Chapter 1647 Yagodur Artillery Battle (2)

1647, Jago-Durr artillery battle (2)

Therefore, in the view of Gideon Tarkin, the front-line commander of the main fleet of the 20th Army, it is difficult for the force in his hands to increase explosively in the future.

So when astronomers observed this burst of electromagnetic radiation as two stars approached, Gideon Tarkin decided to seize the opportunity.


In his opinion, in such a harsh environment, even the fighters of the Galactic Republic can only take off cautiously, and cannot perform missions too far away from the mothership. Basically, they have lost the ability to be the main attacking force. The smaller swarm drones of the doctrine should be even more unbearable.

It is now estimated that it is impossible for those drones to take off.

So if this is the case, take this opportunity to gather troops and fight to the death!

Under the command of Gideon Tarkin, the Galactic Republic has more than 200 warships, including 19 Knight-class star destroyers, 77 Jaeger-class battlecruisers, 1 Commander II-class dreadnought ship, and more than 60 Azerbaijani ships. With such a powerful force as the Quatens-class light cruiser, they directly pressed forward!

For the Duchy of Dawn, Matt Horner, who had only about 100 warships, ordered all the warships to retreat, exposing the two Agniev-class interstellar bases to absorb firepower, and the other warships served as long-range fire reinforcements.

But Gideon Tarkin had already fully foreseen such a situation. He ordered his warships to carry out long-distance orbital bombing on the planet Yago-Dur, assuming that if you don't come out, I will blow you to death.

But for the Yago-Dur planet, the Ji Wen people are really not afraid of him.

Now all the Jiwen people have all hid in the refuge cities deep in the planet's crust, and the crust around these refuge cities has been artificially reinforced, and ordinary orbital bombing can't hurt them at all.

Not to mention that the Yago-Dur planet itself has a very powerful planetary shield.

In fact, what I want to say here is that at this time, the so-called "Star Destroyer" of the Star Destroyer on the side of the Galactic Republic Navy actually refers to burning glass, that is, destroying the surface of a planet, rather than blowing up a planet. into pieces.

So after the Death Star appeared, this kind of weapon that could blow up planets into mines with one shot shocked the entire galaxy. Then in the late stage of the Galactic Empire, some super battleships began to be able to blow up planets, and such warships were often defined as super battleships, which could not be mass-produced.

Just think about it, for example, the Empire-class Star Destroyer, its main armament is the 60 ancestral XX-9 heavy turbolaser cannons, this weapon is used for orbital bombing, isn't that just burning glass?

After the Galactic Republic fleet launched an assault, the distance between the two fleets is getting closer and closer, and the exchange of fire is becoming more and more intense!

Although the opponent's 20 disaster-class battlecruisers continue to pose a serious threat to the Republic's fleet, Gideon Tarkin is also very satisfied to see that the 3175-meter-long Archon-class aircraft carrier is constantly Pull back, and hide yourself behind the Argonev-class starbase, so it won't be caught by the firepower of the Republic warships.

And that Archon-class aircraft carrier did not take off the swarm drone!

This gave Gideon Tarkin infinite confidence!

He immediately issued countless orders. First, gather 20 Aquatens-class light cruisers and 20 Karak-class light cruisers to form a high-speed assault fleet and launch an attack in the direction of the disaster-class battlecruiser, intending to interfere with the opponent's particles. Light spear bombardment.

At the same time, concentrate all firepower to bomb the separatist No. B Argonev-class interstellar base!

With a side length of 10,000 meters, this interstellar base is the relatively smaller one of the two interstellar bases. Based on the idea that it is better to break one of his fingers than to hurt his ten fingers, Gideon Tarkin is going to gather superior forces and firepower to directly pull out one of the interstellar bases!

That's right, he didn't intend to take any tricks when he came here this time, just to kill all the enemies who stood in his way!

Unlike other Galactic Republic admirals, Gideon Tarkin has been working on logistics since the start of the war. He established a forward base in a nearby unmanned galaxy as a transit, and also relied on shield ships to establish a front-line supply base in the Yago-Dur galaxy.

His strategy is to fight a protracted war!

Because the Republic's reinforcements are unlimited for him, but the separatism of the Dawn Planet is not the case. This is his core strategic thinking.

And this time, even if he is still defeated in the end, if he can destroy an interstellar base of the opponent, it will be a huge victory.

Because he can completely withdraw the fleet, the lightly injured warships will be repaired on the spot under the cover of the shield ship, and the seriously injured warships will be dragged back to the forward base for overhaul, and then wait for more warships to be reinforced. Even if the speed of reinforcements has slowed down due to the problem at the Kuat Power Shipyard, it is impossible for the military of the Galactic Republic to let this problem persist. There are so many large industrial companies in the Milky Way, so there are naturally solutions.

Take, for example, the upcoming Defender-class heavy cruiser from Sienna Fleet Systems.

But separatism, it is no longer possible to build another interstellar base in the Yago-Dur galaxy!

Countless artillery fire fell on the interstellar base, blasting countless energy ripples on the deflector shield. Even the firepower of the interstellar base is also very powerful, but under the continuous bombardment, Gideon Tarkin believes that it cannot last too long. Long.

At the four corners of the interstellar base, four huge pulsed laser cannons fired continuously. This kind of pulsed laser cannon is actually a set of quadruple laser emitters. After parallel connection, the power of the emitted lasers increases exponentially. The same technology is also used on the Ankron-class Titan battleship, because only a large enough energy core can support such a huge launch unit.

Every shot of the pulsed laser can cause incomparably huge damage. A hunter-class battlecruiser was cut into two pieces under the continuous irradiation even before the shield was broken!

In terms of single-shot power, the pulse laser cannon of the interstellar base is far higher than the particle light spear.

Suffering huge losses, Gideon Tarkin ordered all the warships to concentrate their firepower and fire. In order to strengthen the attack effect, he even risked the interference of electromagnetic radiation storms and forcibly launched a group of Y-wing bombers. These bombers will not leave the mothership too far, but surround the battleship as a mobile proton torpedo launching platform. Anyway, the interstellar base is basically a fixed target, and it can be hit no matter what.

The swarm drones still haven't taken off, this is Gideon Tarkin's greatest reliance!

However, at the same time, Matt Horner, who was commanding on the bridge of the flagship, turned on the communication and asked, "Can you?"

"Yes." A female voice with a hint of electronic voice replied unemotionally. (end of this chapter)

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