The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1762 The Rise of Gilad Perrine

1762. The rise of Gillard Perrine

It was precisely because of this defense of the planet Feida and the organization of the Kotaris-Kinios planet blockade in the rear that Colonel Gilad Pellaeon successfully defended the geth's rampage. , preventing this terrifying mechanical life from advancing towards the hinterland of the Seventh Army and the Ninth Army.

In this way, although the pressure on Feida's defense line is extremely huge, it also alleviates the problem of geth raging in other star regions.

It can still be seen that the Geth mobilized a large number of troops from other directions in order to break through the defense line of the planet Feida.

Therefore, Colonel Gilad Perrine was appreciated by the Governor of the Ninth Army, Dunn Wessex. You know, under normal circumstances, a mere colonel, even if he holds a large number of troops and guards an important position, would not fall under the scrutiny of someone like Dunne Wessex.

Especially after the establishment of the Galactic Empire, Dunn Wessex became one of the most powerful figures in the imperial military, competing against Wilhelm Tarkin and the mysterious Darth Vader. . Although the reform of the imperial military has not yet ended, Dunn-Wessex's current status is at least equivalent to that of Deputy Minister of Defense.

Not to mention that in addition to his political status, he actually has a very powerful army in his hands. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the King of the North.

In fact, the war on the planet Feida could have ended six months ago. At that time, after repeated attacks to no avail, the geth seemed to be adjusting their deployment and preparing to give up this direction.

But at this time, Palpatine announced that the Galactic Republic would be reorganized into the Galactic Empire, and what followed was the reform and purge of the military.

In order to consolidate his rule, Palpatine first attacked the army, purged a large number of traditional generals from the original Galactic Republic, and instead supported his own cronies to come to power.

Admiral Wolf-Yularen, the commander of the fleet in the direction of the planet Faida, was purged by the military because he was considered to be too sympathetic to the Jedi Order. He was directly deprived of military power and demoted to colonel. And after a week of political review, he was transferred to the Imperial Security Service.

Along with Admiral Wolf-Yularen, his staff team and officer team were also purged. This directly caused the powerful fleet composed of dozens of capital ships around the planet Feida to be leaderless.

After the slow dispatch and unresponsiveness of this fleet was discovered by Geth, Geth suddenly made a comeback and assembled a large number of troops to launch another raid!

The Imperial fleet was under the temporary command of an adjutant who had an estranged relationship with Admiral Wolf-Yularen. Faced with such a situation, the adjutant could only adopt a cautious strategy and continuously retreat to preserve strength. In short, he could not A self-protection tactic if someone catches you.

The result was a steady retreat, and the Geth also mobilized a large number of Geth individuals and various corpse puppets from other areas, as well as the 'Dragon Tooth' that made the corpse puppets, and parachuted into the planet Feida, and Launched a fierce offensive again!

Fortunately, at this time, Colonel Gilad Perrine had enough time to mobilize and train new recruits. He also continued to apply and even purchased from the black market, obtaining a large number of weapons and equipment.

At this time, although the Galactic Empire military almost stopped dispatching fleets, it was still very generous in dispatching these light weapons and armored units. So the number of militiamen in Gilad-Pellaeon's hands at this time was close to ten million!

On some local battlefields, Gilad-Pellaeon's army can even have a numerical advantage!

So he once again blocked Geth's crazy attack! And Gilad Perrine's performance finally fell into the eyes of a big boss like Dunn Wessex who spanned many military and political lines, and he decided to formally win over the young general.

Dunne-Wessex was consolidating the forces in the north at this time. He placed the frontline planets resisting the geth under the jurisdiction of the Ninth Army under his direct jurisdiction, and the Seventh Army was downgraded to a second-level army. Governor Mather Lin Wessel was also demoted from senior governor to ordinary governor.

There are also a series of political struggles behind this.

Because in name only, the reinforcements sent by Admirals Gilad Pellaeon and Wulf Yularen at that time were actually under the command of the Fourth Army Governor Wilhuff Tarkin, and they were also considered to be Tarkin's. people.

Governor Wilhuff Tarkin's intention at the time was that if Gilad Pellaeon was defeated, he could use it as an excuse to continue attacking Dunne Wessex and seek greater political benefits for himself.

But he never expected that Gilad Pellaeon would block the geth's attack! You must know that this is something that no one in the seven, eight, nine, and ten northern armies of the Galactic Republic has been able to do before! He, a young general in his 20s, actually did it!

Then Wilhuff Tarkin didn't expect that Dunn Wessex's attack was both accurate and cunning, and he backhandedly brought all Gilad Pellaeon's troops under his control in the name of integrating the front! Then Gilad Perrine's brilliant results turned out to be Dunn Wessex's political capital!

However, when the Galactic Empire had just been established and all the powerful factions were busy dividing their own political and military spheres of influence, Wilhuff Tarkin no longer cared about the northern border. He could only curse for more than an hour before acquiescing to Dunne-Wessex's move to place the entire Northern Territory under his own sphere of influence.

The political struggle between the two behind-the-scenes bosses means great opportunities for Gilad Perrine.

Just one month after the founding of the Galactic Empire, Gilad Pellaeon was promoted to rear admiral and established the Fieda Defense Front, with him serving as deputy commander. Achieved the leap from colonel to major general that many people could not accomplish in several lifetimes!

You must know that although there is only one level between colonel and major general, the difference is huge! As a major general, he already has the authority to lead an army alone!

At this time, the commander-in-chief of the Feida Defense Front was Henderson, who was also promoted to admiral. Admiral Henderson also came to the front line again to command the fleet to continue fighting against the geth fleet.

But Admiral Henderson's performance on the front line only proved once again that he was absolutely unable to withstand the geth's attack.

In the next few months, Admiral Henderson's fleet suffered repeated defeats, giving the Geth plenty of opportunities to transport a large number of troops to the surface of the planet Feida and launch a continuous attack!

Because of this, Admiral Henderson was stripped of his rank of general by the angry Dunn Wessex, demoted to lieutenant general, and sent back to the rear to preside over the Cortaris blockade to prevent the geth from using that other weapon. The super-light speed navigation means a sneak attack on the rear.

At this time, Dunn-Wessex decided to place his bet on Gilad Perrine. He ordered Major General Gilard Perrine to be promoted to lieutenant general, and as the commander-in-chief of the Fida Defense Front, he commanded All military affairs for the entire line of defense!

Therefore, six months after the founding of the Galactic Empire, although the war on the northern planet Feida looked no different from before, the series of political struggles and twists and turns behind it had already caused the entire northern territory to be shaken. The battlefield has actually undergone earth-shaking changes! (End of chapter)

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