The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1848 Levik’s War to Destroy the Country (End)

1849. Levik’s War to Destroy the Country (End)

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of hundreds of fighter jets, the powerful anti-aircraft firepower around the Kryak Palace was cleared one by one.

Their fire control system is meaningless against the stealth Phantom fighters and Viking fighters. Even if those weird biological batteries allow them to detect these stealth fighters, with this kind of uncontrollable detection, they cannot form an effective resistance.

boom! boom! boom! boom! ! A group of Phantom fighter jets flew over at low altitude and fired a series of missiles at the Kryak Palace. Continuous explosions suddenly exploded, and the anti-aircraft firepower set up around the palace was immediately blasted into the sky!

The Xilu Empire never thought that this extremely powerful empire would be attacked like this!

Hundreds of years ago, ever since the Xilu Empire obtained bio-battery technology from the ruins, they have fought against all the invincible opponents around them. They have always been the only ones to bomb each other's capital. When has your own capital ever been attacked?

For the Xilu people, this is a complete shame!

Even in the eyes of the civilians around Kryak Palace who were not qualified to live in the palace, this situation was completely unacceptable.

In the sky, cluster bombs and missiles kept appearing out of thin air, and falling to the ground set off violent explosions!

The Xilu soldiers could only blindly fire wildly at the sky, but they didn't even know where these fighter jets were! Although weapons that use biological batteries can have a certain degree of autonomy, they can also detect the presence of stealth fighters. But to ordinary soldiers, those stealth fighters raging in the sky are demons that can never be touched!

Before the drones from other airports on Levick's planet arrived, the combination of Ghost fighters and Viking fighters had already firmly controlled the air superiority over Kryak Palace.

The Xilu people were unable to organize effective air defense firepower at all. The Eternal super aircraft carrier, which had entered near-geosynchronous orbit, continued to fire bombs on the ground, clearing the Xilu people's air defense firepower points and anti-aircraft missile positions one by one.

After Levik's planet's only orbital defense cannon was destroyed by the Eternal's particle spear near the Kryak Palace, Levik's planet had virtually no means of threatening the Eternal.

As for their fleet... yes, the more than 40 Siri-class battlecruisers with a length of 900 meters and a height of 600 meters are indeed unmatched by the Eternal, but these battleships...

Sorry, they are still 550 million kilometers away...

After gaining air supremacy and suppressing ground air defense firepower, the Eternal super aircraft carrier finally began its landing operation!

On the Eternity, each of the 300 Fourth Legion soldiers was assigned an M-9407 single-person orbital drop cabin. This modified orbital drop cabin can form a directional shield for protection, and from Land directly to the ground in low-Earth orbit!

boom! boom! boom! boom! ! One by one, the orbital drop cabins landed like cannonballs. Both buildings and artillery positions on the ground were directly destroyed by the huge kinetic energy of the orbital drop cabins!

And the moment it approached the ground, the orbital drop capsule's reverse thrust rocket started immediately, offsetting most of the downward gravity acceleration, allowing the orbital drop capsule to land safely.

Of course, this so-called ‘safe landing’ is only relative.

Because of this airborne method, among the entire Dawn Principality Army, only the Fourth Legion and the Incholi Avengers, who are no longer human beings, can do it!

boom! ! An M-9407 orbital airborne capsule crashed to the ground. The huge kinetic energy exploded instantly after smashing a house. Huang Yehao, who had been prepared for a long time, roared out and rushed out. The M-99 saber-type assault/sniper multifunctional rifle in his hand directly fired a burst of rapid fire. Burst firing, killing all the Xilu soldiers who appeared in his field of vision.

Without any pause, he ran at a speed that was beyond the reach of ordinary people, directly over a broken wall more than three meters high, threw a grenade to cover, then rolled continuously to avoid a burst of intensive machine gun fire, and then suddenly burst into flames. rise! With one punch, a Xilu soldier who was nearly two meters tall and looked like a ferocious raptor was knocked away!

This is an anti-aircraft missile position, and several Xilu soldiers are controlling the phased array radar array to lock onto the Phantom fighter in the air and prepare to fire. Now that Huang Yehao has landed, it is naturally impossible to give them another chance to fire!

