Chapter 1586: Feida Extermination Battle (Part 2)

1586. Feida Extermination Battle (Part 2)

Now, the 204th Clone Legion understands what happened to the blocking force in the small town ahead!

These corpse puppets of the Yamri!

The Yamrai themselves are a race with excellent physical fitness, and their mantis-shaped appearance is also very suitable for hand-to-hand hunting. After being exterminated by the Geth, they were all made into corpse puppets, and it is obvious that the transformation of the corpse puppets of the Yamrui people is more advanced, not only giving them basic intelligence, but also installing powerful monsters on their bodies. Ion Cannon!

Coupled with the fact that the wings on the back of the Yamri can support them to fly short distances, this is very scary.

It is entirely conceivable what happened to the blocking forces stationed in the town!

Countless Yamrui corpse puppets flew out of the forest, overcame the obstacles set up by the engineering team, and rushed directly into the formation of clone soldiers to start the massacre!

Although the clone troopers are very elite, they will inevitably be defeated when encountering this kind of center-blooming attack, and the attackers are equipped with ion cannons, which are infinitely powerful and fearless of bullets.

So when the front could not be maintained, they hastily detonated the fuel warehouse.

But according to the time calculation, they didn't have time to dig a 10-kilometer burning zone as planned, so this hasty detonation may be able to kill many corpse puppets at once, but it can't create a large sea of ​​flames and block the corpse puppets from advancing .

But now, even the clone army that has entered the position is extremely troublesome to the large number of Yamrui corpse puppets.

The Yamrai corpse puppets flapped their wings and flew over the bunker, ignoring the bombardment of the AV-7 self-propelled artillery, and then directly confronted the clone troopers.

The clone troopers did not panic because of this, but they had to continue to retreat in the face of the assault of the Yamrii corpse puppets.

In fact, this cannot be said to be their fault, because they entered the position built by the gangsters and mercenaries before. Those people naturally don't know what depth and cover are. The construction of the position is only to pile up all the things that can be found in the front.

Facing the Yamrui corpse puppets who can fly short distances, this position is useless.

The clone troopers had to abandon their positions and keep retreating, and they also dispatched LAAT assault transport boats for air support. The LAAT flying at low altitude kept firing rockets, and the laser beams emitted by the spherical laser turrets on both sides kept sweeping across the ground, killing a large number of corpse puppets.

But the good times didn't last long, as Geth fighters immediately targeted these assault transport ships, and immediately swooped down and fired wildly with plasma cannons, destroying several LAATs in one encounter!

In the sky, the Cheers-class assault landing ships have been climbing continuously. They are no longer able to resist the attacks of Geth fighters, so they have to choose to leave the atmosphere and fight in space.

Once the battle returns to space, the performance gap between the fighters of the two sides will be narrowed, and they will also receive reinforcements from their own fleets.

You must know that in the atmosphere, geth fighters have no pilots, so they can accelerate and turn unscrupulously, while the pilots of the Republic cannot do this at all. Therefore, the current air battle in the atmosphere is one-sided. It is not that there is such a big gap between the fighters of the two sides, but the gap between the pilots!

Fighting in outer space, things will get better.

Only in this way, the clone army lost its final air support.

And at this time, the mastermind behind the whole battle—the Geth, finally appeared!

The flashlight-like head, the flexible body combined with the mechanical body and bionic materials, and the organization that is not inferior to any intelligent creature are completely nightmares on the battlefield!

They used the assault force of the Yamrui corpse puppets, used ordinary corpse puppets as cannon fodder, and used large corpse puppets and clone corpse puppets as fire support. After the clone soldiers' line of defense loosened, they finally appeared from the hidden darkness!

Give the clone army a fatal blow!

"4th company! Eliminate the rushing Yamrui people as soon as possible, don't worry about other things!"

"Notify the artillery company, coordinates 72-K! Fire support is urgently needed!"

"Retreat! Retreat!! The 7th company enters the commercial building behind as soon as possible, and sets up the E-WEB blaster machine gun!"

Shhhhh~! ! Shhhhh~! ! The red blaster beams flickered frantically in the night, even under extremely unfavorable circumstances, the clone soldiers were still resolutely resisting.

