The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1784 The Difficult Endless Class Super Aircraft Carrier Plan

1784. The difficult-to-produce Endless-class super aircraft carrier plan

In addition to the Spartan Project and Crusader I powered armor, Dr. Halsey also participated as a consultant in the development of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier.

Although the main design team is still organized by the Trade Alliance, no one in the scientific research team of thousands of people organized by Newt Gunray can compare with Dr. Halsey!

This is not to say that Newt Gunlay has no money or resources, but that the talents he can recruit now are of this level. In fact, this is another advantage of the core circle and inner ring compared with the outer ring star region in this galaxy - the educational advantage.

Almost most of the well-known universities in the galaxy are in the core circle and inner ring, with only a few in the middle ring and almost none in the outer ring. Therefore, in terms of the supply of talents, the core circle and inner circle also have absolute advantages over the outer circle.

This was not obvious at the beginning of the war, because at that time, after all, the entire Galactic Republic was one family, and many of the talents recruited by the Trade Federation were from the core circle and inner circle. However, as the war progressed, the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire began to completely blockade the outer ring star area, and the exchange of talents naturally stopped completely.

Therefore, the overall quality of the scientific research team that the Trade Alliance can still recruit has naturally declined.

By the way, in this matter, the split of the Interstellar Banking Association also caused a lot of negative effects.

You must know that Rush Clovis, the chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association (S), used to be a senior official of the Interstellar Banking Association and was a member of the Confederation of Independent Systems. Much of the initial work on the development of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier was carried out by Rush Clovis.

Who knew that Clovis' love for Padmé Amidala later turned into hatred, which eventually became the trigger for him to betray the Confederacy of Independent Systems and join the Galactic Republic. In the end, it also led to a complete break between the human faction of the Interstellar Banking Association and the Muun faction, and finally split into two.

The outbreak of this incident also caused a serious loss of some R\u0026D personnel in the early stage of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier. In addition, Padmé Amidala cooperated with Anakin Skywalker to steal part of the development plan of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier. The first leak of this project.

Therefore, this incident was also the reason why the quality of the R\u0026D team of the Endless-class super aircraft carrier subsequently declined - because they could no longer recruit talents from the core circle through Rush-Clovis.

In addition, the second leak of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier plan was during the Battle of Semires. Many data on the research and development of the battleship were obtained by Shen Qiaoen and Tang Xiao's master Darth Tenebrous. Although Tang Xiao still believes that this data is in the hands of the Galactic Republic, it does not prevent him from judging that this seriously leaked project has lost its suddenness.

Anyway, the major forces in the galaxy now actually know some things about the Endless-class super aircraft carrier. Although they are not complete, it is already known to everyone.

But to say that these two leaks led to the leakage of the core secrets of the Endless Level, this is far from it. Because the core technology of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier actually comes from the ancient super-civilization in the "Halo" world-the Forerunners.

The Forerunners are also galactic overlords. If you really want to compare them, unless they are the Vasaris of "Sins of a Solar Empire" at their peak, the Xel'Naga of "StarCraft", or the Reapers of "Mass Effect", Only the current Kilik people in this galaxy who are supported by the god Taiyi can compare with them.

In other words, compared with these heaven-defying people, the Vasaris are somewhat unqualified.

Of course, the Forerunner technology in the Endless-class super aircraft carrier is still very rudimentary, and it has been analyzed and is part of the UNSC technology, which can be interpreted. The other Forerunners' technologies are now in a state where they are incomprehensible even if they are taken out.

This part of the pioneer's technology is mainly about the design of the engine power system. In other words, even if the Galactic Empire has received two leaks and has a preliminary impression of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier, they still do not know that the Infinity-class engine power system supported by Forerunner technology can support this super aircraft carrier. How many things can a battleship do?

At the same time, this part of the Forerunner's technology was actually completed by Dr. Halsey as a consultant, leading a group of scientists from the Trade Alliance team who were not mediocre but definitely not outstanding.

During the conversation along the way, Tang Xiao also learned that this was the main conflict between Dr. Halsey and Newt Gunray.

Because the technology of the pioneers directly brings about a sharp increase in costs. As for Newt Gunray, the businessman's nature was weird. He always regarded the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier as an upgraded product of their Rookery Hook-class battleship.

In other words, Newt Gunray wants to use the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier as an armed cargo ship... used for fighting in wartime and for hauling goods in peacetime. Some people borrowed usury and refused to repay it, and they can still drive the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier. Wouldn't it be beautiful if the aircraft carrier went to collect the debt?

Especially now that Tang Xiao and Palpatine have signed a peace agreement, Newt Gunray has directly focused all his attention on making money.

This led to a direct conflict between Dr. Halsey and Newt Gunray. Although one was a woman and the other was a coward, it was impossible for the two to fight, but the two sides did a lot of things to undermine each other and confront each other.

Later, it was Count Dooku who came forward to reluctantly resolve the conflict between the two, so that the ill-fated and almost difficult-to-deliver project of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier was finally completed.

Why Count Dooku?

Because although the Trade Federation has now been expelled from the Galactic Empire, and a large number of core and inner ring assets have been confiscated, they are still betting on the Confederation of Independent Systems and the Principality of Dawn at the same time.

In other words, although the Principality of Dawn and the Galactic Empire have made peace, the Trade Federation is still supporting the war on the Confederation of Independent Systems. The official statement is the same as when there was a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederation of Independent Systems, and they were all attributed to different internal factions.

In addition, the specific implementation of the Endless-class super aircraft carrier plan was placed on the planet Semires and left to the Semires people to complete.

And where is the planet Semels? The eastern boundary of the Milky Way. In other words, it is within the core control area of ​​the Federation of Independent Systems.

This is why Count Dooku attaches great importance to the development plan of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier, and he did not hesitate to go out personally to break up the fight - because when the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier is put into service, it will directly join the Navy of the Confederacy of Independent Systems!

This was an agreement reached between Tang Xiao and Count Dooku.

While talking, Tang Xiao and Dr. Halsey also arrived at another laboratory ahead. Through the glass of the laboratory, he saw a tall man with his back to them...

John 117!

Thanks to 213teenager for the 888 starting coins! ! !

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