1828. Ghost Academy

At this time, the civilian officer added: "In addition, the Holy Spirit Research Institute has given a plan. They said that they can set up check-in points for Force-sensitive people in each city, and then increase publicity to let those people Come and sign up voluntarily." Nova said: "This matter should not be done by you. The Ghost Academy cannot be exposed to the sun. Let the Holy Spirit Research Institute do it."

The officer said: "Actually, I think that the Holy Spirit Research Institute brought this matter to us because they wanted us to contribute some effort, or at least give some money..."

"It's absolutely impossible to give money!" Gabriel Tosh said with a wave of his hand.

Nova thought for a while and said: "To cooperate with the Holy Spirit Research Institute, you might as well cooperate with the Army. At least the Army is larger and can also put the recruitment of Force Sensors in the recruitment notice. And... The Army has more money."

"Then go and talk to the Army." Gabriel Tosh said.

"I'm not going. This is your Ghost Academy's business and has nothing to do with me. Don't forget, I'm a ghost, not you drug-addicted ghosts..." Nova smiled and tossed Tosh's way. He blew a kiss, then turned over and jumped off the window sill, disappearing without a trace.

Gabriel Tosh said to the officer: "You go and resolve this matter. If the Army disagrees, I will go find it again, Tang Xiao."

"Yes." The officer nodded.

"Go take a look, recruit." Tosh stood up and walked towards the door.

They took off in the spaceship, left the Dawn Planet, and flew towards the Sonel Planet in the Model Sector.

The planet Sonnel is a planet specifically used as a prison. Currently, more than 40 million criminals are imprisoned on it. It is guarded by an army unit composed of an army with a total number of 300,000. Moreover, the guard troops are heavily equipped with heavy equipment such as Scorpion tanks, Banshee fighter jets, and Titan mechas, which are enough to deter anyone trying to escape from prison.

And there is a defense fleet around the planet. The number is not huge, but it is also equipped with second-line battleships such as Cole-class battlecruisers, Higra-class battlecruisers, Home-class modified aircraft carriers, and Gray Horse-class escort aircraft carriers.

Therefore, in the heavily guarded planet of Sonel, those criminals became a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. And being able to be sent all the way to Sonnel to be imprisoned also shows that the crimes of these criminals are not light, so naturally it is impossible to give them any human rights.

So these criminals become a resource instead.

In order to make them do labor camps, a large amount of farmland and production bases were opened up on the planet Sonel, and a large amount of crops were produced and exported to other planets. At the same time, in order to take advantage of these criminals, a terrifying existence called the Beast Legion composed of criminals was born.

Not only that, many giant companies also like to set up test bases on the planet Sonnel. For example, Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group is one of the most enthusiastic. They often use those criminals for human trials. Those who are more lucky are used in clinical trials of some new drugs. Those who are less lucky are directly thrown into experiments on T-virus and T-Veronica virus. Then Basically, they will mutate into various weird monsters and then be dealt with.

Of course, in order to avoid polluting the environment, Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group's laboratory is set up in the Arctic Circle of the planet Sonnel, using natural low temperatures and magnetic field isolation devices to prevent the spread of pollutants.

At the same time, military industrial companies such as Tai Lun Heavy Industry also have experimental bases here. For example, their research on the CMC-300 powered armor, and the research on the Vulture and Rhino mechas conducted by Doctor Octopus Otto Osavis, were also conducted using criminals.

Gabriel Tosh also took a fancy to this planet, and he established the Ghost Academy on this planet. Because in his opinion, he also believed that this planet was very suitable for the training of new recruits in the Ghost Academy.

On the one hand, it is because those prisoners can be used as training objects, and on the other hand, it is the native race on the planet Sonel - the Kian'thar.

The total population of the Kian-Sa people is about 30 million to 50 million. They are a race that evolved from reptiles, so they still retain amphibious living habits. The main settlements are established in shallow waters near the ocean.

Their society is relatively closed, and they refused to interact with the Airu people since they occupied the planet. Later, when the fourth civilization ruled the planet, the Kian-Sa people also retreated to their own territory and had no contact with each other at all.

As for the Liming Principality, they are too lazy to care about them for the time being. Anyway, their technology is very backward. Fishing and hunting are their main activities, and they will not cause much conflict with their own side.

In fact, within the Principality of Dawn, there are many races that refuse to join and communicate. The Principality of Dawn will not forcefully recruit them, because it will bring instability to its own society. In contrast, most of the people on the planet Rendili are human beings, so such immigrants are valuable.

At least it won't cause unnecessary trouble because of race.

However, the biggest feature of the Kian-Sa people is that they are born with the ability to telepathize!

Naturally, this telepathic ability cannot be compared with that of the Star Spirits, and it can be said that they are far apart. But this kind of rudimentary telepathy can at least sense the other party's emotional fluctuations and some superficial actions.

After Gabriel Tosh learned about the existence of this race, he immediately became interested in these people. He opened the Ghost Academy on the planet Sonel, in order to train ghosts and at the same time have some preliminary contact with the Kian-Sa people.

Even worse, you can secretly kidnap some Kian-Sa people and use them as samples for research.

Of course, if he can finally tame the Kian-Sa people and become part of the Principality of Dawn, then maybe he can train these Kian-Sa people into a terrifying army - a psychic force! The Kian-Sa people, all of whom have telepathic abilities, are definitely more suitable as an army than the unstable and rare Force telepaths.

In order to achieve this goal, Gabriel Tosh, who has always seemed to be a ferocious villain, even applied to Tang Xiao to form a sociology department dedicated to researching and communicating with the Kian-Sa people. When Tang Xiao saw this request, he looked at Tosh with a look of surprise as if the sun had risen from the west.

