Chapter 1605 Pointing at the opponent

1605 , Sword Pointing at the Opponent

The determination of Schiff Palpatine also violated all judgments of the Supreme Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic.

From the perspective of the Supreme Strategic Command, the Principality of Dawn has no strategic offensive capabilities. It is impossible to build an industrial empire comparable to the core and inner circle of the Republic by relying on the backcountry in the southwest.

Therefore, for the Principality of Dawn, it is only necessary to block the Rendili galaxy so that they cannot turn the industrial production capacity of the Rendili Interstellar Power Company into their own. And in fact, the Galactic Republic did block the Lundili trade channel. This channel was blocked, making it difficult for the Lundili planet to navigate large-scale fleets.

Therefore, the work of Planet Lundili to relocate some interstellar docks is progressing very slowly. At present, they mainly import a large amount of food, medicine and supplies to maintain the needs of the huge population on the planet, and then actively mine minerals in some unmanned galaxies around them, and send them back to the planet to manufacture warships.

As Adele Ulan said just now, the planet Lundili has added 150 Victory-class star destroyers in less than two months, and because of this, even if the planet Lundili is under his nose , The Galactic Republic also dare not do anything here for the time being. After all, on this planet, Master Yoda was seriously injured and returned home, and Master Pulo-Kong died heroically. It would be a lie to say that the Republic military has no fear of this.

However, this fleet of Rendili can only stay on the planet Rendili at present, and cannot get out.

Some small or seasonal hyperspace channels around the planet Rendili are used to migrate populations.

Therefore, under such circumstances, to actively attack the Duchy of Liming is actually a waste of money. According to the calculations of the Supreme Strategic Command, the Duchy of Dawn without the Lundili Interstellar Power Company, their industrial production capacity is only one-tenth of that of the Confederacy of Independent Star Systems. Maybe their warships are very advanced and elite, but at present , after all, it is difficult to form a scale.

What's more, the Confederation of Independent Galaxies has already begun to equip battleships with technology provided by the Duchy of Dawn, which shows that the information between the two parties is interoperable.

Under such circumstances, it is really stupid to actively attack the Duchy of Dawn, which has a very strong defense force but no offensive capabilities, but abandons the Confederation of Independent Galaxy, which has higher industrial production capacity and may soon have active offensive capabilities.

Of course, the Supreme Strategic Command dare not say that unless they feel that they have had enough.

Schiff-Palpatine directly used his emergency ruling power to forcefully pass the plan to surprise the Moder sector, and asked the Supreme Strategic Command to start preparations immediately.

The Supreme Strategic Command couldn't tell because it was suffering. They could only tell Palpatine very tactfully that even if this operation could be carried out, it would be a very dangerous operation. But Palpatine insisted on going his own way and must implement it.

However, when the governor of the Ninth Army, Dunn Wessex, came to him and said that the Kuat Power Shipyard also wanted to join the plan, he also readily agreed. This is actually a compromise made by Palpatine to the military. In this way, the Kuat Power Shipyard will bear most of the pressure on the surprise attack on the Model sector, and the pressure on the military will be less many.

So the military can finally breathe a sigh of relief. On the one hand, it provides support to Governor Wilhuff Tarkin, giving him the strength to go north to fight against the geth. On the other hand, it is also further increasing its troops in the Salukami galaxy, striving to win the portal of this independent galaxy confederation.

But it is impossible to say that there is no impact at all. Although the warships of the Model Sector Assault Plan are all prepared by the Quarter Power Shipyard, these warships will be reinforced to other fronts if they are normal. Not to mention a large number of Spati clone soldiers, supporting equipment, junior officers, and most precious fighter pilots.

And Darth Sidious set his sights on the Principality of Dawn, and at the same time, Darth Malthael also set his sights on Sidious.

The two were separated by countless light years, but they looked at each other, sparking countless sparks.

At that moment, they all fought against all opinions in their respective spheres of influence, with only one purpose——

Point the sword at the opponent!

Must kill and then fast!

The Kuat Power Dock and the Model Star Area are the first sharp blades they stabbed!


20BBY, ​​July 9th, the southwestern part of the Milky Way, the inner ring, Kiffu planet (Kiffu).

This is a planet that revolves around the Kiffex planet. The two planets share a common revolution orbit and revolve around each other at the same time. It is a spectacle.

The Kiffar planet is the hometown of the Kiffar people. When the two planets are close to each other, there will be terrible thunderstorms in the atmosphere. The Kiffar people use thunderstorms as energy to build their own developed industries. system.

When the Galactic Civil War broke out, the Kiefer planet joined the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies under the lobbying of Earl Dooku, and when the Galactic Republic attacked the Yago-Dur galaxy, the Kiefer planet also continued to provide support.

But now, in the outer orbit of Kiefer's planet, dozens of warships have been deployed along the planet's equator, completely blocking the planet.

These battleships are all painted with red and white stripes, and have a gear-shaped logo-all of them are warships of the Galactic Republic!

And in places farther out in the orbit of the planet, the wreckage of a large number of warships has been captured by the gravity of the planet, and they are slowly flying around the planet. And these wreckages can still see the blue and white painting, as well as the hexagonal logo-the logo of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies.

There is no doubt that this planet has been captured by the Galactic Republic!

The prime minister of the Kefar people was dragged out of the executive government by a group of clone troopers, handcuffed, dejected, escorted to the spaceship and taken away.

In the capital city, there are natural soldiers of the Republic patrolling with guns everywhere. These soldiers look completely different from those soldiers when they were just recruited. They have uniform steps and sharp eyes. They seem to be qualified soldiers after long-term training.

Moreover, there are a large number of these soldiers. Although they are not equipped with polymer alloy armor, they are still equipped with basic global communication systems and basic tactical eyepieces.

In the sky, a large number of LAAT assault patrol boats are circling around, cooperating with ground forces to extinguish those sporadic resistance flames.

And the huge figures of the three cheerer-class assault landing ships are moving in the atmosphere, seemingly slow, but in fact they can reach a speed of more than 1,000 kilometers per hour. These cheerers are filled with more soldiers, and they will go to other important cities on the planet to carry out landing operations to ensure that the entire planet is suppressed.

However, at this moment, in a hidden corner on the outskirts of the city, a spaceship suddenly took off, and there were several vulture robot fighters guarding it!

"Quick! Stop that spaceship!" the Republic commander pointed to the sky and shouted.

You must know that the air power of Kiefer's planet has long been destroyed, and there are still fighter jets taking off? Then what these fighters are guarding must be very important!

More than a dozen V-19 Torrent light fighters immediately took off and rushed towards the spaceship.

The spaceship didn't care about it at all and ran away, and the vulture robot fighters also fired viciously at the intercepted Republic fighter jets! Want to sacrifice yourself to create a spaceship escape!

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