Chapter 1711 Yagodul Counterattack (5)

1711. Yago-Durr Counterattack (5)

"We must ensure that the supplies are complete. This attack may last for more than three days." Admiral Gideon Tarkin signed a document and said at the same time: "Send the supplies transportation plan over within an hour, so that The rear base is ready, I want to check it myself."

"Yes!" The logistics officer stood at attention and saluted.

"Pick me up to the astronomy department. I want to know the movements of the stars in the Yago-Dur system in the next seven days." Gideon Tarkin continued.

"General, here are the calculation results of our astronomers." A scientist immediately presented a prepared report, "According to the current movement of the three stars, the largest star No. 1 is currently in a relatively stable state. The other two stars are revolving in two different orbits. However, due to the influence of their mutual gravity, star No. 3 may approach star No. 2 in two days, and then the two stars will form a short-lived binary star system. , this system is relatively stable and should last for about two years.”

Admiral Gideon Tarkin looked at the report, frowned and asked, "What about the planet Yago-Dur? How will it behave during this orbital change?"

The scientist was confident and immediately replied: "During this orbit change, the Yago-Dur planet will be captured by the gravity of the two stars at the same time, and due to the distance problem, it will break away from the gravitational control of the No. 1 star and become a satellite of this binary star system. . However, the gravity of star No. 1 is still strong. Under such influence, the rotation speed of the Yago-Dur planet will accelerate, and the gravity on the planet will increase by about 1.17 times."

Gideon Tarkin nodded thoughtfully and asked: "So, in the next two years, the orbit of Yago-Dur will be relatively stable until the binary system of the two stars on the 2nd and 3rd. Until it disintegrates?"

"That's right. In fact, under the influence of this binary star system, the rotation speed of Star No. 1 is also slowly accelerating. In two years, under the influence of this acceleration, Star No. 1 will be displaced, and this displacement will cause Star No. 1 appears in a new orbit, which will then destroy the gravitational balance of the three stars again, causing the galaxy to become chaotic again."

"How chaotic will it be?" Gideon Tarkin asked casually.

"Sorry, with the equipment we currently have here, we are no longer able to complete such calculations." The scientist shook his head, "But what will happen to the Yago-Dur galaxy at that time actually has little to do with us. This planet We have already returned to the embrace of the Republic, and the Jiwen people themselves know how to deal with it, so let them worry about it themselves."

"It's okay, I'm just asking. You can leave." Gideon Tarkin nodded.

"Yes." The scientist turned and left.

Gideon Tarkin breathed a sigh of relief and returned to work. He would ensure that the upcoming offensive was flawless.

About two hours later, Admiral Gideon Tarkin was already talking to the flight control commander of the fighter formation via communication, but the communication was very unsmooth and seemed to be interfered with, and the noise was very serious.

After taking a lot of effort to finish the work, Gideon Tarkin was unhappy and said to his secretary next to him: "Let the communications department get the communications done as soon as possible! Is it interference from the Separatists or some other factor? ! I cannot launch an attack in such a communication environment!"

"Oh, General, the communications department has just sent a message explaining that there is an electromagnetic storm passing by, but it will pass soon and communications will be restored soon," the secretary said.

Gideon Tarkin nodded doubtfully.

At this time, communications came from the rear base. Among the intermittent words, Gideon Tarkin knew that the last five Vindicator-class heavy cruisers had been prepared and would set off in an hour.

"I understand, we have made all preparations here, and all supplies have been prepared separately. After the arrival of the five Defender-class ships, they will complete combat preparations within half an hour and immediately participate in the attack!" Ji Admiral Dean Tarkin said majestically.

But for such a simple sentence, he repeated it four times before the other party understood it.

He threw away the communicator anxiously and said to his secretary: "Within one hour! The communication must be restored! Otherwise, everyone in the communications department will be shot!"

However, at this time, the communications department was already in chaos.

"Antenna No. 7! Why is there no signal on Antenna No. 7!"

"Don't worry about Antenna No. 7! All our signal transmissions are having problems now!"

"Has the source of interference been identified? Where is it?!"

"I don't know! It's not the No. 2 star or the No. 3 star! It's an interference source emitted from an area with nothing in the middle!"

"Is it a new separatist interference device?"

"The sensors have been scanned, there's nothing there!"

"What if there is a stealth system?"

"You can design a system for me that can emit powerful electromagnetic interference signals while maintaining invisibility?"

"Does the astronomy department have an explanation?"

"I asked 10 minutes ago and they didn't answer anything!"

"Then send someone over and ask him face to face!"

At this moment, a technician suddenly froze. He pointed at the screen and stuttered for a long time without being able to say a complete sentence, "This...ah...two...number two..."

"What are you talking about?" the Minister of Communications walked over and asked.

But immediately, he was stunned and his whole body was stunned!

I only saw that on the whole galaxy star map displayed on the screen, the trajectory of the No. 2 star was changing drastically! This star left its current orbit at a speed visible to the naked eye and moved in another direction!

"Asshole... Bastard! I know! The electromagnetic storm just now is a precursor to the star's upcoming orbit change!" The Minister of Communications said loudly, "Quick!! Go to the Astronomy Department!! Didn't they say that the orbit change will occur in two days? ?!"

At the same time, there was also chaos at the Astronomy Department!

"Star No. 2 has changed its orbit!"

"Damn it! This is impossible! Where is the orbit? How different is it from what we calculated?" A scientist from the Department of Astronomy jumped directly to the screen filled with countless trajectories.

"There is a difference in angular velocity! The rotation speed is also accelerating! If we follow the current trend, there will be a 0.34667 degree difference between the orbit of the No. 2 star after its orbit change and our calculated result!"

"Calculate new orbits now!"

"Calculated! According to the current orbit, Star No. 2 will pass by 21 million kilometers away from us!"

"No! It's too close! There's danger! Notify General Tarkin immediately!"

"No! No! No! This calculation is wrong!"

"What's wrong!!" the Minister of Astronomy roared.

"Star No.! And, it's turning!"

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