But the blue light cluster that hit like raindrops was even more ferocious, and the plasma cannons continued to explode, and those temporary bunkers couldn't resist too many attacks at all.

boom! boom! boom! ! Larger plasma clusters began to fall from the sky! This plasma cluster flew in a parabolic trajectory under the constraint of a magnetic field, and caused a very violent explosion after landing!

"It's the colossus of the geth!! Don't stay outside! Spread the skirmish lines! Spread out!" a clone sergeant yelled.

boom! ! ! Another plasma cluster exploded nearby! The huge power immediately blasted the sergeant out. After the explosion subsided, several clone troopers nearby hurried over and dragged the sergeant back.

"Where's our artillery!" The clone sergeant asked loudly, taking off his scorched helmet and throwing it aside.

"The 11th Artillery Company was bombed just now! The 109th Artillery Company is being transferred! Now we have nothing! Nothing!!" The clone soldier next to him said loudly.

"No! You can't retreat like this! Get inside the building immediately and build a firepower point! Drag as many geth and corpse puppets here as possible! Only in this way can we create opportunities for others!" the sergeant said loudly.

"Listen to you, Sergeant!"

boom! boom! ! Explosions continued to set off around, and more than a dozen corpse puppets rushed over through the burning smoke. The angry clone soldiers roared and shot, killing all these corpse puppets.


At the same time, the 7th Army of the Galactic Republic, Vakkar planet (Vakkar), medical station.

"Colonel Pellaeon! You can't go! Your current treatment is not over!" A doctor was trying to hold a young officer.

Gerald Pellaeon was walking briskly out and getting dressed, and by his badge he had been promoted to colonel.

"I have to go now! If you are worried about my body, I can accept a medical robot to follow me at any time. But now the situation is urgent, I must do something!" Gilad Perrine said seriously said the doctor.

Then he turned around and entered the communication room, and then directly closed the door.

Gilad Pellaeon turned on the encryption mode of the communication room, and then connected a communication. A moment later, a man in his 50s, who was seriously bald and had a dark face, appeared in the holographic projection.

Governor of the Seventh Army of the Galactic Republic, Marcellin Wessel (Marcellin Wessel).

"If I remember correctly, you should still be recuperating at the medical station right now? Colonel Pellaeon." Marceline Wessel said slowly.

"The situation is very urgent! I just received news that the Geth appeared on the planet Phaeda!" Gilad Perrine said eagerly.

"That is the jurisdiction of the Ninth Army, and it is a planet that is full of hostility to the Republic. I don't quite understand what the governor of the Ninth Army, Dunn Wessex, is thinking, but it is obvious that choosing the battlefield there, It was a very stupid decision. When did this kind of brat rely on nepotism to get ahead..." Marceline Wessel snorted coldly.

Obviously, Wessel, who climbed to the position of Legion Governor little by little by relying on his seniority, did not think highly of people like Dunn Wessex, who relied on the power of his family to make his fortune.

(As a reminder, Dunn Wessex is the current boyfriend of Quart's chief engineer, Lila Blissex.)

"It's not that simple! I think the geth is most likely targeting Paarin Minor, the capital of the Ninth Army!" Gilad-Pellaeon said.

"Are you confused by looking at the plane star map? Colonel Pellaeon. Although the planet Phaeida is very close to Palin-Minor on the plane star map, the distance between these two planets is more than 20 kilometers away." Seconds, and there is no hyperspace channel directly connected.” Governor Marceline Wessel said, “Even if the patrol fleet of the Ninth Army wants to go to Fieda, it must travel from the planet Agama and Kothari. It’s enough to go around the planet Si.”

"That's not true, Your Excellency Governor! I've been analyzing the behavior patterns of geth recently! They do use hyperspace channels to maneuver most of the time, but there are a few times when they appear without warning! Like Naama The planet Di was attacked, such as the attack on Dorin! During these attacks, the movements of the Geth fleets were unreasonable!" Gilad-Pellaeon said.

Marceline Wessel seemed a little impatient, "What do you mean by being unreasonable? Do you still expect the enemies on the battlefield to follow your thoughts? If you really think so, then you I am truly ashamed of the recommendation of the late Admiral Eureka."

