The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1860 The Galactic Empire Full of BUFFs (Part 2)

1861. The Galactic Empire Full of BUFFs (Part 2)

Compared with the Galactic Republic at its peak, the Galactic Empire controlled about one-third less area. However, these areas were originally the fringe areas of the Galactic Republic, and they would be lost if they were lost.

Overall, the power of the Galactic Empire is indeed stronger than that of the Galactic Republic.

But this so-called "stronger" is not because Palpatine is working hard to govern, nor is it because the system of the Galactic Empire is more advanced than that of the Galactic Republic. It is simply because the exploitation of the Galactic Empire has become more serious.

Under Palpatine's rule, the Galactic Empire adopted extremist, totalitarian, and even terrorist methods to exploit and collect all the wealth and resources in the areas under its jurisdiction. And with the support of the empire's extremely powerful fleet, his plundering claws also extended to the inner ring planets that once supported him.

Palpatine is indeed very cunning in this regard. He gradually lifted the power of the inner and core planets step by step.

When he first became the Speaker of the Galactic Republic, his power was still very weak. Compared to the wealthy families in the inner and core circles who had countless wealth and resources, he was like an ant who could be crushed to death at any time.

However, he was cautious at first during his first term, walking on thin ice, and won the favor of most people. However, he secretly accumulated strength, attracted supporters, and collected evidence and dirt on his political opponents.

Then during his second term, he struck hard and defeated most of his political opponents in one fell swoop. From then on, he became like a fish in water in the political arena of the Galactic Republic.

Next, he triggered a separatist crisis, letting the clouds of war fill the sky over the galaxy, making everyone in the galaxy feel in danger, and the nobles and wealthy families with large amounts of wealth were even more afraid of war.

In this way, Palpatine can get the nobles and wealthy families to support him, because he has already passed the crisis on the planet Naboo and built himself into a brave, iron-blooded person who is not afraid of powerful enemies. Wealth had to continue to support him. Because they also believe that only Palpatine can defeat the separatism and preserve their status and wealth.

But for Palpatine, it was all planned.

As the war approached, Palpatine began to continuously promote the "Military Creation Act". In fact, at this time, he still lacked political power, and the "Military Creation Act" failed to pass after several votes.

However, at this time, Count Dooku and he cooperated internally and externally, further worsening the situation, and even signed a secession treaty on the planet Geonosis, preparing to establish the Confederation of Independent Systems. As a result, Padmé Amidala and the Jedi Order were concerned and confused. When investigating the separatism, they discovered that Count Dooku was about to trigger a war, and this was also planned by Palpatine.

After seeing the countless robot phalanxes on the planet Geonosis and the majestic Separatist fleet surrounding the planet, the Council finally surrendered. And their surrender still did not mean agreeing to the Military Creation Act, because it meant handing over military power to Palpatine.

The people in the parliament are not stupid. Of course they understand that whoever holds the military power is the boss.

But Palpatine took advantage of Jar Jar Binks's kindness and did not touch the Military Creation Act, but he got the emergency ruling power for himself. Through the emergency ruling authority, Palpatine was given the power to issue direct executive orders during a separatist crisis without going through Congress, as long as he could prove that the decision was made to solve the separatist crisis.

And because Jar Jar Binks was against Padmé Amidala, and Padmé was seriously injured in bed because she was attacked by Jango Fett and the spaceship was shot down, so Jar Jar Binks's speech was interpreted by others in the parliament as a signal that the opposition led by Padmé also supported Palpatine's emergency ruling powers.

As a result, Palpatine, who received emergency ruling power, used this power to forcefully pass the Military Creation Act, establish the Grand Army of the Republic, and firmly grasp the military power in his hands.


This series of combined punches dazzled the members of the Republic's Parliament, and they were defeated one after another. They could only watch as Palpatine took the power of the Republic into his hands step by step.

During the Clone Wars that followed, Palpatine continued to use the crisis of the war to strengthen his power. Although the nobles and wealthy families were still holding on to their money bags, the finances of the Galactic Republic had been on the verge of collapse. .

In their view, this approach prevents Palpatine from gaining greater power, but in fact, this approach only intensifies the class contradictions within the Republic, which is exactly what Palpatine hopes.

The core circle and the inner circle gradually lost the support of the middle circle and the outer circle. The Jedi Order also fell deeper and deeper into the war step by step. They changed their image as the guardians of the galaxy, but became an accomplice in the civil war of the Galactic Republic.

So at this time, what else can the wealthy families in the inner and core circles do except continue to put their chips on Palpatine? They have huge wealth and extremely high status, but it does not bring them a second choice.

Then, Palpatine took advantage of the disastrous defeat in the Eriadu system and the betrayal of the Rendili planet during the war to issue a bill to cancel and confiscate the planetary defense fleets of all planets.

After the promulgation of this bill, except for those planets that Palpatine regarded as his confidants, all other planets were directly turned into bachelors by this bill! They can't resist yet, because resisting is supporting separatism and being a traitor. The increasingly powerful fleet of the Galactic Republic will naturally come to help you realize this.


Then, the Jedi Order was also labeled as traitors and completely wiped out.


When those nobles and wealthy families in the inner circle and core circle looked back, they found that they were alone and became meat on the chopping board. Once upon a time, their power far exceeded that of Palpatine, and they had countless opportunities to overthrow Palpatine, but in the end, it was themselves who were put on the table.

If during the Galactic Republic, it was Palpatine's time to cook, then after the establishment of the Galactic Empire, it was his time to wield his knife and fork to eat.

Food is the entire galaxy! Including those aristocratic and wealthy families in the inner circle and core circle who were once aloof!

The Galactic Empire is indeed stronger than the Galactic Republic. In the final analysis, this strength is not the strength of the total power, but the power in the hands of the government in power, which is relatively strong.

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