1594. Total War

"Send troops to Kotaris? Why?" Lieutenant General Henderson still didn't understand the seriousness of the problem, "The only hyperspace channel that can be navigated on the planet Phaeda is to pass through the planet Kotaris, and then through Agama planet before arriving at Palin Minor, the capital of the Ninth Army. As long as we hold off the geth fleet on Phaeda, they will pose no threat to our rear."

Gilad-Pellaeon said seriously: "As I said just now, the Geth may have mastered a method of traveling faster than the speed of light that we don't know! Then in the face of such an enemy, the first lesson we need to learn is Their range of action will no longer be restricted by the hyperspace channel! They can start from anywhere and appear anywhere!"

"What did you say?" Henderson was shocked.

It's not his fault, everyone in the galaxy will not immediately turn around this twist and turn. It's like saying that when we talk about cars, we know that they are running on roads, and when we talk about trains, we know that they are running on tracks, but one day someone suddenly said that trains can be used without tracks and can also go off-road, so our first In the first reaction, I couldn't understand how such a train would behave and where it would appear.

"From now on, every planet of ours is a battlefield, a front line! We have no rear in an absolute sense! Until we are able to figure out the principle and scope of the Geth's FTL travel!" Girard- Perrine said.

"That is to say, even our supply transportation must be escorted by heavy troops." Wulf Yularen said seriously, and he turned to Henderson and said: "It is not too late, we need to get those transport ships immediately." Contact, send them to a safe place!... No, no place is safe, our fleet is the last safe haven."

He then turned on the communication and gave a few instructions to another commander, asking him to immediately lead a fleet to the planet Kotaris to protect the army's supplies and heavy vehicle units.

Gilad-Pellaeon said again: "Then we need to start landing as soon as possible. We have brought 300,000 clone troops, and we must let them all land within two days! General Henderson, you are more concerned about the situation here. Familiarity requires your cooperation. The 300,000 troops need a garrison and a landing site."

"300,000 clone troops?" Lieutenant General Henderson was taken aback again. "As far as I know, the Galactic Republic has never invested so many clone troops in any battle at once!"

"That's because our enemies are different this time," Gilad-Pellaeon said. "How many ground troops does the geth have now?"

"Before there were about 6 to 8 million corpse puppets. Geth can only estimate the force at around 100,000. But after that, Geth sent a large number of transport ships and successfully landed. Now I can't estimate how many there are. The geth are on Phaeda," Henderson said.

"We need to mobilize everyone on the planet, every factory, every gram of food, every piece of metal!" Gilad-Perrein said, "Issuing a general mobilization order on the planet, implementing military control, requiring people over the age of 18, All adult males under the age of 50 join the army, and people of other races set age requirements according to corresponding standards. All factories are nationalized, and planning and output are unified!"

"Is this going to send civilians to the battlefield? And also want to rob those privately owned factories? It's ridiculous! Before the Geths come over, the planet will fall into riots!" Lieutenant General Henderson also couldn't understand such a situation war mode.

"No, we have to do this." Admiral Wulf-Ularen could understand, he said: "Just like facing the Eternal Empire 3,600 years ago and the Sith Empire 1,000 years ago, the relationship with the Geth War is a total war that puts the survival of our civilization and race at stake."

Lieutenant General Henderson's face was a little pale, and he nodded slowly.


One day later, Chinesti City, the capital of the planet Fiaida.

[All young and middle-aged residents are requested to go to the nearest street to register immediately! Hand out weapons, train! 】A spaceship is flying in the sky, and a large holographic projection device is installed under the spaceship, on which the terrifying picture of the corpse puppets and the majestic soldiers of the Republic are played repeatedly.

[The invasion of Geth has made it impossible for us to retreat! We have no retreat, no surrender, no mercy! If it fails, then everyone will be turned into zombie puppets of the walking dead! 】

[It is impossible to evacuate an entire planet, the only thing we can do is resist! Resolute resistance! The Galactic Republic has sent millions of troops to reinforce, but this is still not enough! We need everyone's support! We need every determined hand to unleash searing blasters on the brutal geth! 】

In every street and every region, the Galactic Republic began to set up registration points, enrolling all people of the right age into the reserve force, and conducting simple training so that they could go to the battlefield.

There was a long queue in front of the registration point, and every resident in the queue had expressions of panic and confusion on their faces. For them, war has never been closer.

[Every man of school age is obliged to join the army and fight for our survival! All those who refuse to join the army will be arrested for crimes against civilization and will also be sent to the most dangerous front line! 】There are spaceships flying at low altitude everywhere, using high-powered loudspeakers and holographic projections to announce the conscription order.

Either motivating or coercing.

According to Girard Perrine's plan, he used 250,000 of all 300,000 clone soldiers for the rear conscription work, and only 50,000 soldiers were brought together with Lieutenant General Henderson's 40,000 troops to continue to build frontline positions.

As the conscription work began, a large number of conscripted militiamen began to come to the front line, and they began to assist in the task of building bunkers and positions.

Over an inconspicuous building, a LAAT/I assault transport boat quickly flew over, and a few clone troopers got off the transport boat, and they broke through the door directly.

All I could see inside was that dozens of mercenaries were getting drunk, there were empty wine bottles everywhere, and there were a few women who had been played with to death.

The clone commander stepped forward and said: "You have been recruited, please immediately follow us to the nearest station for reorganization."

At this time, a fierce and burly man stood up and said ferociously: "Do you know who we are?! We are the Fire Steel Mercenary Group! We..."

boom! His head exploded instantly!

The clone commander turned the blaster pistol in his hand, and said coldly: "From now on, your number is the Galactic Republic Phaeida Legion, Fire Steel Combat Team. Return to the team immediately!" (End of this chapter)

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