The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1655 Tag's Adventure

1655. Tag's Adventure

The commander-in-chief of the Republic Expeditionary Force, Major General Cassio-Tag, believed that he had found a loophole in the Anji planet's defenders, because after his observations, he found that the anti-aircraft firepower in some areas of the Anji planet lacked persistence.

In other words, after a period of continuous firing, the anti-aircraft firepower in those areas will weaken and holes will appear.

Coupled with the several counterattacks launched by the armored group composed of Scorpion tanks and siege tanks at the beginning of the landing, it was true that the clone legion that had finally sent him to the surface of the planet caught up with the spaceship again.

So Casio Tag made an in-depth summary and analysis of the battle situation, and then he came to a conclusion that he believed that the separatist defenders on the planet Anji had insufficient troops and supplies, which caused this situation .

He made a bold decision to order more transport ships to land on the surface of Planet Anji!

That is to say, when there is a gap in the defenders of the planet Anji, they directly put their own troops into it, which is equivalent to forcing the opponent to divide their troops continuously, and then open up multiple fronts. will be exposed.

Casio Tag made careful preparations for his tactics. He carefully analyzed every possible landing site, and also studied the defense layout of Planet Anji based on the results of the global scan, and finally confirmed a series of The landing strike plan can connect one's own army as much as possible while continuously interspersing and assaulting the depth of the defense system of Anji Planet.

It has to be said that as a high-achieving student in the academy, Casio Tag also has two talents, and he made the best combat deployment. He personally made the landing plan for hundreds of landing sites, and each of these landing combat areas is what he considers the most critical location for the Anji planet's defenders.

Casio-Tag believes that once they successfully land on these landing fields and unite their fronts together in the subsequent battles, the defense of Planet Anji will completely collapse!

In this regard, his adjutant, Laszlo Dolittle, a veteran of many Republic wars since the Stark hyperspace war, expressed opposition to this plan.

Laszlo-Dolittle said the plan was too risky. Because now on the outer space battlefield, the separatist fleet has not suffered a devastating blow. Although the opponent's Argonev-class interstellar base has been severely damaged, the opponent's mobile fleet still exists. Not only that, but the tens of thousands of Gauss defense platforms all over the planet have not been cleared.

At the same time, there have been hundreds of mine-strike accidents recently on their warships, which shows that the air mines laid by the separatists are still functioning.

For air mines, if it is a battleship, the powerful radar system and fire control system of the battleship can naturally detect the existence of some air mines, and then use close-in weapons to destroy them. But if it is a transport ship, the radar system of the transport ship is not strong, and it is difficult to find those air mines that are obviously equipped with a stealth system.

And even if a battleship is used as an escort, and the close-in defense weapons on the battleship take care of other transport ships, there will definitely be omissions, and the transport ship itself does not have much firepower to eliminate the air mines.

In this way, unless the number of escort warships is increased, the transport ships will suffer great losses.

But if you want to increase the escort force, what about the frontal battlefield in space? What about air support and orbital bombing on the ground?

Regardless of the huge strength of the Republic's expeditionary fleet, once there are too many tasks to be completed, it will definitely be stretched.

It is necessary not only to suppress the separatist fleet on the space battlefield, to prevent the opponent from assaulting its own transport ship, but also to clear the Gauss defense platform and air mines in space, and to cover the landing of the transport ship. Orbital bombing and air strike support.

The last point is actually very tricky, because the main tactics of Spati clone troopers now is to rely on air support instead of ground armor forces.

Laszlo Dolittle said, if General Tag you really plan to land on more than one hundred landing fields, then on average, each landing field will have 20 fighter jets, which is a full two thousand fighter jets!

Not to mention whether 20 fighter jets are enough for ground support, just to transfer these fighter jets away, and there will be losses at any time, which will also have a great impact on the strength of other battlefields.

Laszlo-Dolit finally suggested that the current situation should not be too anxious to expand the landing front, but should be steady and steady. With the help of orbital bombing, first establish about 5 large landing sites, and then advance step by step.

Even if the separatists use their fast-moving and powerful Scorpion tank clusters to launch a counter-attack, don't worry, just concentrate the air power to bomb.

Casio Tag was quite sensible at this time, but after careful consideration, he rejected Laszlo Dolittle's suggestion. He told Dolittle that this plan does have merit, but it does not fit the current battle situation.

First of all, as an expeditionary force, they need to obtain a stable advance base as soon as possible, that is to say, they must occupy the planet Anji as soon as possible. Only in this way can the Galactic Republic send more reinforcements over.

He analyzed the recent situation of reinforcements, and said that in order to ensure the combat effectiveness of this army, the number of warships sent from the rear has been reduced, and more transport ships. As for the transport ships that came here to deliver supplies, it’s not much to say that they had hyperspace stabilizers when they came here, but when they returned, they had to forcibly move from the Model star area, which was once forcibly opened up by Master Yoda, and now it has Unsteady course to return.

Today, there are more than 100 transport ships that are missing or confirmed to be destroyed by hyperspace. This is a supply line opened with life!

Therefore, the planet Anji must be occupied. On the one hand, the production capacity of the planet itself can be used to solve some supply problems. On the other hand, once the separatists lose their planet, they will not be able to fight in this galaxy for a long time. As long as the remaining separatist forces are eliminated, they can start to build another hyperspace stabilizer here.

Once the two stabilizers form two-way communication, the current battle situation will be completely revitalized.

Compared with this, the current plan is just to use the lives of those Spati clone soldiers who are not worth anything at all, so what is it?

All the words are said for this sake, and Laszlo Dolittle will not say more.

Casio Tag also started his battle plan, increased the landing force, and launched landings on dozens of battlefields at the same time! (end of this chapter)

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