Gabriel Tosh took a spaceship to the western hemisphere of the planet Sonel. Compared to the eastern hemisphere, which has more land, this hemisphere is mainly composed of oceans and countless small and large islands scattered across it.

On one of the super-large islands of about 100,000 square kilometers, the spacecraft lowered its height and entered a valley area. Here you can see a group of buildings that are not very large at present, and this is where the Ghost Academy is located.

In the other direction of the island, there is a Kian-Sa tribe of about 5,000 people. So far, the two sides are still in peace.

After the spacecraft landed, Gabriel Tosh walked out. The Ghost Academy is currently divided into 20 districts, which are almost the same size as a small town. Among them, the recruit training camp occupies 5 districts, and each district trains about 1,000 recruits.

In addition, there are storage area, security area, voodoo area, ghost area, experimental area, punishment area, simulation area and other zones with different functions. The entire academy currently has 5,000 recruits, 170 official ghost agents, and a total of 20,000 staff, civilian personnel, and military security personnel.

The soldiers stationed at Ghost Academy are all in black military uniforms. The officers are more majestic, wearing a black big-brimmed hat, a black windbreaker and a black tights, which has become a symbol of the Ghost Academy.

Gabriel Tosh got on a Warthog off-road vehicle and entered one of the recruit training areas. He only saw 1,000 recruits undergoing physical training on the training area's playground.

These recruits are the force sensors detected in this census. In addition to some secret platoons who found them and those who came to recruit on their own initiative, there are more than 8,000 force sensors in total. Those who are too low in physical fitness or too old will be eliminated, and the remaining 5,000 people will be left after the initial screening.

Then 5,000 people were divided into five recruit camps according to different age groups and basic physical fitness for systematic training. Because this is technically the first batch of large-scale recruits recruited by the Ghost Academy, even Gabriel Tosh himself has no confidence in how many people can complete the cruel training and become ghosts.

So when he was discussing with Tang Xiao, he told Tang Xiao that it was best to be prepared for at least half of the new recruits to die during training. But Tang Xiao told him that even if people fail to pass the elimination, they should try to avoid death. Otherwise, if too many people die during training, it will affect the subsequent recruitment of troops.

After some final bargaining, Tang Xiao said that the mortality rate he could accept must not exceed 20%.

The recruit camp that Gabriel Tosh is currently watching is the one with the best physical fitness between the ages of 20 and 30. There is also a youth recruit camp nearby, ranging from 15 to 20 years old.

The instructors asked these recruits to undergo very strict physical training to first improve their cardiopulmonary function, and then increase the amount of exercise and improve their physical fitness.

After completing the physical training, it’s time to get down to business. Everyone went to a huge circular laboratory, put sensors and data cables on their heads, and began to use the Force under the guidance of scientific researchers and instructors.

This stage is relatively gentle so far. It mainly allows these recruits to concentrate and activate their own force to move a small paper ball in front of them.

However, because those who come to Ghost Academy are all Force sensors with a midi-chlorian density of less than 3,000 and greater than 1,000, most recruits are unable to do this. However, the scientific researchers and instructors will continue to guide them patiently, at least to let them learn how to activate the force.

Gabriel Tosh looked around the laboratory and saw that one of the recruits could already use the Force to move a block out of thin air. For others who can't even move a ball of paper, this is a huge improvement.

"This man's midi-chlorian density is more than 2,600." The officer next to him said.

Gabriel Tosh nodded, came to this man, his pupil-less eyes stared at the recruit, and said slowly: "You are lucky, you have been able to master the power of voodoo! And this Power can make you extremely powerful!"

"But I just want to run a farm." The recruit was about 20 years old and still childish. He trembled in front of Gabriel Tosh.

"Your name?" Tosh asked.

"Thank you Jun..." the recruit replied softly.

"You have a big mental problem." Gabriel Tosh said with a grin. "When you come here, you should be a murderer who worships the power of voodoo!"

"I... don't..." Xie Jun seemed to want to distinguish something, but Tosh picked him up with one hand and threw him to an instructor.

"I will give you ten days to correct his mental state." Gabriel Tosh said with a ferocious expression, "A ghost should not have a weak heart!"

These recruits still don't realize what kind of terrible training they will face. In the eyes of these people, today's physical training is already very hard.

As everyone knows, this kind of physical training is just a warm-up. In the eyes of those instructors, such physical training is just to prevent their bodies from quickly collapsing during subsequent development and torture!

You must know that those who serve as instructors of the Ghost Academy are the first batch of ghosts in the Principality of Dawn! And these ghosts were all trained by Gabriel Tosh himself!

Gabriel Tosh does have good intentions and does have his own bottom line and moral principles. But don't forget, he is first and foremost a ghost, a cold-blooded killer! In the original plot of "StarCraft", he wanted to rescue the people in the training camp, but that didn't mean that when he was the dean of Ghost Academy, he would have any mercy on these recruits!

It is true that he will not inflict unnecessary torture on these recruits, but he will not have the slightest reservation to destroy the compassion in the hearts of these recruits. Because as a ghost agent, mercy is equal to death!

In the following days, these recruits will gradually begin to be exposed to stimulation including electric shock, freezing, and whipping to further guide their use of the Force, and at the same time, the hesitation and kindness in their hearts will be eradicated bit by bit. And in this process, spices - 'spiritual light burst' will also be used to further stimulate them mentally.

Although there is only one word difference between ghost and ghost, their training methods are actually very different. The training of ghosts focuses more on the violent development of psychic powers, while ghosts mainly use psychic powers as tools and auxiliaries.

Therefore, for the training of ghosts, in order to squeeze out the final potential of those people bit by bit, they can only use extreme and terrifying methods.

And those who survive such training methods will inevitably have their minds distorted!

Thanks to Mingwu Huaxia for the 1,500 starting coins! !

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