The M-99 saber rifle fired a burst of bursts, knocking down several Xilu soldiers again, and then drew out the polymer sword with his backhand, and started killing among these Xilu soldiers!

In less than three minutes, Huang Yehao alone had slaughtered the air defense missile position with more than 20 soldiers!

The other soldiers of the Fourth Legion who came down from the airborne capsule were like tigers rushing into the flock of sheep, easily wiping out the Xilu army near the landing point, and then began to merge together.

In fact, the soldiers of the Fourth Legion have all undergone biochemical transformation, and their physical fitness is equivalent to three to five times that of ordinary humans.

As for the Xilu soldiers, because of their unique racial advantages, they do not need biochemical modification, and their average physical fitness is almost the same as that of the soldiers of the Fourth Army.

However, when these Xilu soldiers faced the soldiers of the Fourth Legion, they were still eliminated by them like chopping melons and vegetables!

The combat consciousness and combat skills of both sides are not at the same level at all!

The 300 soldiers of the Fourth Army who landed in the orbital drop capsule immediately opened a gap in the ground defense circle of the Kryak Palace.

Ever since the victory of direct orbital bombing tactics using orbital drop pods in the Battle of Terminus, under the leadership of Tang Xiao, the military of the Fourth Civilization began to vigorously develop orbital airborne troops. It is not just the construction of military units, but also the continuous improvement of related tactics and related equipment.

300 soldiers of the Fourth Army formed breakthroughs at 300 locations, and then they began to gather into small teams, each with 5 people. Continue to expand the safety area of ​​the landing site on a squad basis.

Immediately afterwards, 120 D-77-TC Pelican transport planes that took off from the Eternal super aircraft carrier fell from the sky one after another. Each Pelican transport plane carried 15 soldiers and a Scorpion tank. After they landed, they also began to The portable deflector shields were pulled up on the spot to form solid defensive bunkers, and then more soldiers began to be gathered.

The Pelican transport aircraft is very efficient, mainly reflected in its ability to take off and land vertically at very high speeds. It takes less than 30 minutes to transport soldiers from the Eternal.

At the same time, three 100-meter-long Hercules transport ships appeared in the sky. There are actually two huge mechas hanging on the bellies of these three transport ships! !

After the Hercules transport ship landed, a total of six giant mechas unfolded their bodies from folding and reloading. The Thor's Hammer particle beam cannon in their hands and the four 350mm caliber Punisher cannons on their backs demonstrated the incomparable power of this giant mecha. Firepower!

That's right, the Thor Mecha!

Mass production type!

The mass-produced Thor mecha is much smaller than the prototype's height of more than 20 meters, with a height of only 16 meters. However, with the application of various mature technologies, the firepower configuration of the mass-produced Thor mecha has not weakened at all!

A Thor mecha carries the equivalent of the firepower of an armored battalion!

When the first wave of Pelican transport planes landed and three Hercules transport planes also sent six Thor mechas to the ground, the Army of the Dawn Principality had formed an indestructible advantage inside the huge Kryak Palace.

Because Kryak Palace is equivalent to a very modern small town, the internal terrain is still very complex, so the Army of the Dawn Principality is still fighting steadily, relying on the powerful firepower of the Thor Mecha to advance step by step.

The Xilu soldiers who appeared inside the Keriyak Palace were all of the red caste with red skin. As a warrior caste, their strong fighting power was engraved in their genes.

Finally, they began to gather together to launch a counterattack. Thousands of large red caste Xilu warriors with well-developed hind limbs roared and rushed toward the landing defense line of the Dawn Principality soldiers!

But what greeted them was bursts of intense firepower! The soldiers of the Principality of Dawn set up the M-247 general-purpose heavy machine gun and the E-WEB heavy blaster machine gun that was imported in large quantities due to its excellent performance and wide acclaim, forming cross fire points. The crazy firepower made those powerful Xilu people red The soldiers could only abandon countless corpses and retreat in panic!

In low-Earth orbit, the Eternal super aircraft carrier also fired continuously according to the logo of the ground army troops!

As long as the Xilu army has any idea of ​​launching a large-scale counterattack and starts to gather troops, it will be discovered immediately by the Eternal, which monitors the battlefield at all times. Then at the first opportunity, the Eternal will detach several turbolaser turrets and conduct the first round of air bombing on the assembled army targets.

