173. Fermentation

No matter which angle you look at, it is absolutely impossible for Phoenix-Valoren to accept such a result-failure!

what does that mean? It means that the Galactic Republic has failed shamefully in a head-on conflict with a commercial company!

The dignified republic lost to an enterprise? What's the point? If this matter simmers, it will almost certainly embarrass the Galactic Republic.

The media, journalists and the general public would not consider any objective reasons for this, nor would they consider why the judicial fleet did not dispatch. They will only see the fleet of the Galactic Republic lose to the Enterprise Alliance!

If this matter is not resolved, then he, the speaker of the republic, will not be able to continue.

Valorum pressed the button of the communicator with trembling hands, and connected to the communication of Deputy Speaker Botan.

Although the results of the Battle of Malastal Fjord are still highly confidential until now, there are still some people with ulterior motives who learned the news through the channels already arranged.

Naboo planet councilor Schiff Palpatine sneered and turned off the communicator, turned around and looked down at the densely packed buildings of Coruscant through the huge panoramic window, and dialed another number after a while.

A burly man with blue skin and a pair of slender horns on top of his head appeared in the holographic projection. Palpatine's expression became extremely worried almost immediately, he sighed and said: "There is some bad news from the front, Mr. Mas-Ameida."

The blue-skinned person immediately frowned, "The only thing that can be called the front line now is the planet Marathal. Could it be that..."

"The Republic Fleet is not fighting well, and has sent a distress signal." Palpatine shook his head and sighed.

"What? The Republic Fleet lost? This will lead to catastrophic results." Mas-Ameida said in surprise, "Is there anything I can do? Representative Palpatine."

"I hope you are ready to take over the position of Deputy Speaker of the Galactic Republic Council. In this extraordinary period, I am afraid that the old Deputy Speaker Botan will no longer be able to help Speaker Finnis-Valorum to tide over the difficulties. We need your help Prestige." Palpatine said earnestly.

Mas Ameda was obviously taken aback, "Compared to me, you should be the best candidate for this position, right?"

Palpatine shook his head and said: "Hey, I am also responsible for this failure. I can't stand up at this time, because it will cause unnecessary associations with Speaker Valorum. But don't worry, I will stand firmly. On the side of Speaker Valorum, for the sake of the Republic."

"I'll think about it." Mas-Ameida nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I think Speaker Phoenix-Valoron will contact me soon, and I need to express our position at this time. I need your help for the next thing, Your Excellency Almeda." Pal Patin said.


On the other side, there are 20 floors underground in Coruscant.

Francis Underwood looked at Tang Xiao in the holographic projection with a serious expression, "You mean, the Republic Fleet suffered a disastrous defeat? If that's the case, let the news ferment, even if Phoenix-Valoron directly It’s no surprise to step down.”

Tang Xiao sighed and said, "To be honest, the Republic Fleet suffered a terrible defeat because of our fleet's joining. Therefore, some of the future that I have seen may change, and you have to be prepared."

"What's the situation on Marathal now?" Francis asked.

"Wulf-Ularen is still fighting with the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser, and their fleet now has less than 100 spaceships left. I found some excuses and didn't continue to let the fleet participate in the battle, just on guard at the periphery , but even so, he won't be able to hold on for too long. But... the Jedi Order should interfere with this matter soon." Tang Xiao said.

"Well, now that things have gotten to this point, I think I need to understand a few things. First question, will Phoenix-Valorum step down because of this?" Francis asked.

"He will not step down. The time is not yet ripe for Palpatine. But this matter must introduce a scapegoat."

"Second question, how will the Enterprise Alliance deal with this matter?"

"You must understand this. From my point of view, I need to make this operation of the Enterprise Alliance fail-just like the future I see. Only in this way can I get the result I want..."


"Why did it fail? Tell me! Senator Palpatine! Why?" Phoenix-Valoren seemed to be more than ten years old, and he yelled angrily after seeing Palpatine.

It's just the rage of the incompetent... Palpatine gave Phoenix-Valorum such a definition in his heart. On the surface, he pretended to be surprised and said: "This is impossible! The defense fleet of the three star regions, especially one of them has a Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to lose to the mercenaries of the Enterprise Alliance. "

"But it just happened! Senator Palpatine, we must come up with countermeasures! The Enterprise Alliance must not be allowed to succeed on the planet Marathal! Once this is done, what will the Trade Alliance do in the future? The Commerce Guild What to do? What to do with the Technology Union? They will all ignore the authority of the Republic!" Phoenix-Valoren said.

"Now we have only one way." Palpatine sneered secretly, and said the long-planned answer, "Jedi Order."

"Jedi Knights?" Valorum was also a little surprised by this proposal, "I remember that the Jedi Knights did send a survey team to the planet Marathal, and they sent Jedi Master Kepu Xi. But the survey team Should have returned."

"So, there is a reason for the Jedi Order to intervene in this matter, isn't it?" Palpatine said.

Phoenix-Valoren shook his head again and again, "No! Even the Jedi Knights cannot persuade the two sides to cease fighting when the war has already begun. What's more, now that the Enterprise Alliance is sure to win, it is impossible for them to make any concessions."

"But...the Jedi Knights are capable of making the Enterprise Alliance retreat, right?" Palpatine said, "Whenever I read the history of the ancient Republic, I yearn for the most glorious and glorious period of the Republic. During the Sith War that lasted for thousands of years, the fighters of the Jedi Order personally charged forward and killed countless enemies for the Republic!"

He opened his hands and sighed, "The lightsaber represents light and justice, and at the same time maintains the authority of the Republic! What a splendor!"

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