Chapter 1668 Contradictions

1668. Contradiction

"Strange encrypted information? How strange?" Casio Tag was in a very bad mood right now, so he took the file over and opened his personal terminal to check it.

But immediately, the content of the document made him frown.

Because this is a reinforcement report, according to this report, the Principality of Dawn is continuously smuggling reinforcements to the Anji galaxy through a hyperspace channel code-named H.

And according to the content of the plan inside, the Principality of Dawn is obviously planning to hold back the Republic Expeditionary Force fleet in the Anji galaxy, even if it will eventually lead to the complete destruction of the Anji planet.

Dawn Star will speed up its pace and continuously deliver T-virus biological weapons to the planet Anji, completely disrupting the war situation on the ground, forcing the Galactic Republic to take the initiative to carry out orbital bombing on the planet Anji, and then completely destroy the planet.

At the same time, at the end of the report, there was also a term that Casio Tag was very concerned about—T-Veronica Virus!

So the reason why this information is special is because there are two extremely valuable information in it-the secret channel code-named H, and the mysterious T-Veronica.

The information is followed by the opinions of the intelligence department of the Expeditionary Force. Although they don't know what the term Veronica means, but the prefix T is added in front of it, which is basically related to the T virus. The Ministry of Intelligence believes that this may be an improved version of the T virus, and Veronica may be a commemorative term-maybe the founder, or the name of an important relationship with the founder.

But no matter what, if this term appears here, it must be a big deal! And there is no doubt that among them, separatism is still trying to make a comeback through this so-called T-Veronica.

"In other words, separatism is now pinning its hopes on this biological weapon." Casio Tag said while touching his chin. "If they really get down to it and turn the entire planet Anji into a sea of ​​biological weapons, that's really not good news for us. Maybe we can only choose to blow up the planet Anji in the end."

Adjutant Laszlo Dolittle said with a frown, "Maybe the situation is not that bad. We can strengthen the blockade so that they cannot send biological weapons up."

"Recently there is indeed a sign of this. We have shot down five spaceships one after another, all of which were smuggled biological weapons." The official of the intelligence department said, "Now we have put the hangar of the Tokaga Jager-class battlecruiser The platform was emptied, and anatomical tests for these biological weapons were carried out inside."

"Is there any result?" Laszlo Dolittle asked quickly.

"There are some preliminary results. Compared with the T-virus biological weapons we have obtained before, the DNA fragments we have analyzed are quite different. We are requesting the Republic Academy of Biological Sciences to submit some data from the original version of the T-virus analysis experiment. Give us a comparison." The intelligence official said.

"So, judging from the current situation, slowness is unavoidable. Once time is delayed and the separatists send more biological weapons to the planet Anji, then we may really have to destroy the planet." Casio -Tag said.

Laszlo Dolittle said, "No, General. I think this information is somewhat exaggerated. The T-virus biological weapon is still impossible to be the opponent of our clone army. We just need to fight steadily and concentrate on 4 to 4 of them. Five landing sites, focusing on protecting the ground spaceport we occupy, no matter what methods the separatists use, it is impossible to shake our position."

"Steady and steady all day long! Have you forgotten our situation? Have you forgotten what happened in the Kati region?!" Casio-Tag became anxious, and his desire to win and fear of losing made his emotions The mood was very restless, "Don't forget that biological weapons are contagious! If the people on the entire planet Anji become T-virus biological weapons, then our plan will fail completely!"

"What happened in the Kati region was caused by our failure to concentrate our troops!" Laszlo Dorit was also a little anxious, and he raised his voice uncharacteristically, "A mere legion's strength wants to attack a country that used to have 150 troops. A city with a population of 10,000 people, the result must be extremely scattered and finally destroyed by biological weapons one by one! As long as we concentrate our forces, under the powerful firepower, those biological weapons will not even be able to get close!"

"So you said so much, just want to prove me wrong?! You have been advocating your steady tactics, what do you want to express? To express that you, who have been in the army for more than 30 years and are still only a captain, can beat me Stronger?" Casio Tag said angrily.

"No...General, I definitely didn't mean that..." Laszlo Dolittle hurriedly explained that after all, he was just a veteran who had participated in Stark's hyperspace war. , belonged to the kind of existence that could crush him to death with a move of a finger.

"Then tell me what to do with these biological weapons?!" Casio Tag asked back.

"I don't think we need to go there specially..." Laszlo Dolittle choked back after speaking halfway, because he met Casio Tag's cold gaze, and he couldn't help lowering his head to avoid meeting the other party's eyes , and then said, "Give me a month, and I will definitely take down the capital area of ​​Planet Anji."

"One month? In one month, the planet Anji has completely turned into a sea of ​​biological weapons! How many people are there on the planet now? 6 billion or more!" Casio-Tag said.

"That's just 6 billion zombies..."

Cassio-Tag sighed, shook his head and said, "You are completely unprepared for potential dangers that may occur, Mr. Dolittle. In the military academy, there are too many combat powers that can tell you that ignoring those that may turn into a huge threat In the end, there will be a painful price to pay.”

"Then what should we do?" Laszlo Dolittle didn't dare to speak, he had to ask, and this was his only choice.

"Split a part of the warships to conduct a thorough patrol of the Anji galaxy! Make sure that the separatists cannot send more viruses to the Anji planet! Then do your best to find the hyperspace channel code-named H!" Casio-Tag said, "with At the same time, the ground troops still maintain the current offensive, continue to attack! Don't stop!"

If you really value the T virus biological weapon so much, you should regroup now instead of continuing to attack...

By the time Laszlo Dolittle's words finally came out, it had become a simple "I obey."

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