The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1797 The real core wealthy family (Part 2)

1797. The real core wealthy family (Part 2)

Tang Xiao narrowed his eyes. Although he did not personally participate in what happened during the speaker election after the siege of the planet Naboo in 32 BBY 13 years ago, Francis Underwood was one of the witnesses. , the thrilling process of that election was no less thrilling than the war on the planet Naboo!

At that time, members of the Ring faction, who had a large number of votes in the parliament and were overwhelmingly popular, supported the Granite member Ainle Tim's bid for speaker under the leadership of party leader Aoun Fryta. And according to previous surveys, Ainle-Tim's support rate is much higher than Palpatine's.

In the movie, after being elected, Palpatine just said lightly to Queen Padmé Amidala, "I was elected because I got a lot of sympathy points as a senator from the planet Naboo." But in fact, it was far from that. !

Palpatine started the election at an absolute disadvantage with almost no one optimistic about it. However, after the election began, Ring Party leader Orn Free-Tower defected on the spot and publicly announced his support for Palpatine. This gave environmentalists a blow! And in the next election, the chaotic Ring faction will be unable to stop Palpatine, who is getting more and more votes!

In the end, Palpatine was elected against the odds and was elected Speaker of the Galactic Republic by a small margin!

The overt and covert fighting behind this election was extremely cruel. After all, it would take an unimaginable amount of power to make the leader of the largest faction in the parliament switch sides on the spot!

However, at this moment, in Sonya Tag's mouth, it was just as simple as hooking their fingers!

The heritage of those ancient wealthy families since the founding of the Galactic Republic 25,000 years ago is so terrifying!

"Yeah... tired of it..." Sonya Tag said: "So, we and Palpatine both have a consensus, that is power! Only power can integrate the truly powerful power of the core circle of the galaxy! Only power can allow us to truly display our power unscrupulously! Only power can allow us to expand and plunder without scruples! And then...become stronger..."

Sonya Tag drank the red wine in her hand in one gulp. The bright red wine spilled from the corner of her mouth flowed down her delicate neck and wetted her clothes. The soft dress clung to her body, covering her exquisite and graceful figure. The body is completely outlined.

"Palpatine is doing something like this now... to fully unleash our power... By that time, the Dawn Principality will never be able to withstand the crushing power that the inner circle really bursts out..." Sonja Tag bathed herself in the wine, feeling quite drunk, with a rosy face and slightly open lips...

Riding on her drunkenness, she twirled and danced to Tang Xiao, and fell into his arms. She exhaled like orchid and her face was filled with peach blossoms, "Save my life... I can save the Principality of Dawn... and you can get me too." ...Your family will become part of the glory of the empire, enjoying supreme authority and supreme status...and then...together, we will expand our business to the entire galaxy..."

Tang Xiao looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms. He had to say that although she was nearly 50 years old, her age was just a meaningless number in front of people of her status. Many of the dignitaries in the inner circle are over a hundred years old.

As for Sonya Tagg, she still looks like she is about 30 years old, both in appearance and body, despite the care she has taken with countless luxuries that extend her youth.

She has the grace and beauty of a 30-year-old woman, full of mature charm. At the same time, she has the elegance, grace, and luxurious temperament of someone who has been in a position of power for a long time... Such a beautiful woman is really fascinating.

However, Tang Xiao felt calm in his heart when it came to such warm and fragrant soft jade. Hormones have long been unable to affect his thinking. His first thought just now was, does her husband have any objections to throwing herself into her arms like this?

Then he felt that his vision was too low. For a person of Sonya Tag's status, traditional marriage values ​​and ethics could no longer affect her.

"Hehehe..." Tang Xiao chuckled, "This is really great. I can get such a beautiful woman like you, and also get the favor of the Tag family... With the protection of the Tag family, The Principality of Dawn can also stay away from war and become one of the core wealthy families of the Galactic Empire... It is really, so beautiful..."

He was talking about the beautiful prospect and the beautiful young woman in his arms. Immediately, Tang Xiao kissed her directly... He kissed the cherry red lips, gently held the tip of Sanya's tongue that she couldn't wait to spit out, and tasted the fragrance in her mouth...

Tang Xiao's movements did not stop, and he gently took off the dress that Sanya simply put on her body...

Sonya Tag closed her eyes in intoxication, feeling Tang Xiao's broad chest and masculine aura... She could not refuse such a majestic hero, and only Tang Xiao, an overlord who dared to confront the Galactic Republic head-on, could be worthy. To be worthy of a rich and beautiful woman like her.

However, she didn't notice the vicious look in Tang Xiao's eyes at this moment!

The next second, a literally heart-wrenching feeling occupied all her senses!

All I saw was that Tang Xiao grabbed her everted and mutated heart and tore it out violently! Black blood spurted out, and the surrounding white and tender skin was directly torn and broken. The muscles and even internal organs that were adhered to the mutated substance were directly torn out and then broken!

Sonya Tag's beautiful eyes were full of disbelief, and then the terrible pain made her scream loudly! The voice was hysterical, and the vocal cords that could produce beautiful timbres became hoarse almost immediately. Blood gushes from the throat, bringing the pain of suffocation!

The blood pouring down brought the screams to an abrupt end. Sonya Tag opened her mouth in despair. Blood kept pouring out of her mouth and flowing down from her torn body. The whole room was suddenly filled with the strong smell of blood. !

But not dead?

Sonya Tag was extremely disappointed to find that despite such horrific injuries, she did not die! On the contrary, her consciousness was very clear, so clear that she could hear the sounds of her own skin and flesh tearing, muscles breaking and bones breaking!

"Hahahahahahaha!!!" Tang Xiao laughed wildly while tearing Sonya's body apart, "You gave me the best reason to save you!! The beautiful patriarch of the Tag family! Hahahahahaha!! If I just control you and enslave you, that's so boring! It's so boring!! My power will be discovered by Palpatine immediately, and then you will be killed... But... But... ...Hehehehehehehehehehehe..."

His laughter was filled with morbid madness, "But I want to save you! I want to save you! I want you to see the day when my iron hoofs flatten the center of the empire! Then, I will make you kneel down willingly. Fall at my feet! Become the lowest slave in my hands!! Hahahahahahaha!!!”

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