The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1814 Death of the Sith Lord (Part 2)

1814. Death of the Sith Lord (Part 2)

Darth Tenebrous was still escaping, and his escape method was very rough. He just kept changing to various spaceships, changing various routes, and running around among the complex towers of Nar Shaddaa.

As long as he can distance himself, he will try it.

Because he knew that his pursuer was tracking in the same rough way - he just relied on that faint sense of the force to keep tracking him until death!

Darth Tenebrous has not yet tried to leave the Nar Shadda satellite in a spaceship, mainly because he has not yet planned his next escape route. Under such circumstances, if you rashly leave the Nashada satellite, which is rich in resources and has everything you need, if you are tracked again, you will rarely be able to find such a good place as Nashada to continue to escape tracking.

He must find a fast enough spaceship, exchange the currency on his body for enough UpiUpi coins, and then find a secret enough hyperspace channel to confirm the next hiding place. It would be best to find a connector on the next planet to help with placement.

The most important thing is to get enough resources in a place like Nashada to avoid running out of ammunition and food after leaving here.

But the top priority right now is to distance yourself as quickly as possible while the induction is still there. In this way, there will be enough room for movement when the induction disappears.

Darth Tenebrous knew that his action of restoring the force just now must have been sensed!

Because the person who is chasing him is himself!

That's right, himself!

To be precise, it was his own body! But inside this corpse, Darth Malthael stuffed an extremely crazy soul, a person he once knew, but never imagined that his soul was still there!

Darth Venamis...another apprentice of Darth Tenebrous.

After Darth Tenebrous's great apprentice Darth Plagueis gradually grew to be extremely powerful and intelligent, he was worried that Darth Plagueis would betray him one day, so Darth Tenebrous Secretly recruited another apprentice, this is Darth Venamis.

Darth Venamis is also incredibly talented, but it is mainly in the attainment of lightsaber swordsmanship. He is not very good at other Force skills.

In other words, when Darth Tenebrous cultivated Darth Venamis, he planned to cultivate a sharp blade from the beginning. He wanted to directly kill Darth Plagueis when he could not control him. Kill!

But later, Darth Tenebrous was still assassinated by Darth Plagueis, and was later resurrected with the help of Darth Malthael's death force.

After his resurrection, Darth Tenebrous knew that Darth Venamis later went to Darth Plagueis for revenge, but he was no match for Darth Plagueis and was directly killed. Plagueis killed. But death is not the end, but rather endless torture.

Darth Plagueis imprisoned Darth Venamis in his dark altar, killed him, resurrected him, resurrected him, and killed him again! This process lasted more than 20 years! Moreover, during these long 20 years, Darth Plagueis conducted endless horrific experiments on Darth Venamis, and these horrific experiments, without exception, made Venamis feel... It's so painful that it's crazy!

After 20 years of torture, Darth Venamis, who was resurrected and tortured to death countless times, has long become a madman with only hatred in his mind!

After Darth Malthael resurrected Darth Tenebrous, in order to control him, he seized his body and only resurrected him in the body of another Bith man with average talent in the Force. But this did not stop Darth Tenebrous's ambition. He finally escaped after all his plots, and used his extremely superb Force technology to cut off Darth Malthael's induction, but this was not the case yet. over.

He knows better than anyone how vicious Darth Malthael's methods are. In order to kill him, Darth Malthael can use absolutely any means!

But Darth Tenebrous really didn't expect that Darth Malthael actually stuffed the ghost of Darth Venamis into his body, and then let his body that had been dead for decades The rotting corpses are coming to hunt you down! !

Darth Venamis had already gone crazy. At this time, he had long forgotten the relationship between master and apprentice, although he was indeed a very loyal apprentice. After being stuffed into the body of Darth Tenebrous, under the double brainwashing of Darth Malthael's death force and Sith alchemy, Darth Venamis' only thought was, Capture Darth Tenebrous and kill him!

Then, you can replace it!

His own body is naturally closely connected to his soul.

After Darth Tenebrous first tried to fight Darth Venamis who was chasing him, he realized that his current body with average talent was no match for him! Because of his body, he is one of the most talented people in the galaxy with the Force!

Therefore, Darth Tenebrous gave everything he had to Shen Qiao, escaped by himself, and delayed as much time as possible, at least not letting Darth Venamis affect himself and Shen Qiao. That big plan planned by Eun Gong!

He has been running away like this for nearly a year, and Darth Venamis' pursuit shows no signs of stopping. This is exactly what he once said - "When a Sith Lord wants to kill you, you'd better make a plan that is a thousand times worse than the worst-case scenario you judge! Because the Sith Lord, you can do anything!"

But this time, Darth Tenebrous felt more and more uneasy... because in the induction of the Force, he seemed to have foreseen his own death...

Although the outcome of death was already doomed when he left Jon Shen and the planet Dathomir, the feeling of death has never been so clear now!

Darth Tenebrous gritted his teeth as he continued to accelerate the spacecraft, flying towards an area of ​​smugglers in front of him at high speed.

However, at this moment, he suddenly sensed an extremely powerful dark side force erupting from the upper floor of one of the 10,000-meter-high towers in the smuggler area!

Someone is fighting with the Force! !

Not only that, he was so familiar with the Force power of one of them!

Yes, so familiar! Because as a trade, he taught this man everything he had learned in his life in exchange for the chance to be resurrected...

Darth Malthael! !

"You are here!" Darth Tenebrous gritted his teeth, "Is this the arrangement of the Force? Or is it destiny?"

His eyes gradually became crazy, "Hahahahaha... Now that you are here, you are here! Darth Malthael! Then suffer death!! Die with me!!!"

Darth Tenebrous suddenly turned the direction of the spacecraft and rushed straight towards the tower! An extremely crazy plan took shape in his mind!

That's right! Since he already had a premonition that he would die in Na Shaddaa, why not bring one more person to support him? !

Thanks to Obiwan for the 1999 starting coins! !

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