The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1652 Yagodur Cannon Battle (final)

Chapter 1652 Yago-Toure Gun Battle (final)

1652, Jago-Durr artillery battle (final)

The main fleet of the 20th Army of the Galactic Republic retreated in a panic. They had already realized that they had no chance of winning, so almost all the captains of the warships made this choice.

But for the Dawn Principality fleet under the command of Matt Horner, this is not good news. Of course, he wished that in such a chaotic situation, more warships of the Republic would stay to fight to the death.

But it's a pity that those captains are not fools, and it's justified to be open when they see the situation is not good.

As a result, the situation on the battlefield once again became a situation where the Republic ran and the Duchy of Liming chased. Moreover, the knight-class star destroyer, which fought the most fiercely and had the fiercest firepower before, was still at the forefront.

They can't be blamed for this, because almost all the weaknesses of the Knight-class escaped were exposed——The Knight-class Star Destroyer, because of its unique shape design, caused the rear of the battleship to have no fire coverage at all!

To put it bluntly, the general shape of the knight class is a downed square cone. No matter how many turrets you arrange on the surface, you can't take care of the direction of the big butt.

This kind of design is actually the result of Lila Blissex, the chief designer of Kuat Power Dock, who overcorrected on the basis of the Hunter class. As we all know, the frontal firepower of the Jaeger-class is not strong, and the rear arrangement of the main guns prevents the battleship from exerting all its firepower when facing the enemy head-on.

But the shape of the knight class can give full play to the firepower of each cannon when facing the enemy head-on! The price is that there are dead spots in the firepower, and there is absolutely no way to deal with the targets in the rear.

This is not only a problem of not being able to fight back when fleeing in a fleet battle, but also because the enemy fighters can even approach calmly from directly behind the Knight-class, and when the Knight-class anti-aircraft firepower can reach the fighters, the fighters It is already possible to launch proton torpedoes directly.

And now, like the battlefield on the planet Anji, the Jaeger-class battlecruiser once again exerted unexpected power in this escape situation.

The hull of the Jaeger-class battlecruiser is basically flat, so as long as the bow is raised, its eight main guns can be easily fired to the rear, and this posture does not cause a great loss of propulsion.

It's just that, on the battlefield now, seeing dozens of Jaeger-class battlecruisers uniformly retreating back while raising their bows and firing backwards, how ridiculous is this scene.

Although the swarm drones were still chasing after them, their energy was quickly exhausted and they began to return. After all, the fleet of the Principality of Dawn is insufficient, and when the communication is disturbed and there is no unified command, it is also unable to fire salvos and sink enemy warships faster.

Coupled with the very decisive retreat of the Galactic Republic fleet, they eventually only wiped out about one-third of the warships of the main fleet of the Republic's 20th Army.

For this result, Matt Horner is not surprised. He also understands that with the strength of the fleet in his hands, it is not easy to be able to fight to this level, which is entirely the result of the right time, place and people.

However, the gap in military strength between the two sides is too great. Even with such a favorable time, place and people and extremely brilliant results, it still cannot bring victory.

Even the interstellar base B has been severely damaged, and the deflector shield cannot be restored in a short period of time. This will definitely be remembered by the Republic Fleet.

Gideon Tarkin's judgment is very correct, that is, as long as an interstellar base in the Dawn Duke's defense line is destroyed, it will be a major deficiency for the defense system of Yago-Dur planet!

Therefore, this interstellar base that has been missed is also a very serious hidden danger. If Gideon Tarkin is not a fool, then he will conduct an ultra-long-range continuous bombing of this interstellar base.

The space battlefield actually has a characteristic, that is, in a vacuum combat environment, if you don't want to pursue accuracy, your attack can actually hit an unimaginable distance.

Under such circumstances, it is very easy to be bombed by ultra-long-range bombing for fixed or regularly moving targets such as planets and interstellar bases. Of course, for a light-speed weapon such as a particle light spear, it is still at the level of black technology that can keep energy focused close to a distance of one light-year.

Therefore, the Republic Fleet only needs to continuously fire turbolaser cannons and long-range missiles to always threaten this interstellar base.

In front of Matt Horner, there are only two ways - to lower the No. B interstellar base to the synchronous orbit of the Yago-Dur planet, which can indeed relieve the bombing of the interstellar base by the Republic fleet, but facing the During a wave of attacks, the interstellar bases that are constantly orbiting the planet will have much less room to play. And when Yago-Dur's planet changes orbit, this interstellar base will almost certainly be thrown out during the orbit change process, with a high probability of being thrown into the star.

The second way is to carry it to death. The deflector shield can be used to calculate a point, and then gather all near-fire forces for continuous concentrated interception. And this interception took several days.

After Matt Horner thought carefully, he chose the first option. He believes that if the No. B interstellar base is lowered to the planetary synchronous orbit, it will be interpreted by the commanders of the Galactic Republic as an act of fear of war, thereby reducing their vigilance.

At the same time, let your fleet relax a little bit, and face the next counterattack with a better posture.


And on another battlefield, a day ago. 20BBY, ​​July 26th, Mordel sector, planet Anji.

The Galactic Republic Expeditionary Force has landed on the planet Anji, and the clone army of the Galactic Republic on the planet has exceeded 80,000 people within two days!

The Spati clone soldier is a quick clone secretly deployed by the Speaker of the Republic, Schiff Palpatine, and only informed the parliament after the production was completed.

This kind of clone soldier can grow and mature in a year, so almost all the information input is force-feeding, which also leads to some mental problems of these soldiers. However, their strong physical fitness and relatively flexible battlefield judgment as clone soldiers still allowed them to defeat most robot legions on the frontal battlefield.

With a huge production base, the Supreme Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic used Spati clone soldiers much more roughly.

In many cases, the legion mechanization of these Spati clone soldiers is not high. Compared with the previous Kamino clone soldiers who almost put the AT-TE armored assault walker down to the platoon level, the Spati clone Human soldiers spend more of their life.

And on the ground battlefield on Anji, this is what is happening.

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