The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1679: The Disaster in the Dawn Galaxy (End)

1679. The Disaster in the Dawn Galaxy (End)

"They are at the UT-14 space station! Block traffic on the entire space station immediately!" At the command center of the Dawn Galaxy, the defense force commander loudly issued an order.

The scale of this military base is very large. One of the benefits is that it is a super large base composed of hundreds or thousands of space stations. So in this case, all we need to do is cut off traffic and completely blockade the base where the invaders appear.

In order to achieve this effect, they temporarily stopped all transportation at the expense of the entire base!

Now, finally grab them!

At least two of the intruders were blocked in the space station. All that was needed was to remove all traffic, and then they could slowly move forward to capture them. If that doesn't work, then blow up the entire space station completely!

Upon receiving the news, Onana Kuat was overjoyed and immediately ordered two Jaeger-class battlecruisers to go over and completely surround the space station, and then sent a clone army to search.

There are more than 7,000 staff members inside this space station. If it really wants to blow up, it can only be done if it is sure that there is nothing else that can be done.

While they were carrying out the manhunt, James Bond had also completed his work.

He directly implanted the computer virus given to him by Super Lotus into the mainframe of the military base! In this way, no matter how powerful the firewall of this military base is, it can't do anything at all!

As we all know, what is the most direct way to let a computer virus in a well-prepared computer? It was naturally a seed disguised as an action movie, and then let the owner download it, and regardless of the crazy alarm of the firewall, save the content in the C drive.

"Very good, I have received feedback from the Trojan horse." Super Lotus's voice came, "You retreat as soon as possible, they should soon find out what I did in the monitoring system."

James Bond put away the things in his hands, and said to the air beside him, "Go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a person rushed over from outside! James Bond looked over, and it was the senior officer whose identity card was stolen by him just now, and there were several clone soldiers behind him at the moment.

"He is the one who stole my cipher pen! Catch him!" the officer shouted angrily.

"You know, I just want to go to the command center and have a look." James Bond was discovered, but he didn't panic at all and took the time to straighten his collar.

"Understood..." A deep voice suddenly appeared in the void.

In the next second, only a scream was heard, and a clone soldier was directly chopped into two pieces by the light blade that appeared in the nothingness!

A few minutes later, James Bond came out wearing the military uniform of the senior officer. He straightened his clothes and walked towards the command center.

At the same time, in a nearby inconspicuous communication maintenance ship parked in the space port, Super Lotus was operating rapidly in the control center.

This control center has been simply modified by her, and it communicates with the network system of the military base through the high-power antenna on the spacecraft.

"Let me see what I can do..." Chao Lianhua had a playful smile on her lips. She stretched out her index finger and shook it, then pressed a button on the keyboard with one finger.

At the same time, the siren sounded loudly in another space station! Not only that, all the fire protection systems inside were activated. Several fire-fighting B-1 robots came out, picked up high-pressure water spray guns, pointed them at the confused staff in the office and pulled the trigger! The high-pressure water spray immediately washed the entire office into a mess!

"Sir!! There is a catastrophic fire on the UE-114 space station, and immediate reinforcements are requested!"

"Report! No. 997 energy storage tank is leaking! It may explode!"

"Battleship Venomous Bee! What are you doing! Get back to the berth immediately!! Please answer!"

Almost at the same time, more than a dozen dangerous situations were reported at the same time, which made Commander Kuat feel cold all over when he just felt that he was sure of winning!

"This is impossible!! Why are so many things happening? How many people have infiltrated?!" The commander suddenly threw himself on the console and almost collapsed.

"Sir, it's bad! The UT-14 space station suddenly launched all the escape capsules!" A soldier ran over and said.

"What? Didn't I tell them to watch every escape pod for me?" The commander was shocked again. "Immediately send out fighter jets to intercept all escape pods! Make sure no intruders escape inside!"

On the holographic star map, as expected, I could only see countless escape capsules being launched densely under the heavily surrounded space station!

"There are more than a thousand escape pods..."

"I said intercept all!"

Alarms began to sound in various places in the military base. Not only that, but even their communication systems began to experience interference. All the soldiers in the entire base were exhausted and had no idea what was going wrong again. Moreover, even if they missed the attack this time, they would have to go there the next time there was an alarm.

At this most critical time, no one can guarantee whether any of the alarms are true.

After all, the invaders have proven that they are truly capable of causing tragic destruction!

In the midst of this chaos, James Bond, under the cover of the female Dark Templar Sora-A, came all the way to the command center of the space station where he was located.

"There are 46 people inside," Sora-A said.

"They are all military personnel." A sharp look flashed in James Bond's eyes.


"Ah~~~!!!" A shrill scream came from an officer's mouth, which also kicked off another massacre!

While the killing was still going on, James Bond had already walked to the console of the command center without anyone noticing, pulled down the body lying on it and threw it aside, and inserted the virus-containing storage disk into the control console. He turned on a host and then operated it quickly, "If I remember correctly, the system of the Galactic Republic fleet should be independent. You can try to see if you can break through from this place."

"The Republic's military firewall and Kuate's civilian firewall are not the same concept. Let me give it a try." Chao Lianhua said it was not easy, but her tone was very relaxed. Less than a minute later, she laughed, "Ah Ha, done!"

James Bond was still operating, "Let me see... that's right, the most advanced command center in this galaxy is on that space station!"

He marked one of the space stations, "Destroy this space station! Make the entire base leaderless! I gave instructions to several battleships and told them to open fire!"

"It would be too false to directly let them fire on the command post..." Super Lotus said, "You see, I am smarter. I made the fire control systems of these battleships think that there is an enemy ship between the battleship and the command space station... Then You just need to let them fire on this enemy ship..." (End of Chapter)

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