Chapter 179: Jedi's Counterattack!

177. The Jedi's Counterattack!

The powerful firepower of the spacecraft of the Enterprise Alliance Fleet immediately poured on the heavy cruiser Lord Lord, and the front shield of Lord Lord flickered for a while, and several sets of shield capacitors exploded due to overheating in an instant.

The design of the Fantail-class destroyer is very backward and simple. Except for the two close-in anti-aircraft guns, all the firepower is the single heavy laser cannon under the battleship. But correspondingly, the power of this heavy laser cannon is quite great!

"All shield energy is concentrated in the front! The turret directly in front stops firing!" Woolf Ularen gave a loud command to let the heavy cruiser Lord continue to move forward.

The spaceships of the other Republic Fleet also mustered their last courage, and they also understood that this was their last chance to survive! If the Enterprise Alliance fleet cannot be repelled in one fell swoop, it is obvious that Trench cannot give them any chance of surviving!

So Wulf-Yulalun also went all out, and now there is only one choice-to catch the thief first, to catch the king! !

The Lord's heavy cruiser rushed towards Trench like a wounded beast, followed by other warships of the Republic fleet, and every soldier of the Republic roared like a beast!

kill! kill! kill! Kill the enemies! Then, live!

In such an indomitable charge, the Republic Fleet exploded with even stronger combat effectiveness. Not only in terms of morale, but also because whether it is a Consul-class cruiser or a CSS-1 Republic-class shuttle, the added weapon systems are mainly in front of the spacecraft.

This kind of arrangement was caught by Trench in the previous melee and almost wiped out the whole army, but now under such a desperate counterattack, it has brought out the most powerful firepower!

Correspondingly, the mercenary fleet of the Enterprise Alliance has become full of ghosts after the previous big victory. Now that the bounty has been obtained, there is no need to work hard anymore. After all, if the spaceship is lost, it is your own. When you return to your hometown and continue to fight for territory, the opponent will not care how you lost the warship.

Scarlet Dawn and White Worm's fleet retreated in a hurry, not daring to confront the crazy Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser at all. The fourth group's fleet just hid behind and fired black cannons, and it didn't seem to be advancing at all.

However, when everyone's attention was drawn to the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser, three bolts of lightning arrived in an instant, directly appearing on the battlefield!

Jedi Master Cape-Si and her two apprentices burst into the battlefield in Delta-6 fighter jets, and their speed is unimaginable! The vulture robot fighters that Admiral Trench sent to intercept them before couldn't even touch the tail flames of their fighters!

Master Kepu-xi turned on the auxiliary afterburner engine and directly increased the speed to 4500G!

And you must know that this is the speed in the combat posture, not the speed in the rush state. If the Delta-6 fighter is allowed to run open, it can almost reach an acceleration of 3000G, but Kai Pu-xi directly forcibly increases the acceleration to 4500G!

This kind of speed is no longer a reaction, because the brain can't handle it at all. The computer can react, but it can't complete complex tactical actions at such a speed on a complicated battlefield. There is only one ability to control such a terrifying speed. — Prediction!

Everything that happens on the battlefield is controlled by Cape-Si's force, and she has predicted everything before these things happen!

She controls the fighter plane calmly, and the hand holding the joystick taps rhythmically. With each click, the two laser cannons in front of the fighter jet will fire a short burst, and then a vulture robot fighter plane will be directly destroyed. !

And no matter how the hundreds of vulture robot fighters shot, how they chased and intercepted them, they couldn't touch the fur of these three Jedi fighters at all!

Admiral Trench did not react until the three fighter jets entered the battlefield. He waved his pointer and roared loudly, "The fighter jets of the Jedi Knights are their trump cards! All spaceships, shoot those three fighter jets!"

This order threw the Enterprise Alliance fleet into complete chaos. Some warships were still attacking the heavy cruiser Lord Lord, some warships turned their heads to attack the three Jedi fighters, and some were running around. As a result, the formation was completely disrupted.

What's even more deadly is that even if those warships joined the attack, the countless lasers and blaster beams that were so dense that they shot like a net couldn't even reach a single point of the three Jedi fighters!

Among the countless lasers, the three Jedi fighters shuttled through the gaps like fish, and even managed to destroy the approaching vulture robot fighters with ease.

"Bastard! Shoot! Shoot all the spaceships! Why didn't they hit! Why?!" Admiral Trench felt his mane stand upright, and the Hatch's unique sense of crisis told him that he was under a fatal threat!

The spaceships of the Enterprise Alliance fleet fired desperately, but to no avail. After dozens of vulture robot fighters were destroyed, the situation became even more chaotic. Some spaceships even hit their own spaceships under random shooting!

On the flagship of the Fourth Civilization Fleet, almost everyone watched this scene dumbfounded, and couldn't believe their eyes!

"I thought... only managers can do this level... No, even much stronger than managers!" Helmut Zemo looked at the holographic influence and muttered to himself, "Such a super Human beings... there is only one administrator in the galaxy..."

As he spoke, a sinister sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Is this the power of a Jedi Knight?" Ni Yongxiao took a deep breath, and a light flashed under his glasses, "It completely surpasses the limits of ordinary people. I can hardly think of any other way to limit them."

"Even if the ghost fighter is dispatched, it is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of the fighter jet driven by the Jedi knight." Igor Zavalov said slowly.

Tang Xiao looked at the three Jedi fighters raging in the battleship formation, and there seemed to be a flame burning in his eyes. He clenched his fists, the power from the bright side of the Force sickening him, even more so now.

The Jedi knights on the three fighter jets obviously also used their force to their fullest. In the world of force that only Tang Xiao could sense, the disgusting light side force almost covered the entire battlefield! This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable, but he also regarded it as an exam for himself. The first priority of becoming a Sith is to hide himself!

It took Tang Xiao a lot of effort to suppress the restlessness in his heart again. He turned his head and said to Baron Zemo, "Notify the medical room to prepare the buckta jars. Admiral Trench is going to be in big trouble."

At this moment, Cape-Cy, who was flying a fighter jet, suddenly frowned, looked in a direction behind the Enterprise Alliance fleet, and muttered to herself, "The power of the dark side? Is it an illusion?"

"The Mechanic of Infinity Legend" is back! ! Very good! ! !

Thank you for your rewards. Mechanics’ rewards will be listed in that book when it is updated. Thank you for your support! It also made Xiaojing understand that her persistence as always is not meaningless! thank you all!

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