Chapter 1616 Going to the battlefield

1616. Going to the Battlefield

At this moment, the formation of the main fleet of the 20th Army of the Galactic Republic has been surrounded by countless swarm drones. These drones are like real bee swarms, with countless numbers and untraceable volumes. , and powerful lethality!

That's right, even for these micro-drones that are only more than one meter in size, the shields of several Jaeger-class battlecruisers were actually penetrated during the dense shooting!

This completely overturned all cognitions of Gideon Tarkin!

We must know that no matter how technology develops, large size will always have an advantage. Under the same technological conditions, a 500-meter-long warship is no match for a 1,000-meter-long warship. If such a situation occurs, it can only show that there is a generational difference in technology between the two sides.

But what is in front of us now is a 1-meter-long micro-drone and a 1137-meter-long Jaeger-class battlecruiser! ! Normally, this level of attack can't even shake the self-circulation of the warship's deflector shield! In other words, it is useless to let it shoot for ten thousand years!

But now, the shield of a Jaeger-class battlecruiser has been penetrated! By those tiny drones!

"No! The situation is wrong!" Seeing this situation, Gideon Tarkin suddenly had a terrible premonition of the doomsday in his heart, and he said loudly: "Continue to take off the fighter jets! All anti-aircraft firepower is fully fired! Be sure to drive away Flying drones!!"



On the Jaeger-class battlecruiser Flash, the sirens continued to sound, and a large number of pilots were already fully dressed, holding huge full-coverage flight helmets, marching in squadrons, and came to their respective hangars on the hangar platform , for final preparations.

The assembled squadrons stood in a row to receive the squadron leader's final lecture.

"Listen, Squadron! Today's our lucky day! Because our job is to - fight! Flies! Flies!"

"...This is the tradition of our Nishida Squadron! Bring back the victory!"

"...Darling Squadron is here! Did you see the data I sent just now? This is our goal—small, fast, and ferocious! If we want to come back alive, we must follow the established tactical plan..."

"Iron Bird Squadron is assembled!..."

"The fire cat squadron has assembled..."

In the hangar platform of the busy library, fighter pilots and busy ground crews are gathering everywhere. Fighters are constantly being towed to the electromagnetic catapult by the towing device, and the instructor is giving the fighter pilots the final instructions.

There are more ground crews preparing the fighter jets that need to take off, the fuel filling is complete, and the anti-gravity hoisting machinery is loading concussion missiles into the missile bays.

The engineer on the side has already connected the data cable of the device in his hand to the weapon system of the fighter jet. After pressing a few buttons, the columns indicating weapon energy, fire control system, and control system continue to rise until they are full, and the green light is on. The engineer unplugged the data cable and gave a thumbs up to indicate that the weapon system was ready.

The cylindrical navigation robot has also come under the fighter jet, entered the fighter jet through the lifting system inside the fighter jet, and started to complete the system docking.

"Set off!"

"Get ready to take off!!"


The pilots ran to their fighter jets, grabbed the handles, jumped into the cockpit with a dive, and put on full-coverage helmets. With the access of various system data, a large amount of data appeared in front of the pilots, the panoramic projection system was activated, and the 360-degree situation of the fighter jet appeared in front of their eyes without any blind spots.

If it is an ordinary person, it would be dizzy and overwhelmed just by this step, but for these long-term trained pilots, it is as simple as eating.

Communications from the flight control center of the Battleship Flash began to come from the communication system.

[Gust Squadron, this is the flight control center of the Flash, number 0079, and I will be in charge of cooperating with you in this battle dispatch. 】A female soldier with ponytails sat in front of the computer, checked the data on the computer, and said while turning on the communication microphone.

Surrounding her was a spacious office, hundreds of people were sitting in their respective seats, providing support for each squadron of the warship.

This is the flight control center of the Jaeger-class battlecruiser, located directly under the bridge.

"Wow! It's Sergeant Marlene! I sat at her table at dinner yesterday!" one of the pilots whistled.

"Don't talk nonsense!" His voice was interrupted by the squadron leader, "This is Tornado Squadron, we are ready to take off, please provide the tactical goal of this operation."

【Gust Squadron, your goal of this operation is to assist the battleship Sky Green in its air defense operations. Now the ship is being attacked by drones, number 470. Please get ready for takeoff immediately. The countdown is three minutes. After three minutes, the front shield of our ship will be lowered to facilitate takeoff. The takeoff window is two minutes, please hurry up. 】

"The Tornado Squadron received."

Boom~~~~ There was a roaring sound from the hangar platform, and everyone looked up at the top of their heads, only to see that the ceiling of the hangar platform, which was hundreds of meters long, separated directly to the two sides, revealing a dark universe.

Now between the cosmic vacuum and them, there is only an invisible wall of light to block the vacuum, and a deflector shield to resist attacks.

But at this moment, all I can see is that the supposedly empty universe has been occupied by countless flames!

The fighter jets flew past, laser cannons and blaster cannons fired wildly, missiles soared into the air and shot at the target with light blue tail flames, and several close-in defense guns on both sides of the hangar platform gate were also firing crazily.

However, looking at the past with the naked eye, you can't see where the enemy is at all, you can only see that everyone is firing.

But immediately after that, countless tiny beams of light suddenly lit up. These beams were very small, but very dense. Only at the moment when the beams were emitted, could they barely see the tiny figures.

And with the emission of these tiny light beams, several Republic fighter jets instantly exploded into fireballs, and then countless fragments flew away.

In the communication channel of the Storm Squadron, the relaxed atmosphere just now disappeared, replaced by a deathly silence.

This is...the battlefield they are about to go to!

Desperate battlefield!

At this moment, the crisp voice of the flight controller came from the communication channel, 【Count down 10 seconds! Ready to take off! ! 10, 9, 8...]

The electromagnetic ejection devices under all the fighter jets have been fully charged, the Jaeger-class battlecruiser Flash has entered a relatively safe position, the front deflector shield has been lowered, and the door of the hangar platform has been opened.

After the countdown ended, one Republic fighter jet after another ejected, the acceleration instantly reached over 10G, and they flew towards this tragic battlefield!

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