1858. Two farewells

Ten days before the fall of Salukami, when Darth Vader led the huge fleet directly towards the defense line of Salukami, Count Dooku immediately connected to Tang Xiao's communication.

Count Dooku looks much older in the holographic projection. He was originally energetic, but now the wrinkles on his face are as deep as ravines, and his majestic appearance no longer exists.

If the war between Tang Xiao and the Galactic Republic lasted for two and a half years, and he was so exhausted that he had to make peace with Palpatine, then Count Dooku, who had fought with the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire for seven years, It's almost burning life now.

"Planet Salukami is no longer able to withstand this round of attacks from the Galactic Empire. We have failed." Count Dooku's voice was hoarse.

Tang Xiao just looked at him, silent and nodded slightly.

"What else can you do to delay our defeat?" Count Dooku said now, almost as a request. For the head of the Confederation of Independent Systems, the once highly respected master of the Jedi Order, and the leader who single-handedly founded the Confederation of Independent Systems, Tang Xiao had never seen him speak in such a tone.

But nothing can be done. Tang Xiao still didn't speak and shook his head.

"Darth Sidious! He has already planned everything! The Confederacy of Independent Systems and I are just the fuse he uses to detonate internal and external conflicts... Once the bomb of the Galactic Republic is detonated, I will be useless ” Count Dooku said slowly, “Even if I insist on fighting him for seven years, it will only delay the arrival of this result...”

"No!" He shook his head again to deny his opinion, "I did not delay this result at all! He has proclaimed himself emperor, and the Galactic Empire has replaced the Republic! Now his power is unprecedentedly powerful... This is his true power plan."

Tang Xiao finally spoke, he said: "Come to Dawn Planet. At least, you can still be alive."

"What is the use of my life? Are you using it as a banner to win over the remaining forces in the outer ring?" Count Dooku sneered.

"At least, you can see the end of the Galaxy Empire." Tang Xiao said.

"What makes you think you still have a chance to defeat Darth Sidious?" Count Dooku asked.

"Just because...you ignited this prairie fire." Tang Xiao looked at Count Dooku and said very seriously, "You still haven't realized what the Confederation of Independent Systems means. Of course, this doesn't mean It’s strange, because as Count Serenno, you have always been aloof and have never stood on the dirty ground to look up at the world.”

Count Dooku showed a sarcastic smile, "You mean those rebels who shouted that I wanted freedom? No, I have been in contact with them a long time ago, and they are also helping me harass the Galactic Empire's logistics supplies. Otherwise, do you think Why can I persist on the Salukami planet to this day? However, they can only go so far."

Tang Xiao didn't want to argue with him, but just repeated, "Come to Dawn Planet, there is still a chance."

"No...hehehehe...no!" Count Dooku laughed, "I built all this! It was me who cut across the hypocritical prosperity of the galaxy! It was me who ignited the flame of freedom! And now, I I have to watch all of this with my own eyes...disintegrated into ashes!"

"I'm very sorry." Tang Xiao said lightly, "Then I can only say goodbye to you."

"You are wrong, Darth Malthael... the Angel of Death... Tang Xiao! You will never be able to defeat Darth Sidious! He is far more powerful than you in every aspect! When When everything about you collapses, your despair will be far greater than mine..." Count Dooku's voice deepened, "But I still want to thank you, because you told me the truth about Darth Sidious. .”

Count Dooku's holographic projection faded, then disappeared. The conference room returned to darkness and tranquility...

Tang Xiao stood there for a while and connected to another communication.

A fat gastropod race appeared in the holographic projection - the Samirs. She wears gorgeous clothes and is covered with all kinds of jewelry. Even the three strands of beard on her chin are wrapped into three braids with gem-encrusted ribbons.

The parliamentary representative of the Semels people, Thunbark-Tula.

As soon as she connected to the communication, she immediately waved her short hands and shouted loudly, "Your Majesty the Governor! Your Majesty the Governor!! The Salukami planet cannot be defended! We are finished! We are finished!"

"Yes, you are indeed finished." Tang Xiao nodded.

Thunback-Tula slowly lowered his hand, and his face was full of doubts. She said this not because she really wanted to face failure, but because she was asking Tang Xiao for help. Unexpectedly, Tang Xiao didn't accept the move at all, but instead told her it was over?

"...Mr. Governor... Once the Salukami planet falls, the Galactic Empire's fleet can reach the Semires planet within five days." Tuunbak Tula became serious, and his voice was serious and low, " If we don't do something, it will be difficult for us to resist this fleet of the Galactic Empire."

Tang Xiao nodded and said, "I know. So now you need to secretly contact Darth Vader and tell him that the Semires will surrender."

"What?! This is impossible!!!" Tuunbaq Tula's voice suddenly increased, even a little sharp, "I can never bow to the Galactic Empire! Neither can the Semires!! The Galactic Empire wants Ride on our heads and dream!! We would rather fight to the last man alive!!”

"If this happens, the planet Semels will flow into a river of blood." Tang Xiao said.

"Are you kidding, aren't you, Lord Governor?" Thunbark Tula still had the last glimmer of hope, "You must have a way to defeat the Galactic Empire, right? Just like you defeated the Galactic Republic countless times before!"

"Not this time, Senator Tula. There's nothing I can do." Tang Xiao shook his head.

"No... no no no no no! Impossible! It is impossible for the Samirs to surrender! Absolutely impossible!" Tuunbak-Tula repeated loudly.

"Listen to me!" Tang Xiao shouted suddenly. The powerful force even caused Thunbark Tula, who was countless light years away, to feel a terrible tremor, and she finally calmed down a little.

Tang Xiao continued: "Just hand over the design of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier and delete the data of the Forerunner's hyperspace jump engine. Then, Darth Vader will let you live. As for the Galactic Empire, we are not with them yet. When it comes time to go to war, we need to continue to build strength.”

