Chapter 1641 New Member of the Military Intelligence Department

1641. New member of the Military Intelligence Department

The blond woman looked at the tragic picture in the holographic projection, and she knew what was happening there, but she still squeezed out a smile, walked over and leaned gently on James Bond's shoulder, and whispered: "But , you have already retired... You said the last time you came back that you will no longer perform missions..."

James Bond showed a somewhat unnatural smile. He turned his face and said, "The last mission was to save Dr. Zhang Jiarui... On Planet Kuat, we... well, a lot of things happened to us... …So, they agreed to my application to retire.”

"Then you should enjoy your retirement life, James." The blond woman said, "You deserve it. Look around here, take a look at the bustling Dawn City, here, you have a part to contribute ,that's enough."

"This time, it's different, dear..." James Bond smiled wryly, grabbed the woman's catkin and rubbed it against his face, and then said suddenly, "Tell me, what is the mission this time?" ?”

"What did you say?" The blond woman was shocked, she quickly looked around, but saw nothing.

"It is indeed our fault to disturb your retirement life. But this time, I really need your help, James Bond." A pleasant female voice appeared in the surrounding air very suddenly.

"Who are you?! Get out of here!!" The blond woman was furious, and she yelled at the surrounding air.

James Bond patted the back of the blond woman's hand to signal her to calm down, and then asked, "Is it something about the Model sector?"

"You know what's going on over there," answered the melodious female voice.

"James has retired! You gave him a life, but he gave you far more in return!! He went through life and death for you, and went to the most dangerous places to perform missions! So when will it be the end!? said the blond woman with tears streaming down her face.

"The war is not over, each of us is involuntary." The melodious female voice continued, "Even Tang Xiao, the Grand Duke of Liming, is fighting at the forefront of Planet Anji at this moment. And we, naturally, should do something to make it better." yes……"

James Bond stood up, gave the blond woman a hug, kissed her on the forehead and said, "It's not about me, my dear. This man is right, the Galactic Republic is right." If our war is not stopped, I will not be able to retire for a day... Take a look here..."

He pointed to the holographic projection screen, "Tens of thousands of people may die in each of these beams and explosions, how can I sit idly by? If everyone is entangled in the issue of one life and two lives, then There will be no one on this front. And then what will happen?—the Galactic Republic will come to Planet Dawn, destroy our homeworld, and make us all their slaves."

At this time, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in the air on the side, and then a figure gradually appeared from the air, "Actually, this battlefield picture was sent to him just now. These pictures are too cruel to face broadcast to the public."

This is a woman wearing a tight combat uniform full of technology and a pair of electronic tactical eyepieces hanging on her forehead is standing in front of her. The tight-fitting combat uniform vividly outlines her slim and hot figure, which is enough to make almost every man look sideways at her.

What was even more conspicuous was her fluttering golden long hair, shining brightly in the morning sun, simply tied behind her head and tied into a big ponytail. It is paired with that beautiful face full of youth and beauty without losing the heroic atmosphere. Compared with her, the blond woman next to James Bond seems to have become extremely ordinary in an instant.

However, this woman's body contains countless top-level technological equipment, but she always reminds her surroundings - even if it is a rose, it is also a rose with deadly poison!

Facing such a stunning beauty, James Bond showed a look of appreciation, but his eyes were clear but there was no undue desire. He smiled slightly and said, "I've never seen you in the Military Intelligence Department. Even if it is Even if I take a glimpse, I will never forget a woman as outstanding as you."

"The thoughts in your mind are very clean, James Bond. This is completely different from your previous romantic experience." The woman curled her lips, and what she said was the same as what she had done just now. Stinged, "Let me introduce, I'm Nova, I just joined the Military Intelligence Department. One of the members of the operation team this time."

She looked at the woman next to James and said, "It's time to talk about business now, can I ask the unrelated people to leave?"

James Bond frowned. He didn't like this female agent named Nova very much, even though she exuded a powerful aura from head to toe.

All of this woman's actions are based on herself. Since she came here, she has never considered her own feelings, let alone her partner's feelings. Including just now, she was also hinting that she had some unclean past in the relationship between men and women. She didn't think about the impact it might have on her partner.

He thought that he had never provoked this woman at all, even if he didn't have any dirty thoughts in his mind, but she still spoke like this, which only showed that this woman was usually like this.

James Bond said sternly: "From the moment you unscrupulously put the picture that should not be open to the public here for my lover to see, she is no longer an outsider! She is my lover , all of me. She has the right to know what I am going to do this time, and this is also my request. Otherwise, you can ask someone else."

Nova showed a somewhat impatient look on her face, "This is top secret. If she is involved, the risk of leaking the secret will increase."

"She will always stay at Dawn Star. If even Dawn Star is at risk, then I don't think other places will be much better." James Bond smiled slightly, and he made an invitation to the sofa in front of him. Posture, "So, why not sit down, have a cup of coffee my wife made, and have an honest talk?"

Before they knew it, the rhythm of their conversation had been controlled by James Bond. He turned the ball into the guest and kicked the ball back to Nova.

"You look loose on the surface, but in fact you are full of calculations in your mind. Hehe, interesting." Nova chuckled, but suddenly appeared beside the blonde woman, raised her hand lightly, this The woman fainted to the ground.

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