Gilad Pellaeon explained patiently: "I know this idea may be a bit crazy, but I have studied all the fleet deployment and physical laws that pass through the hyperspace channel. After leaving hyperspace, all spacecraft will have a short period of time. The shield cannot be raised within a certain period of time, and the fluctuations caused by hyperspace navigation will have a slight impact on the departure coordinates of subsequent spaceships, so after a fleet leaves hyperspace, the formation of the fleet will change according to the hyperspace fluctuations! You see , this is the case and data I analyzed..."

He opened his personal terminal and took out countless cases and data analysis.

But Marceline Wessel just shook her head and said, "I'm busy, Colonel Pellaeon. You have 30 seconds to get your point across, and then I'll order the people at the medical station to put you to sleep." Sleep."

Gilad Pellaeon was in a hurry. He slammed onto the console with a bang, almost roaring and said, "Geth, it is very likely that he has mastered other methods of faster-than-light travel!!"

Governor Wessel's eyes became sharper, and he said coldly: "This is not the time for science fiction, Colonel Pellaeon. Do you know what you are talking about? Other means of FTL travel are inefficient and primitive, No one but sick scientists would choose other means of faster-than-light travel when there are hyperspace lanes. Besides, is there any evidence for this inference of yours?"

"According to my analysis, the Geth fleets that appeared on the planet Namadi and Dorin passed through other means of superluminal travel! That's why they appeared so abruptly! And after their appearance, the formation distribution and routine The situation is nuanced!" Girard-Pellaeon said, "And you think about it, why would the geth attack the planet Phaeda? There are no factories, no traffic arteries, and an underdeveloped economy. Why would they go Hitting those gangsters?"

"Enough! Now I order you to recuperate your wounds, and after you clear your mind, come and report to me face to face! Above!" Governor Marceline Wessel waved his hand and interrupted Girard -Pellaeon's words, and then directly shut down the communication without any explanation.

Gilad Pellaeon stared blankly at the screen that was plunged into darkness, and then paced anxiously, "No! No! It is impossible to ignore this possibility! Because if this inference is correct, then all of us Everyone will miscalculate the geth's determination to capture the planet Phaeda!"

After thinking for a while, he picked up the communicator and connected to a frequency band, and said: "Hello! Hello! I am Colonel Gilad Perrein, the commander of the Second Squadron of the Seventh Army of the Republic! I have something urgent Governor Dunn-Wessex is needed!"

A sweet female voice came from the other end of the communication, "Excuse me, do you have an appointment with the Governor of Wessex?"

"I don't even know how to reserve his communication frequency!!" Pellaeon roared loudly.

"I'm sorry, the governor won't receive strangers." Although the female voice was polite, she refused people thousands of miles away, and then directly cut off the communication.

At this time, a voice came from outside the communication room, "Colonel Pellaeon! We just received an order from the governor to ask you to return to the ward to recuperate immediately. Please open the door!"

Gilad Pellaeon calmed down at this time, his brain was running fast, and he began to think about all the possibilities, so that his opinions could be conveyed to a sufficiently heavyweight figure.

Then, he suddenly thought of it!

He was the dean when he was studying at the Reitar Military Academy! Although such a dean cannot be said to have a high official position, they are often full of peaches and plums, and they can contact more people.

More importantly, I used to be the first high-achieving student in the college because of my excellent grades, so the dean was deeply impressed by me.

He quickly connected to the dean's communication, and said that he had an urgent military situation and needed to contact the Governor of the Ninth Army of the Republic, Dunn Wessex.

The dean thought for a while and said that he didn't know Dunn Wessex, but he was able to contact another person, and this person is currently authorized by Speaker Palpatine and has the right to speak on the war in the northern border.

With a click, the door of the communication room was forcibly opened with a cracker, and the attending doctor walked in with two medical robots, "Colonel Pellaeon, please return to the ward for treatment immediately!"

"Are you trying to interrupt an officer who is reporting confidential military information to me? This doctor. According to the Republic's Military Secrecy Act, I can arrest you right now and shoot you directly." A sinister voice came from the side.

The person projected in the holographic projection is surprisingly the Governor of the Fourth Army—Wilhuff Tarkin!

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