"But I have not forgotten...the Governor. Whether in the Confederation of Independent Systems, the Principality of Dawn, or the Masonic Alliance...what I said can also represent all Semires people. We will never Will surrender to power! The Samirs people will always fight for freedom!" Tuunbak-Tula said, "We will not forget our oath, and we will never..."

Tang Xiao suddenly shouted, "Then remember your oath! Then bury this humiliation deep in your heart! Go and bow down to Darth Vader and Palpatine in exchange for your chance to live!! The war is not over yet! I am still standing here! As long as the Dawn Planet is still standing, the Galactic Empire can never say that they are the final winner!!"

He took a deep breath, slowed down and continued: "When I launch a counterattack against the Galactic Empire, I hope that you, the Semires, can still stand by my side and fight alongside me."

Tears streamed down Thunbark Tula's face, "But I see no hope... Even the powerful Confederacy of Independent Systems cannot withstand the attack of the Galactic Empire... What else can we do? We cannot give up on ourselves. belief.”

"The failure of the Confederation of Independent Systems is expected. The real trouble of the Galactic Empire has not yet come, so all we have to do is hibernate and wait. I will never give up the oath we once made, this is my promise ." Tang Xiao said solemnly.

However, Tuunbaq Tula nodded, but then shook his head and said: "I will arrange the surrender of the planet Semires... But I must give an explanation to the Semires people and myself. Explain."

Tang Xiao frowned, "Don't do anything stupid. When we counterattack later, only you can lead the Semires people to fight and deal a fatal blow to the Galaxy Empire!"

But Thunbark-Tula was extremely calm. She said slowly: "To the Semires people, I am just an insignificant existence. On our planet, there are many heroes who stand up to the heaven and earth, with powerful force. A determined fighter, a smart wise man... The planet Semels can surrender, but the fire of resistance in people's hearts should not be extinguished. Let me preserve this fire."

She bowed deeply to Tang Xiao and said, "Then, this is farewell, Mr. Governor. Thank you for your support and help to the Semires people. In the future, I hope the Semires people can continue to work in the fourth civilization. Let’s fight side by side with you.”

Tang Xiao was silent. He couldn't help but sigh deeply when he looked at this congressman who was usually very extravagant and lustful, and even had several pretty boys, who usually did everything from corruption and bribery.

Thunback-Tula's luxury and corruption have absolutely no impact on the powerful industrial world of Planet Semels. This can only show that she has insufficient personal ethics. However, in terms of national justice and persistence of beliefs, Thunbark-Tula has never been ambiguous.

This is why she formed an alliance with Tang Xiao's Fourth Civilization from the very beginning, plotting together for the great cause of freedom and overthrowing the Galactic Republic.

At least she was always fighting until death for her ideal galaxy.

Within just a few dozen minutes, Tang Xiao connected to two communications and heard two farewells... When the holographic projection of Tuunbach-Tula dispersed, Tang Xiao was still sitting in the dark conference room, for a long time Didn't come out.

When the planet Salukami fell, the doomsday bells of the Confederation of Independent Systems had already begun to ring.

Because from this moment on, it is no longer possible for the Federation of Independent Systems to build a new line of defense. All that is left is that the major planets are fighting on their own.

In fact, even in the original plot "Revenge of the Sith", Anakin Skywalker immediately returned to Coruscant to report on his work after conquering the planet Salukami. Because the war was already won at that moment.

In this desperate battle with disparity in power, many planetary governors and congressmen perished with the destruction of the main fleet of the Confederation of Independent Systems.

Thumbak-Tula, a member of the planet Semels, was one of the many people who died. She led the squadron of the planet Semels, set up a formation in the near-geosynchronous orbit of the planet Salukami, and fought the extremely powerful fleet of the Galactic Empire to the last man!

The flagship she was riding on, the Behemoth-class battlecruiser, was under siege by more than a dozen Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Even though the bridge was destroyed and the power was paralyzed, the Semires soldiers stationed in the turrets, He still manually controlled the turrets and kept firing until the battleship was completely blown to pieces by countless turbolaser cannons.

Count Dooku chose to gather his last strength to the planet Laxus, preparing for the final resistance there.

After General Grievous escaped, he did not return to the planet Laxus. Instead, he flew his exclusive Soulless fighter jet towards the Hutt space.

After the fall of Salukami, the Confederacy of Independent Systems collapsed almost immediately.

The Technology Alliance was already on both ends of the spectrum. It was only because it was worried that its investment in the Confederation of Independent Systems would be completely wasted that it continued to work with Count Dooku. Now that it saw that there was no possibility of victory, Foreman Walt - Tambo immediately jumped out and announced his separation from the Confederation of Independent Systems and surrendered to the Galactic Empire.

The planet Semels also followed suit, announcing its surrender and handing over the data of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier.

Among the planets that surrendered was the planet Jabim. Planet leader Otto Stratus once led the people of the planet Jabim to fight resolutely against the Galactic Republic to the end. But what he hates is the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order. Now that both are gone, he has no reason to continue to keep his people trapped in the flames of war.

But before surrendering, he still sent a message to Tang Xiao. The two briefly chatted for a few words, and they had no more than a few words to talk about.

However, to everyone's surprise, Darth Vader, who went on a killing spree on the Salukami planet, did not do anything to punish these surrendered planets. He just accepted their surrender and let them wait and see. That's all. That’s all.

This is simply incomprehensible. Are the Darth Vader who forgave these planets and the Darth Vader who just ordered the massacre of the more than one billion remaining people on the Salukami planet really the same person?

No one knew that when Darth Vader looked at the Semels messenger, the eyes under the mask moved slightly.

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