1588 Another front

After Wilhuff-Tarkin shut down the communication, Marceline Wessel looked at Gilad Perrine and said coldly: "I don't know how your fallacies convinced Tarkin, or Say you think my place is too small to accommodate you?"

"Your Excellency Governor, I am very serious about the issue of gettingh invasion. We must block the footsteps of geth on the planet Phaeda. For this reason, I will not hesitate to go to the front line." Gilad Pere En Zheng said.

Governor Wessel stared into his eyes for a long while, then sighed and said: "Well, whatever you want. You also know that after the failure of the battle on Planet Dolin, the strength of our Seventh Army has been severely compromised." There is no more spare power to reinforce the Ninth Army. And until now, we are still having a headache for the refugees who escaped from the planet Dorin... If you have any ideas, go to Tarkin and talk to yourself."

"I will definitely stop the geth on the planet Phaeda!" Gilad Perrine said firmly.

Governor Wessel had a strange expression on his face, and he said, "Do you really think Wilhuff Tarkin agreed to your plan because of the geth?"

"This...isn't it?" Perrine was taken aback.

"You should consider another possibility." Marceline Wessel said: "Ninth Army Governor Dunn Wessex, the political power behind him is not weaker than Willhuff Tarkin. And Between him and Tarkin, who is the person most favored by Palpatine is still uncertain. Therefore, Tarkin took the power to capture the planet Onderon and destroy the production line of the separatist Behemoth-class battlecruiser, What better excuse than geth to reach out to the Ninth Army?"

It was only then that Gilad Pellaeon understood some of the political struggles behind it. It turned out that Wilhuff Tarkin had so readily agreed to his request, and believed in his absurd theory, and there were factors of political struggles!

Thinking of this, cold sweat dripped down his back.

"Let's do it for ourselves!" Marceline Wessel said: "Don't let yourself become a tool that is thrown away when it is used up in the hands of others. Planet Phaeda may not be that important in Tarkin's view."

After speaking, he waved his hand and cut off the communication.


"My lord, 10 billion air mines have been deployed around the planet Anji." A colonel officer reported to Tang Xiao respectfully.

"Go and tell Volgograd-Kanidi, don't report this trivial matter to me again." Tang Xiao waved his hand, "What I am concerned about is the specific direction of this hyperspace channel directly opened by Master Yoda The astronomers, why haven't you answered me yet?"

"My lord, I am not from the scientific research department, so I dare not speak nonsense." The colonel officer said.

Tang Xiao waved his hand, and the officer quickly retreated.

He is now in the capital of Planet Anji, personally supervising the construction of the defense system here. Because in his judgment, the Galactic Republic is likely to target the Model sector again.

However, on this point, both the General Staff and the Supreme Military Command have put forward different opinions. And when he came to Volgograd Canidi, the Governor of Model Star Region, he also opposed Tang Xiao's judgment.

The main reason is that this hyperspace channel opened by Master Yoda is gradually becoming chaotic as time goes by. According to astronomers' predictions, this channel will disappear in half a year at most, and before that, this channel will gradually become unnavigable.

Because this waterway is originally a very unstable seasonal waterway, it has almost no navigation value. However, under Master Yoda's extremely powerful force, he forcibly isolated the mass projections of some stars in hyperspace, so that the spacecraft would not be affected when passing through these mass projections.

As we all know, the mass projection has no entity. If we want to make a metaphor, the mass projection in the hyperspace is just like the black hole in the three-dimensional universe. When a spacecraft sails in hyperspace, if it encounters a mass projection, it is likely to be directly torn apart by the chaotic gravity.

And Master Yoda's original force is to protect the spaceship from being affected in this section of hyperspace.

Therefore, although it is theoretically possible to directly use the force to open a hyperspace channel out of thin air, in reality this requires too much power. Even if Master Yoda is stabilizing and widening on an existing channel, one of the prerequisites is that there are not so many mass projections on this channel.

Otherwise, the strength required for this may not be possible for ten Master Yodas.

Therefore, because of this, everyone believes that the Galactic Republic will not have the possibility to launch a large-scale attack on the Moder sector again. Instead of investing limited power in the Moder sector, it is better to further consolidate the Eliadu galaxy and Yago- Defensive power of the Durr galaxy.

After all, these two places are the most important strategic locations of the Principality of Liming.

For this, Volgograd-Kanidi even quarreled directly with Tang Xiao. The quarrel was so intense that Tang Xiao almost wanted to chop him up.

Volgograd-Kanidi has never been a person who is afraid of authority. He just committed a crime for his own beliefs. This is why in the experience before boarding the mothership, he became a combat hero while becoming an abandoned child reason. During the war with the Ailu people at that time, Kanidi believed that Tang Xiao deliberately sacrificed some civilians to lure the Ailu people to fight first in order to create an excuse for war, which made him very dissatisfied at that time.

But now, he thinks that Tang Xiao hastily put the defense focus on the Model star area, which is a disguised form of distrust. He just wants to take him out of the way and then consolidate his own power in the Model star area.

Canidi directly told Tang Xiao, if you want to mess around like this, then I will simply quit as the governor of the Moder sector, and you can do it yourself.

If it hadn't been for Tang Xiao's second trip to the planet Korriban, where the power of death had reached its peak, and the influence of the darkness on his emotions had also diminished, then Canidi's head might have been lost at that time.

But Tang Xiao is still very sensible now. After all, the governor Carney is doing a good job now, and his request to consolidate the defense in the Model sector, which is regarded as the rear, is indeed ridiculous to ordinary people. One point, he himself knows.

So, after slapping Canidi into the wall in anger, Tang Xiao twisted his collar and told him that he would handle the defense of the Moder sector himself, and after that, these things would be given to him. You, you just give me a good look at this big rear area.

So after this unhappy breakup, Volgograd-Kanidi changed his way of communicating with Tang Xiao. He sent personnel to report to Tang Xiao as long as it was about military affairs and defense.

Thank you for the 100 reading points rewarded by the high-ranking lord of Tadarim! !

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