Chapter 1683: Battle of Dawn (1)

1683. Battle of Dawn (1)


The Battle of Dawn Star opened a bright road for the final establishment of the Fourth Reich. This battle is the dawn of the empire! —History of the Fourth Reich, Chapter 147, first subparagraph.


A total of 95 Jaeger-class battlecruisers began to be separated from their respective squadrons and reorganized. They were divided into three battle groups, each with 30 Jaeger-class battlecruisers, and the remaining 5 ships were waiting around the flagship Tager as escorts.

After all, the Tagg is a Commander-class dreadnought, not a new Commander II-class. Therefore, although this old dreadnought is huge, its combat capabilities are not very good. Commander-class dreadnoughts are still dangerous in the event of a reckless raid by the Separatists.

Cassio Tag came to the cell on the battleship, and he had the prisoner brought up.

This is an officer who has been tortured beyond human form. A male human in his 30s is dying on the ground at this moment.

Tag didn't speak, just looked at the man quietly, then squatted down and tore off a soldier card from his neck and put it in his hand for a closer look.

The soldier’s card reads the soldier’s information in Galaxy standard language——Xu Yang, the navigator and captain of the LA-3019 transport formation. Race: human, blood type: A.

Fumbling around for this exquisite soldier card made of high-temperature-resistant material, Casio secretly thought that they were quite thoughtful. At least there was no such thing here in the Republic. Clone troopers and the like, when they die, they die. As for the billions of ordinary soldiers, who is willing to add a mark to cannon fodder?

But he still didn't speak. He just stared at the prisoner for a long time before getting up and returning to the bridge.

He straightened his military cap, adjusted his collar, and said loudly in the loudest voice: "Battle Group B, set off immediately! The target is the Endor Galaxy, the Dawn Planet!!"

The 30 Jaeger-class battlecruisers immediately started their hyperspace engines. With a flash of dazzling white light, these battleships all entered hyperspace and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Calculate hyperspace fluctuations immediately!" Casio Tagg asked again.

The navigator turned back and said: "The hyperspace fluctuation is 7.4. The scale of this channel is not large. We estimate that we can pass one more battle group. Then, the third battle group will have to wait for 9 standards."

"Then, after battle group B sends back the message, I will personally lead battle group A to the Endor galaxy first!" Cassio Tagg said.

His new adjutant quickly tried to persuade him: "General, please think again. After all, Dawn Planet is the core planet of separatism, so you are so rash..."

"This raid is reckless!" Cassio Tagg said firmly, "We have no retreat! We can only win or die in battle! But no matter what, we will cut the heaviest stone in the heart of separatism. One knife!!”

Time passed minute by minute, and after nearly a standard hour, Casio Tag received the hyperspace communication from battle group B - [We have arrived at the target location, confirmed to be the Endor galaxy! There are no large capital ships in the galaxy! 】

Is it done...? Casio Tag's eyes became extremely sharp.

Then, he waved his hand suddenly and shouted in an almost roaring voice: "Battle Group A, start the hyperspace engine! Set off immediately!"

The outer ring of the Milky Way, the southwest, the Endor system.

This is a very remote galaxy with only four planets in total, and the one closest to the star is a light blue gas giant planet with a diameter of 148,000 kilometers - the planet Endor.

There are nine moons orbiting the planet Endor, and the planet Dawn, or to be more precise, the Dawn Moon, is one of them.

Looking from the direction of the current outer orbit of the planet, the Dawn Planet is so small. Against the backdrop of Endor, it looks like an inconspicuous lump of earth.

But just such an inconspicuous and small planet has exploded with power that shook the entire galaxy!

In addition to the complete star ring on the Dawn Planet, there are also a large number of space stations, scientific research stations, space docks and other industrial facilities around the planet. It can be seen that this planet had a clear plan at the beginning of its development to build many facilities directly in space to save the very scarce space on the planet itself.

In addition, around the gas giant Endor, there is also an ocean moon, Cave-Bill, where large bright lights can also be seen, which is a sign of a highly industrialized civilization.

These two moons, together with a large number of industrial facilities, are actually surrounding the gas giant planet Endor, making the planet Endor particularly prosperous.

A burst of fierce white light flashed, and the 8,000-meter-long body of the Commander-class dreadnought appeared in space—the flagship of the Republic Expeditionary Force, the Tag!

Followed closely by the next 30 Jaeger-class battlecruisers!

Nearby, the 30 Jaeger-class ships of Battle Group B have been arranged into a battle formation and are ready. Several of these Jaeger-class battlecruisers have deployed their hangar platforms and are taking off and landing fighter formations, and some fighter jets are surrounding the battleship formations for guard purposes.

In the distance, the signal from the sensor showed that the fighter formation of Battle Group B that had taken off in advance had come into contact with the defenders of Dawn Planet.

After the two battle groups joined together, they began to move towards the Dawn Planet at high speed.

The forward fighter formation sent back news that they were fighting the defending fighters. The opponent was mainly Vulture robot fighters, and there were about 100 ghost fighters. The number of troops was not large.

However, the star ring of Dawn Planet has very powerful anti-aircraft firepower, and the fighter formation gave up the idea of ​​getting closer after a little trial.

right here! The stuff of your dreams! Right on Planet Dawn!

"Go forward! Surround the Dawn Star!" Casio Tag gave an order.

The two battle groups plus his flagship, a total of 66 battleships, began to accelerate, and began to split into two routes on the road, flying towards the north and south poles of the Dawn Planet, preparing to avoid direct confrontation with the powerful firepower of the star ring, and first control the poles, Then start a battle to block the equator where the star ring is located.

At this moment, flashes of light were emitted from the rings of the Dawn star, and the radar soldier shouted: "We are targeted by the fire control radar! The enemy's rings are firing!"

"Start evasive action immediately! Spread out and move towards the north and south poles! Avoid the front of the star ring!" Casio Tag ordered.


The warships of the Republic fleet began to accelerate, adjust their direction, and continued to perform irregular evasive maneuvers. Only thick laser beams were seen passing around the warships. There are also many laser beams that hit directly, and under the action of the deflector shield of the battleship, a large amount of energy ripples were generated, and then blocked.

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