The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1808 Meeting with Count Dooku

1808. Meeting with Count Dooku

Tang Xiao also smiled and said, "It's already an honor for me that you didn't draw your sword directly after seeing me."

Count Dooku made an invitation gesture, and then led Tang Xiao towards the outside of the bridge, to the hangar platform, and said at the same time: "Do you think I will really mind you negotiating peace with Palpatine? Hahahaha , No." He laughed heartily.

"Perhaps I was very angry at the time. I felt that you had abandoned the agreement we had made." He continued, "But soon, I also understood the plight of the Dawn Principality. In this war, the attention and pressure you have endured are too much." Big. I can’t even imagine what will happen the day the Galactic Empire breaks through your border defenses if peace is not negotiated. Especially your extremely advanced battleship technology, if Palpatine gets it, it will be catastrophic. .”

"It's really great that you can understand us. Don't worry, Count Dooku, our positions are always the same. The Galactic Empire will always be our common enemy." Tang Xiao also said with a smile.

He is no longer the political idiot he was before, and he is naturally clear about Count Dooku's meaningful expression. At the same time, he does not think that Count Dooku will really not care about the previous separate peace talks. As long as the time is right, Count Dooku will definitely retaliate.

And even now, Count Dooku is definitely coveting the mysterious technologies of Dawn Planet.

Never forget that even if Tang Xiao has not been recorded in the Book of Sith to become the true Sith Lord, Count Dooku, as a being who has long despaired of the light and has completely fallen into the dark side, deep down in his heart will never What a good idea.

As they spoke, they took the rail transit to the hangar platform. Count Dooku once again earnestly invited Tang Xiao and his wife to board his private ship, the Geonosis solar sail shuttle.

The spaceship took off, and Count Dooku specifically asked the pilot to circle the six giant ships a few more times. The huge warship, which was so huge that it was almost impossible to see the end of it after approaching it, passed by the spherical porthole, giving people an incomparable shock.

When the spaceship flew over the Slaughter battleship, Tang Xiao pointed to the two devices on both sides of the Slaughter that had replaced the Conqueror-class standard high-energy directional electromagnetic pulse cannon, and asked: "What did you do to the Slaughter? Modification?"

"Hahahaha!" Count Dooku stroked his snow-white beard and smiled proudly, "This is our top secret, but if His Excellency the Archduke asks you personally, of course I will tell you everything. This is a super weapon equipped with the biochemical weapon Trihexalon. Transmitter, rather than those chemical names, I prefer to call it...Dragon's breath."

"This name is indeed very domineering." Tang Xiao looked at the huge device emitting an ominous green light through the porthole and said, "But biochemical weapons? Isn't this thing used to fight against ships?"

Count Dooku shook his head, "Of course not. Trihexalon is a super biological weapon with a very high contagiousness and fatality rate, and the dragon's breath can spread this virus to the entire planet's surface in a short time. Then In less than a week, that planet will turn into a dead zone."

He showed a cruel smile and added: "Moreover, the planetary shield cannot block the breath of the dragon. Any planet, as long as the Slaughter has the slightest chance to catch it, will immediately be under the breath of the dragon. Complete destruction! Hahahaha..."

Tang Xiao was quite accustomed to such murderous speeches, like killing an entire planet with one mouthful, because he himself was such a person. He turned sideways and asked: "So, you are already preparing for DS-1?"

Count Dooku's expression darkened, "Yes, it seems you have also received some news. Palpatine has officially launched the DS-1 plan."

"He did a very good job of keeping secrets. If we hadn't known about the existence of the DS-1 plan in advance and then worked backwards, it would have been absolutely impossible to know about the various investments that were dispersed into millions. In fact, They point to the same project," Tang Xiao said.

"Once DS-1 is completed, it will be a fatal threat to us! The planet's offensive and defensive battles will no longer exist, and ordinary planetary shields cannot withstand DS-1's shots, and the planet will be directly destroyed. If If the fleet cannot resist the advance of DS-1, then everything it passes will be in ruins." Count Dooku said in a deep voice, "That's why I displayed the dragon's breath. If Palpatine wants to use it, If DS-1 comes to deal with me, then I will use the dragon's breath unlimitedly."

He glanced at Tang Xiao, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his face, "Of course, I will never mind sharing the technology related to the dragon's breath with you."

"You are too generous, Count Dooku. This is exactly what I want." Tang Xiao followed suit and did not refuse.

Although he has already made a plan to confront DS-1, the future Death Star, and has already started preparations, there is no need to talk about it here.

To fight against the Death Star, Tang Xiao actually had exactly the same idea as Count Dooku - to deter each other. But compared to the Federation of Independent Systems, which has limited technical power, Tang Xiao has a lot of things that can deter the Death Star. He just needs to find the easiest thing to achieve.

He thought for a while and reminded: "However, I am afraid that just relying on the dragon's breath cannot really stop Palpatine. We also need more powerful weapons."

"This is natural, hehehe." Count Dooku smiled, "We are currently studying the technology of the extractor. I believe that if we can achieve something, the enlarged extractor will be able to destroy a planet. It's just that we are still encountering many difficulties in our current research... If you can send some engineers who have participated in the development of particle spears to support us, our progress should be faster."

Are you asking for something now? Tang Xiao smiled slightly, but asked: "Do you have great difficulties in your research? How did I hear that the construction of the Devastation-class battleship has begun?"

Count Dooku's expression finally changed suddenly, and his whole temperament suddenly turned cold. He said coldly: "You are indeed very well informed, Your Excellency the Grand Duke."

"Hahahaha." Tang Xiao responded with a sunny laugh, "Don't be nervous, Count Dooku. The particle light spear is indeed too sensitive. I still dare not send engineers here. However, I still have a few here before. A team has conducted the research and development of the extractor cannon, and they will also be helpful to you. Don't worry, the Confederacy of Independent Systems is resisting the attack of the Galactic Empire, and I will naturally not begrudge it."

The gloom on Count Dooku's face disappeared, and he also clapped his hands and laughed, "Very good, very good... hahahahahaha!"

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