet. too far.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Severance Tann could only send a few ghost agents to find ways to get close to Bo-Katan Kryze, maintain surveillance as much as possible, and protect it in case of crisis.

Then, Jango Fett secretly established an organization called the Mandalorian Restoration Army, and then carefully developed his own power among the people of Mandalore.

After experiencing so many things, Jango Fett has now become mature and steady. Even though he has been transformed by the Spartan Project to make him extremely powerful, he has not been superstitious about his own power. Instead, he has spent a lot of energy on dealing with it. On the ideological work of those people who are unwilling to succumb to the tyranny of the Death Guard.

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