Chapter 168 The Battle of the Malasthal Fjord (1)

166. Battle of Malastal Fjord (1)

Planet Marathal.

This is located in the fringe area of ​​the middle ring of the Milky Way. It is the intersection between the Hydia route and the Dustieg trade route, one of the busiest routes in the galaxy. It is a relatively key traffic artery.

There are about 2 billion people on the planet, the main race is the Dags, and there are also quite a few Grans and humans.

Because of the unique geographical environment, the planet Marathal became more and more prosperous, and when rich fuel reserves were discovered later, it made Malastal the core of competition among major companies.

In the end, the Consortium won the competition, and they began to open factories and refineries on the planet Marathar to mine fuel.

In exchange, the Enterprise Alliance also helped the planet Marathal to establish a basic industry, mainly the parts processing industry. This is mainly to facilitate the maintenance of the enterprise alliance's own mining facilities. On the other hand, it can be regarded as a cheap exchange. At least in the future, the Marathal planet became the famous Bangta night on Tatooine. Major parts provider for pod racing.

Another important reason why the planet Marathal has become one of the main traffic routes is that there is a magnetic field nebula near the planet Malastal. This nebula caused an anomaly in the gravitational field around the planet Marathal, and hyperspace could only be entered by passing through a relatively narrow region of the magnetic field nebula.

But correspondingly, entering the hyperspace channel from here, the jumping speed of the spacecraft will be much faster than normal.

Hence the name Malastare Narrows, where traffic is heavy and all ships entering hyperspace from the planet Malastare pass through here.

But now...

A flash of white light flashed, and hundreds of fully armed spaceships appeared in the Malasthal Fjord. These spaceships were well-planned and immediately blocked all the civilian spaceships passing by!

At the same time, all the spaceships here received a message in the public channel - 'Because Planet Marathal did not abide by the contract with the Enterprise Alliance, this planet will be completely blocked from now on! All spaceships are not allowed to enter or leave the planet Marathal! Anyone who disobeys will be shot to death! '

Hundreds of spaceships were concentrated in the Malasthal Fjord. Thousands of black gun barrels pointed at those civilian spaceships. The active fire control radar was turned on, and radar waves swept over these spaceships recklessly.

Shrill alarms sounded from the surrounding civilian spaceships, and the passengers and pilots all turned pale with fright.

"Wait a minute! Who gave you the right to block the Malastal Fjord!! Leave immediately! Otherwise, we will report what happened here to the Galactic Republic!!" Three small patrol ships flew out from the nearby security space station boat, the public channel was switched on, and a Dag sheriff appeared in the holographic image.

It could be seen that he was also terribly frightened, but he still bit the bullet and questioned him because of his duty. At this moment, they can only hope that the name of the Galactic Republic can scare these lawless mercenaries.

"Hehe...give them an answer, tsk tsk tsk..." Trench touched the chelicera at the corner of his mouth and said in the command channel.

"Aim, fire all turrets!" Tang Xiao nodded at Igor Zavalov on his flagship, a Vengeance-class light destroyer, who gave the order directly.

The four twin-mounted laser turrets and two plasma bomb launchers installed on the destroyer began to turn, and the cold barrels pointed directly at one of the patrol boats.

The fire control radar was turned on, and a piercing siren sounded immediately in the opponent's cockpit!

"Wait a minute! Are you going to ignore the Galactic Communist Party..."

Before the words fell, all the turrets of the destroyer fired a salvo! Four blue laser rays and several plasma bombs immediately hit the patrol boat! Under this powerful firepower, the sheriff on the patrol boat was blown into a pile of space junk before he even finished speaking!

Almost at the same time, the spaceships of Scarlet Dawn and White Worm also opened fire brazenly, destroying the other two patrol boats directly!

Trench said ferociously in the public channel: "Okay, everyone present, you only have one chance to choose! Tsk tsk tsk...whether to enter the planet Marathal or leave! There is only one chance! Tsk tsk tsk... Before the dispute is resolved, those who enter can no longer leave, and those who leave cannot come back! Tsk tsk tsk tsk..."

The wreckage of the three patrol boats that were blown up just now is still floating in this space, and occasionally cold limbs can be seen.

Under this terrible scene, hundreds of spaceships immediately turned around and ran away, only a few spaceships chose to go back to the planet Marathal.

But there are still some people who are lucky.

"Your Excellency, I am the Deputy Minister of Finance of Planet Marathal, please see if you can accommodate me. I must have a big thank you here."

"Please, sir...I'm going home to pack up my things, can you let me go back to the planet first and then leave?"

"You can't do this! If I can't deliver the goods on time, I will go bankrupt!"

Admiral Trench said coldly: "The countdown is 5 minutes, and after 5 minutes, all spaceships stranded in the Malastal Fjord will be destroyed! Dryden, Morlock, your fleet will immediately enter the predetermined defense zone as planned! Tang Xiao, you lead the fleet to the outer space of the planet Marathal and wipe out all the planet's defense forces!"

All the spaceships moved immediately, and Tang Xiao did not participate in the command. Igor Zavarov, the current commander-in-chief of the Navy of the Fourth Civilization, commanded the fleet to fly towards the planet Marathal.

Sure enough, after the news that the planet was blocked reached the planet, the planet Marathal responded almost immediately.

"Enterprise alliance! Don't bully people too much! You let the fleet blockade our planet, are you trying to force us to become your slaves? Absolutely impossible!"

"Dags never give in!"

"The Granites never surrender!"

"Defend Malaster!!"

A large amount of information came from the public channel. Tang Xiao felt that it was not nutritious, so he asked the operator to close the public channel.

"Get ready to fight! Tsk tsk tsk..." Admiral Trench's voice came, "The defense fleet of Planet Marathal is stationed in the two space stations in outer space, as well as the airport near their capital, Pixlito. , tsk tsk tsk... According to the current rotation direction of the planet Marathal, it will take an hour for the defense forces in their capital to enter the optimal launch angle. Before that, destroy their defense space station!"

The fleet of the Fourth Civilization flew towards one of the interstellar space stations. Igor Zavarov began to adjust the formation. Five cobalt-alloy heavy frigates came to the front of the formation, and the two medium-sized laser cannons on the bow began to charge.

The defenders of the space station have already responded, and more than a dozen Orek fighter jets that the Galactic Republic eliminated to them flew out of it!

"The cobalt alloy heavy frigate enters the combat position! Count down to 10 seconds, open fire!" Igor Zavalov gave an order, which kicked off the battle of Malastal Fjord!

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