1657: Suspicion

The flagship of the Galactic Republic Expeditionary Force, the Bridge of the Commander II-class dreadnought Tag.

"General, the separatists have launched a counterattack in 17 directions of the battlefield." Adjutant Laszlo Dolittle came over and handed a battle report to the commander-in-chief, Major General Casio Tag.

"17 directions?" Casio Tag picked up the personal terminal that Dorit handed over, directly entered the data inside into the holographic combat map in front of him, updated the data inside, and then looked at the battlefield data in front of him solemnly.

In fact, on this global holographic combat map, the actual information is not real-time.

It’s okay to fight in space. After all, warships are used as combat units. The transmitter installed on the battleship will update its situation to the command center on the flagship in real time. Even if the signal transmitter fails, the flagship can still pass through the ship’s Radar system to determine the opponent's position.

It's just that the status of that battleship cannot be known through radar.

The more complicated situation is the formation of fighter jets. Although the fighter jets are also equipped with real-time signal transmitters, they can send back all the data of the fighter jets, including position, speed, status, and even the heart rate of the driver. But the problem is that the battlefield is full of all kinds of electronic interference at any time, so sometimes the data of fighter formations is not so real-time.

Now the fighters of the Galactic Republic, even if the more powerful V-wing fighters are in service, they still cannot form an absolute advantage over the separatist ghost fighters. The main reason is that the radar on the fighter jets cannot detect the stealth ghost fighters. Although the radar of the battleship can be found, when the flight control system sends data to its own fighter jets, the data is often disturbed, so the command from the flight control system is always intermittent.

And if it is commanding ground operations, the data information obtained by the command center will be even more inaccurate.

First of all, there is a positioning device in the armor of the clone soldiers, but this kind of positioning device for individual soldiers is easy to be interfered with without thinking, so it is normal for a troop to drop a message only after half a day. Moreover, due to the interference of the enemy, even the global positioning system often makes mistakes. In other words, these troops often do not know where they are even if they are contacted.

So now Casio Tag is also facing the same problem-although he has successfully opened up hundreds of battlefields, and as the battle progressed, some troops began to disperse, either because of pursuit or retreat, until now There are already more than three hundred warring areas.

And because the battlefield is on the separatist planet, electronic interference is also unprecedentedly powerful. The combat map in front of Casio-Tag now, in fact, the latest information in it was transmitted two hours ago.

The more this happened, the more anxious Casio Tag was. He hopes to know how the situation is now, and is eager to know when the capital of the planet Anji can be encircled. He is even more eager for a hearty victory, and regards the planet Anji as the first brilliant victory gem in his military career. !

But what is conveyed now is the news that 17 directions have been counterattacked!

In the complex environment of the ground battlefield, the news of counterattacks in these places was sent immediately, so there is only one possibility: the situation in these places is very urgent, so the commander of the ground forces tried every means to send the news. out.

There is no doubt that the reason behind it is to request reinforcements.

"The problems in these areas are not big, and our air force can completely solve them." Casio-Tag said.

"Actually, it was because the Air Force couldn't solve them that they asked for help." Adjutant Laszlo Dolittle said, "These areas are all in complex urban environments or among jungles and hills, and the effect of air strikes is not obvious."

He began to sort out the information for Cassio-Tag, and then said: "The several directions here should be the Ewok army... They are very powerful in jungles and hilly areas. Their short stature makes them hard to find, And their thick fur makes them completely invulnerable to poisonous insects and wild beasts in the jungle, and they are very adaptable to moving in complex terrain, making them difficult to deal with."

"Then blow me up the whole jungle!" Casio Tag said with a frown.

"Here is the problem. It is almost impossible to blow up the entire jungle with our fighter jets alone. And now we have no bombers in these directions. At the same time, around this jungle, separatism is hidden." Air defense positions, so aerial bombing is very difficult," Laszlo-Dolittle said.

"Then why do you have to forcibly go through this jungle? Won't you bypass it?"

"The battle plan at the time was to go through this jungle, and then attack the separatist army in Katie from the rear and cut off their supply lines. This is the result of our discussion." Laszlo Dolittle is very talkative , He didn't directly slap in the face and say that you forced Nima to do this plan, and now he asks me what to do, but he involved himself in it to make Casio-Tag more acceptable.

"It seems that you made a mistake in your judgment at the time, Dolittle. Let's not take this as an example." Cassio-Tag found a step for himself, and then continued: "But the purpose of this army is to reinforce the city of Kati and capture the city of Kati. If it is the city, we will be able to threaten the northwest side of the separatist capital area. But the problem is, there is no feedback on how the battle is going in the direction of Kati City right now?"

Laszlo Dolittle's face also became serious. He touched his chin covered with stubble of different lengths, and said in a deep voice: "Indeed, this is a very worrying place. The one we attacked Katie City is The 77th Legion, but the last contact of the 77th Legion was 5 hours ago, and they said that a T-virus mutant creature appeared in the city, and they are organizing a siege, and it is expected to be completely wiped out within two hours."

He continued to look through the information, "Then the 179th Armored Company on the southern plain of Kati City also sent a good news three hours ago, saying that they had wiped out a mutant giant army equipped with rocket launchers, but the only AT in the company -The TE walking machine is damaged, they are going to rest in a nearby town called Cabo Town, and set off after repairing the walking machine.”

"There is no problem with taking out these pieces of information individually, and they are all trivial matters that we don't need to deal with, but if we look at them together, I seem to feel that separatism seems to want to take action in this direction." Laszlo Dolittle Said.

"What action? T virus? Zombies? Do you think those mutated creatures can pose a threat to our tanks and blasters?" Casio Tag sneered.

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