1854. Three years

Tang Xiao took a deep breath and nodded.

He knew that this was the current situation of the Dawn Principality. The governance of a country, especially one that spans hundreds or thousands of galaxies, is never as simple as addition.

It is naturally a good thing that 600 billion people, most of whom are educated and highly qualified, will join this country. But the addition of these 600 billion people is far from as simple as popping up a number like population + 600000000000.

You need to resettle these people, feed them, let them perform their duties, and let them really start creating value. This is a very long-term project.

To put it bluntly, even if the population of 600 billion is on the planet Rendili, it has been gradually formed after tens of thousands of years of development. Each of them is engaged in their own jobs, but the jobs they are engaged in on the planet Rendili may not be the jobs that the Dawn Principality can provide.

According to the statistics provided by Adele Ulan, about half of these people are engaged in work such as contract manufacturing, agency management, and agency work from the Galactic Republic. When the planet Rendili betrayed the Galactic Republic, the original work of these people was meaningless.

Then at this time, these people need to be repositioned.

Therefore, the three major star sectors of the Dawn Principality, which received a large number of people, and the planet Rendili, which lost a large number of people, have also experienced a decline in strength.

Therefore, the past few years have been a vacuum period for the Dawn Principality.

At this time, the Principality of Dawn must never conflict with the Galaxy Empire again!

Adele Ulan's report was perfect, and the relocation of Rendili's planet was also completed very well. She showed strong learning and management abilities, which made Tang Xiao feel very pleased.

The relocation plan is proceeding in an orderly manner. After the construction of the star gate begins, the biggest problem on the planet Rendili will gradually be solved, and the Principality of Dawn will surely take off again!

Tang Xiao returned to his office and began to prepare for his visit to Planet Karl.

Three years have passed since the war ended and the Galactic Empire was established. In the past three years, the Principality of Dawn has seized this rare peace, developed rapidly, solved its own internal problems as much as possible, and tried its best to become a more stable and stronger country before the war that is sure to break out in the future. posture to face the Galactic Empire, an unprecedentedly powerful enemy!

In the past three years, the construction of the Navy of the Principality of Dawn has only been proceeding smoothly. Now the entire army has a strong force of approximately one thousand capital ships and twenty thousand small and medium-sized warships. However, the upgrading of battleships has not been carried out. The Hell's Angel class, Catastrophe class and Behemoth class are still the core and main force, with Dunov class, Aiken class, Martha class and Doomsday battlefield class battleships as auxiliary.

After all, this is a time of peace, and rashly upgrading equipment will only plunge one's military production into chaos. As a party with original technological advantages, it is best to remain unchanged in response to ever-changing changes.

When war starts in the future, just carry out targeted upgrades based on the newly commissioned warships of the Galactic Empire.

The only one trying to update and upgrade is Tyron Heavy Industries' Minotaur Project, which plans to miniaturize the Behemoth-class battlecruiser. However, this plan has not yet been solved because of the energy problem of the scaled-down Yamato cannon, so although it was launched a year ago A prototype ship has been built, but the formal design has not yet been completed.

In addition, there is an upgrade plan for the Cole-class battlecruiser, which is still under design and is expected to start within this year. This plan will also comprehensively upgrade the more than 200 Cole-class battlecruisers currently in service in the Principality of Dawn, allowing these warships that have begun to lag behind to keep up with the pace of modern warfare.

In addition to these, the biggest thing is the construction of the second ship of the Ankeron-class Titan battleship, the Yuanzhu. Originally, the service plan of the Yuanqi was supposed to be completed last year, but because of the previous invasion of the Yago-Dur system by the Galactic Republic, and the Yago-Dur planet was also flying around like marbles due to the huge gravity of the Trisolaran star. Go, this caused great damage to production on the planet Yago-Dur.

As a result, the Yuanqiu will have to wait three years for its commissioning.

The difficulty in giving birth to the Minotaur class and the delay of the Yuanqi, coupled with the population explosion and decrease in productivity caused by population migration problems, these series of problems together put the Dawn Principality in a very dangerous situation.

It can be said that if the Galactic Empire goes to war with the Principality of Dawn regardless of the situation, it is very likely that the Principality of Dawn will not be able to defend the two front lines of the planet Yago-Dur and the planet Eriadu.

Fortunately, the previous Clone Wars, especially the two large-scale battles of the Model Sector Raid and the Yago-Dur Planet Attack and Defense Battle, caused the Galactic Republic to completely lose. After being reorganized into the Galactic Empire, the imperial military is still wary of the technologically advanced and powerful Principality of Dawn, so it is not willing to take the initiative to provoke a war.

Therefore, now, the strong rise of the Vasari people has given the Dawn Principality a brand new point of strength growth.

The rise of the Vasari people is different from that of the Salarians before them. It is also different from the stars with a sparse population, who are always coy about their racial and moral obsessiveness, and who are never willing to truly integrate into the big family of the Fourth Civilization. The spirit is different.

The Vasaris, from the very beginning, showed the super power of a race that was once the dominant race in the galaxy!

If their development on the planet Karl were detected by an intelligence agent from the Galactic Empire, that person would probably wet his pants immediately!

This is why Tang Xiao attaches so much importance to the Vasari people, and even wants to personally visit this race, which currently has a population of less than 10 million!

A red and black spaceship that looked like a giant claw slowly landed in the secret space port next to the Grand Duke's Mansion on the Dawn Planet.

This spacecraft is about 400 meters long, with a sharp hull and equally sharp hulls on both sides. The overall look is like a big claw with three fingers.

The cabin door opened, and a luxurious atmosphere rushed in. The interior decoration of the spacecraft is extremely luxurious, and it looks noble and elegant. It does not give people a feeling of extravagance. On the contrary, it only makes people feel the background behind this luxury.

Two teams of Vasari men in robes came out of the spacecraft. They raised their hands and offered the highest courtesy to Tang Xiao and High Priest Shadili.

Entering this palace-like spaceship, Tang Xiao sat down on the throne in the middle. Immediately, several servants brought delicious wine and food. While Tang Xiao and High Priest Sadili were having a pleasant conversation, the spacecraft entered hyperspace. , flying straight towards the planet Karl.

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