Chapter 1855 The Development of the Vasaris (Part 2)

1856. The development of Vasari (Part 2)

Completely analyzing their own genetic map like the Vasari people did, which even the Galactic Empire has not been able to do for the human race. In other words, with the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire in this state for 25,000 years, they This condition has not been met.

Because in the past, the Galactic Republic was a state where multiple races prospered together, their demand for genetic technology was mainly to meet the needs of the powerful people in the core circle - those powerful people wanted to live forever and be immune to all diseases. .

Such demand and motivation are far from enough.

And the Vasaris, they were a centralized empire of a single race! In the process of their development and growth, they defeated all enemies, slaughtered and enslaved all races. In the entire galaxy where they were located, only Vasari was respected! Moreover, they have ruled that galaxy for tens of thousands of years. Compared with the Galactic Republic, which defeated the Sith Empire 1,000 years ago and nominally unified the galaxy, their background is not at the same level.

Through nanotechnology and genetic technology, the Vasari people have reached a meticulous level of control over their own bodies. When they colonize an extremely cold planet, the colonists can accumulate a large amount of cold-proof fat and store a large amount of energy without eating for several days; when they colonize a hot volcanic planet, they can grow a layer of heat-resistant Carapace; when serving as warriors, their muscles can be extremely developed, bursting out with extremely powerful strength.

It is precisely because of this technology that they can easily adjust and modify the embryos of their own people. At the same time, they never worry that the embryos grown up with knowledge will cause socialization problems in the future.

In this regard, the humans of Tang Xiao's fourth civilization have been lagging behind from the beginning!

In fact, this is the reason why Tang Xiao left a hegemonic race like the Vasaris until three years ago to awaken them - if they were awakened early, neither he nor his race would be powerful enough, and the result would probably be The Vasaris would become the main guests.

Therefore, after awakening the Vasari people, Tang Xiao must also have a sufficient sense of crisis. Unless he wants to make the Vasaris the main race of the fourth civilization in the future, Vasaris are everywhere everywhere, and races like humans will be reduced to vassals.

There is no doubt that even though High Priest Sadili is now very willing to be loyal to Tang Xiao, this loyalty is dedicated to him personally and is not human. And as the Vasaris were the former overlords of the galaxy, such ambitions definitely existed!

Fortunately, even the Vasaris themselves have their core technology under Tang Xiao's control. At least this can keep Vasari obedient for many years.

At present, the development direction of the Vasari people is very clear. They are using the 3 million embryos given to them by Tang Xiao as the basis. Through genetic modification, these embryos are transformed into twins as much as possible, thus directly doubling the 3 million embryos.

Next, they established their first batch of personnel base by accelerating growth and infusing knowledge, and then these people were just used as reproductive machines. After the second generation of naturally growing Vasaris was born, the second generation was People undergo intensive education to improve their social attributes.

At the same time, every embryo they grow naturally will also undergo genetic adjustments, which can slightly speed up the growth rate, increase the probability of birth, and eliminate infant diseases and premature deaths.

In this way, in up to 30 years, the Vasari people can reach a population of 2 to 5 billion and officially become a powerful civilization!

On the planet Karl, the Vasari people established five cities, two of which are biotechnology-centered and mainly carry out work related to genetic adjustment. One city is an education base, where all naturally grown Vasari people are. Be educated. The other two are industrial cities, in which a large number of nanomachinery factories have been built.

These factories could not be built with the initial 3,000 adult Vasari people. These were all built with the help of the Fourth Group, and this was Tang Xiao's investment in the Vasari people.

Now, these factories have begun to operate and have begun to continuously produce various necessities for the development of the Vasari people. They also produce the products that Tang Xiao's Dawn Principality needs, such as battleships.

Currently, the only thing the Vasaris can provide is the Ravastra Skirmisher. This is a 90-meter-long heavy frigate with very flexible maneuverability, very thick armor and a twin-mounted heavy pulse cannon.

According to Vasari's naming method, they put the name of the battleship designer in front of the battleship model. For example, the Lavasa Fighter should actually be called "the Fighter-class heavy frigate designed by engineer Lavasa." Another example is the Warren Tucker Deterrence, whose full name should be "the Deterrer-class envoy ship designed by engineer Warren Tucker."

This kind of frigate has very good maneuverability and can almost turn at the same speed as a fighter jet. Therefore, there is no need to install anything like a close-in defense gun. All the energy supply is on the heavy pulse cannon in front. When they attack fighter jets, they also rush up to bite them, and then kill them with one shot. When they attack large battleships, they use their maneuverability to get around to the weakest point of the opponent's battleship and use heavy pulse cannons to concentrate bombardment.

Moreover, this kind of frigates are difficult to destroy due to their thick armor and materials improved by nanotechnology. Some of the weaker firepower is of little use, and the battleship-level firepower is wasted on frigates like them, so they are a very annoying type on the battlefield.

This type of battleship alone reflects the technological gap between the Vasari people and other races. It is also a primary battleship in "Sins of a Solar Empire". Tang Xiao had the navy conduct tests before. One Lavasa fighter can easily kill 10 cobalt alloy-class heavy frigates of the Traders Emergency Alliance!

The test results at that time also gave Tang Xiao a profound understanding that games are games and must be balanced. The reality is reality. The Vasari people's technology is several generations ahead of the Traders' Emergency Alliance. There's no need to say that.

If there had been such a Lavasa Fighter heavy frigate when he just crossed over, the 315-meter-long Hammerhead-class cruiser of the Iron Fang Pirates had attacked very early, and a Lavasa Fighter The heavy frigate can directly let that outdated cruiser go home and rest.

Of course, if Tang Xiao had chosen the Vasaris at that time, he would have become their puppet by now.

