175. Uninvited Guest

Malastal Fjord.

In this battlefield, there are already floating wrecks of warships, broken parts, broken hulls, cold stumps, and twisted corpses, all of which are floating in this cold and dead universe.

But if you distinguish carefully, you will see that most of the wrecks floating in the universe are spaceships of the Republic Fleet, Consul-class cruisers, Republic-class shuttles, PB-950 gunboats...

Most of the mutilated corpses were also wearing the gray military uniforms of the Galactic Republic Navy. On their chests, the gear-shaped emblem of the Republic had been scorched black by flames.

But the fierce battle continued. Hundreds of spaceships, large and small, surrounded the remnants of the Republic Fleet. However, they seemed to have some scruples. They just blocked them out of range, and from time to time, they broke into one of them in small groups and bombed indiscriminately before returning. formation.

There are only more than 50 spaceships left in the Republic fleet, including 10 Consul-class cruisers, more than 20 Republic-class shuttles and more than 20 PB-950 gunboats. In the previous battles, the PB-950 gunboat with weak combat power was shot down the most. This kind of gunboat couldn't even beat the Phantom fighter in a one-on-one firefight.

However, their backbone still exists-the HMS Lord Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser!

This 600-meter-long behemoth has extremely powerful firepower. It is equipped with 20 quadruple-mounted laser cannons, 10 turbo-laser cannons, and 10 single-mounted heavy-duty laser cannons. When firing salvos, it looks like a hedgehog.

The mercenary fleet of the Enterprise Alliance made a charge under the command of Admiral Trench, and 20 spaceships were destroyed in almost 3 minutes. Although the destroyed ships were mainly the broken ships of the Sicudian pirates, they still gave the participants of the mercenary fleet a great shock.

The fleets organized by Scarlet Dawn and White Worm flinched. Tang Xiao also very tactfully told Admiral Trench that it is best not to push the Republic too hard, otherwise the road ahead will be very difficult. The next thing , should be handed over to the person at the negotiating table.

Admiral Trench was also very helpless, although according to his command style, it should be directly involved from multiple directions at the same time, so that the firepower of the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser was dispersed, and then the superior firepower was concentrated to destroy it directly.

But he also knows that this situation is impossible, because according to the firepower configuration of the mercenary fleet, the task involving the firepower of the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser will definitely fall on the more maneuverable Fourth Fleet and the Scarlet Dawn Fleet. The mission should go to the Enterprise Alliance fleet with 5 Fantail destroyers.

But if this is the case, it will inevitably give the fourth group and Scarlet Dawn some bad excuses. Originally, everyone came here to make money, but you insisted on letting them take the lead to die, and then your own fleet is still hiding behind and waiting to take the heads. Is this reasonable?

Admiral Trench wasn't the kind of person with zero EQ, but he felt wronged. He believes that if the fleet configuration is changed, if his fleet is a high-speed warship and the fleet of the fourth group is a heavy-fire warship, he will also take the lead and let the fourth group take the kill. The problem is that others don't believe it!

As a result, the situation could only be stalemate like this, and Trench could only organize small teams to carry out assaults intermittently, killing several Republic spaceships. Then wait until the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser loses the cover of other spaceships, and then concentrate on destroying it.

But it takes time.

If you want to blame, you can only blame the arrival of such a large capital ship as the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser, which is simply a dimensionality reduction blow to those pirates and mercenaries!

However at this moment,

Tang Xiao was in the middle of the bridge, and suddenly felt something, he turned his head suddenly and looked in one direction, with a ferocious expression on his face.

A sense of disgust appeared in his heart, as if a fly covered in feces was flying around him, buzz...buzz...ah sorry, a group of flies surrounded him!


Tang Xiao just wanted to grab the fly, squeeze its stomach, pull out its intestines, strangle its neck and pull hard~~~~ Ah, the whole tongue came out! Then raise the knife and drop it with a click!

Finally feel comfortable...

That's what it feels like.

But Tang Xiao still forcibly suppressed the impulse in his heart, and the force of the dark side of his body immediately calmed down, not a single bit of it could be noticed by anyone. This is also the first lesson his master Darth Plagueis taught him - to hide himself.

At the same time, a sudden siren sounded, and three fighter jets with hyperspace rings escaped from hyperspace and appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

Tang Xiao turned his head and said to the radar soldier: "Zoom in the optical image and see who is coming?"

The holographic projections of these three fighters appeared on the screen. These are three flat triangular fighters, which are fixed in a ring device by slots. This ring is the hyperspace ring, which itself is a hyperspace engine, which can carry fighter jets for hyperspace jumps.

A technician turned around and said: "The database comparison is completed, there are three Delta-6 fighter jets!"

Tang Xiao frowned, "It looks like the Jedi Knights are here."

The Delta-6 fighter is an advanced fighter produced by Kuat Power Shipyard. This series of fighters is known for its outstanding performance and high cost, and is often used by Jedi Knights.

Before the development of the more advanced Delta-7 was completed, the appearance of the Delta-6 fighter jet was basically equivalent to announcing the arrival of the Jedi Knights. Because the military of the Galactic Republic doesn't have much military spending, it won't order such expensive fighter jets at all.

Sure enough, a moment later, there was a message on the public channel, and a middle-aged human woman in a robe appeared in the holographic projection.

"I'm Kepu Xi, and I'm here on behalf of the Jedi Order." The middle-aged woman said slowly.

Tang Xiao waved his hand at the commander Igor Zavalov at the side, signaling not to connect to the channel, just listen to it.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk... a Jedi master, what are you doing here? Tsk tsk tsk..." Admiral Trench connected to the communication and asked directly.

"The Jedi Order hopes that the Enterprise Alliance can remove the blockade of the Marathal planet and return to the negotiating table. The losses caused by the Enterprise Alliance to the Republic Fleet will be calculated separately." Cape-Si said lightly.

Admiral Trench sneered, "Tsk tsk tsk... Is there a fleet of the Republic here? No, there are only mercenaries recruited by the planet Marathal to fight stubbornly, tsk tsk tsk. Excuse me, where is the Republic fleet? Where? Where is the document of the Galactic Council agreeing to send troops to intervene? Tsk tsk tsk..."


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Delta-6 fighter jet. 】

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