And this is just the beginning! What follows is the low-altitude strafing and missile bombing of Viking fighters and Ghost fighters. The bombing of these fighters is more precise. All the heavy tanks and armored units of the Xilu people will be cleared away by the fighters in the sky.

After that, it’s the fourth legion soldiers’ breakthroughs and accurate kills!

In the end, it was the frontal advance of the Dawn Principality Army!

Basically, after this set of procedures, there is not a single Xilu Empire army that can still maintain its normal formation!

Under this extremely powerful firepower, the army of the Xilu Empire was littered with corpses, and several counterattacks they launched were repelled. The Army of the Principality of Dawn also took this opportunity to start advancing towards the core hinterland of Kryak Palace.

The Xilu Empire's fleet did not return one after another until 4 hours after the marines on the Eternity began to land. Most of the returning warships were those who had stayed near the planet before, then discovered that a stealth warship was providing coordinates for the Eternal, and then swarmed out to encircle and destroy the stealth warship.

Most of these warships of the Xilu Empire were at a distance of about 1 million kilometers when the Eternal jumped to the vicinity of Levik's planet, and they returned for rescue as soon as possible.

These fleets include 10 Siri-class battlecruisers, 15 Ulif-class cruisers, and 30 slave cruisers. Although this fleet is dispersed in formation, in terms of strength, it can already compete head-on with the Eternal super aircraft carrier.

At this time, the Eternal super aircraft carrier was continuously unloading its marines and was unable to conduct tactical maneuvers, so it simply relied on its powerful deflector shield and thick armor to stay in place and fire back.

At the same time, the surrounding Steadfast-class cruisers and Double-Blade electronic warfare light cruisers also joined the battle group.

Since the war began, the first real fleet battle between the two sides officially broke out!

Just like in the previous battle, after detecting the approaching Xilu fleet, the Eternal super aircraft carrier immediately turned its bow and began to fire with the three particle light spears. Facing the Siri-class battlecruiser, the three consecutive shots of the particle light spear were one shot at a time, without any suspense!

After losing four Siri-class battlecruisers, the fleets from both sides finally engaged in a fierce exchange of fire.

The Eternity has always been with its escort warships, backed by Levik's planet, and arranged in an unbreakable defensive formation, giving the Xilu Empire's fleet no chance at all.

The warships of the Xilu Empire were no match for the Eternal super aircraft carrier and the Steadfast-class cruiser equipped with super-matter electromagnetic guns when they were bombarded from a distance. After several rounds of salvos, they suffered heavy losses. Finally, under the command of the Xilu commander, they rushed towards the Dawn Principality fleet position at full speed, preparing for a melee.

At the same time, 550 million kilometers away, the fleet of General Lepic, the supreme military commander of the Xilu Empire, was advancing slowly like a snail.

Of course, in fact, their speed is not slow, and they have reached speeds of millions of kilometers per hour under repeated acceleration. But for the vast universe, this scary-looking number is still just a snail's pace.

General Lepuix was so angry that he ordered several warships to forcibly enter hyperspace jump, hoping to imitate the feat of the Eternal super aircraft carrier that appeared directly near the planet Levik.

But the battleships collapsed and disintegrated without any warning, telling General Lepuix what a huge technological gap there was between jumping and leaping!

With no other option, Lepic could only lead his main fleet to use sublight engines to sail to Levik's planet. Even according to the most optimistic estimates, it would take them two and a half days to return to Levik's planet.

General Lepix could only maintain constant contact with the supreme ruler of the Xilu Empire, the great Siritut. He kept encouraging the great Siritut, telling him that when his main fleet arrives, his powerful firepower will be able to annihilate that mysterious fleet.

There is no doubt that it is absolutely impossible for the Eternal super aircraft carrier to fight against 40 kilometers-class battlecruisers. General Lepuix's confidence was never groundless.

However, as the Eternity landing operation unfolded, General Lepuix found that the great Siritut's mood was getting more and more wrong. He became more and more irritable and irritable, and started swearing almost every time he disagreed. This emotion almost infected everyone around him.

Because he has seen the end approaching.

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