Currently, due to the powerful performance of the Lavasa Fighters, the Dawn Principality military has now begun ordering Lavasa Fighters from the Vasari people, but the number ordered is limited.

On the one hand, it is because the Vasari people currently do not need to let them use a lot of productivity in the production of this kind of frigate. On the other hand, it is also because the addition of such a warship that is completely different from the existing civilization system will bring logistical pressure.

The people in the Navy are mainly using Vasari technology to upgrade their existing warships. This is the right path.

The development of civilization is naturally not about turning your fleet into a miscellaneous army. Once such a miscellaneous fleet goes out, it is inevitable that the logistics department will cry, make trouble, and hang yourself with you. The development of civilization should be inclusive and comprehensive, and ultimately achieve the same goal through different paths.

Including the current Navy of the Principality of Dawn, it has long been determined that its main battleship will be the main tone of the Amarr Empire battleship in "EVE", and to this end, it has upgraded and transformed the battleship production line and logistics production line. In "Sins of a Solar Empire", the battleships of the Traders' Emergency Alliance serve as auxiliary and supplementary services, and in "StarCraft", the Tyranids' Behemoth-class battlecruisers serve as multi-functional comprehensive battleships.

And even the battleships and Behemoth-class battlecruisers of the Traders' Emergency Alliance have actually begun to integrate their respective technologies. For example, the battleships here have begun to be equipped with the voltage-type armor of the Amarr Empire to enhance their combat capabilities.

In the end, the different types of warships from different civilizations in the Principality of Dawn were integrated, that is, only functionality was considered, while other basic technologies were all the same. Of course, Tang Xiao still has a long way to go before reaching this level.

Accompanied by High Priest Shadili, Tang Xiao visited each of the five cities of the Vasari people, mainly to give the Vasari people a gesture and show that they were the race that Grand Duke Liming valued most. At the same time, It also highlights the friendly relationship between Tang Xiao and the Vasari people.

The five cities built by the Vasaris used a large number of robots and unmanned machinery, and also employed a large number of migrant workers.

During the relocation plan of the planet Rendili, the Vasari people, who had just begun to develop and were in urgent need of labor, also accepted more than 6 million immigrants on the planet Karl.

However, among these immigrants, Tang Xiao still retained some selfish motives. He mainly handed over some of the non-human races among the immigrants to the Vasari people, such as the Rodians, Weequays, Niktos, and Farin people. Although the vast majority of the residents of Rendili are humans, after all, as a super planet with a population of 600 billion, it is not surprising that there are residents of other races.

The Vasari people obviously do not have a complete naturalization and resettlement process for immigrants like other star regions in the Principality of Dawn. They have only one use for this batch of immigrants - as slaves!

There is no doubt that although the Vasaris are a galaxy-level race, they have widely retained slavery.

Therefore, it is self-evident what kind of life these immigrants who were thrown to the planet Karl as Vasari slaves would live. In other words, Tang Xiao actually sold these immigrants, so he mainly chose non-human races.

After all, Tang Xiao himself is also a human being. Who doesn't have a selfish desire to put humanity first? The racial equality that the Dawn Principality is calling out now is out of necessity for development. It does not mean that Tang Xiao really has a heart for racial equality.

Walking in the Vasari city, Tang Xiao also deeply felt their superb level of urban construction. Vasari's cities were very scientific and prophetic in terms of planning, functions, and zoning. They have even reserved locations for many 10,000-meter-high super buildings in their cities! It can be said that when designing and planning, they have already completed the layout of the entire city.

Later, when Tang Xiao visited the city used for the education of the next generation, he was deeply impressed by the Vasari education system. The Vasari people had a very strict hierarchical system, but they attached great importance to education. The gaps between their different classes would not exist in education, and at the same time, they also retained a channel to achieve class crossing through education.

Finally, what Tang Xiao valued most was the Vasari phase research base. Hundreds of Vasari phase engineers study here the technologies they once left behind, and then analyze, classify, and archive them one by one for ready access.

Stargate's technology comes from here.

As mentioned before, the Vasari people still have insufficient population and their industry has not reached the corresponding level, so they cannot complete the construction of the star gate alone. Therefore, after they complete the research on stargate technology, the specific construction work still needs Vasari engineers to guide the engineering team of the Principality of Dawn to carry out the construction.

In addition, when building a star gate, it is also necessary to make up for the differences between the civilizations of the two sides. This is also the reason why the construction of the star gate currently costs a lot of money.

Moreover, the star gate technology that the Vasari people can currently study and analyze is only the most basic star gate. This kind of primary star gate only provides one-to-one navigation. For example, if you want to complete the communication between three points A, B, and C, you need to build two star gates at each point to connect the other two points respectively, instead of just one star gate. Feel free to change destination.

So now Tang Xiao only allows the construction of two star gate channels, namely from the Dawn Planet to the Rendili Planet, and from the destination selected by the Unknown Star Territory Exploration Fleet to the Vathian Planet in the Model Sector.

By the way, the reason why the planet Vathian was chosen instead of the star planet Annaji, the capital of the sector, is partly because the planet Annaji has received a large number of immigrants. There are many people with mixed eyes, and they have no idea what the composition of those immigrants is. Stargate's Construction can easily leak. On the other hand, because the Vathians are the most adept at large-scale engineering among the races under the Principality of Dawn, they are familiar with building star gates.

After visiting the five cities, Tang Xiao and High Priest Shadili also discussed many future cooperation between the Vasari people and the Principality of Dawn.

The most important one is that Tang Xiao will send a large number of professional teams in engineering, scientific research, agriculture, etc. to Planet Karl. These teams not only help the Vasari people develop, but also learn from the advancements of the Vasari people, so that the accumulation left by the Vasari people during their time as the overlords of the galaxy can become the accumulation of the Fourth Civilization itself!

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