Chapter 1580: Battle of Feida Extermination (Part 1)

1580. Feida Extermination Battle (Part 1)


We had a win and nothing else. —Girard Pellaeon, Marshal of the Galactic Empire, Memoirs of Conquest, 22 Imperium Calendar.


War...war never changes.

In fact, if someone looks back on the history of human wars, they will find that the development of wars is actually wavy.

When primitive humans learned to tie stones to tree branches, the first thing they did was to smash the stone hammer on the heads of their fellow humans. And the war at that time was very simple, stronger than anyone else, and able to swing a bigger stone hammer than anyone else.

In the following years, humans learned to bow and arrow, learned to hang wood chips and leather on their bodies to enhance protection, and learned to domesticate horses, camels and elephants, allowing them to participate in warfare.

Wars at that time began to gradually become more complicated, and humans began to study how to conduct operations with higher efficiency. With horses and elephants, how can these animals exert their greatest power? With bows, arrows and armor, how can these equipment better achieve their goals.

However, with the gradual development of the times, the appearance of muskets made bows and arrows out of the stage, making armor useless; the appearance of trenches made cavalry a decoration; and the invention of machine guns and cannons made all strategies the most Simple addition and subtraction.

So at this stage, the war began to subtract. One after another, the weapons that once dominated the war have withdrawn from the battlefield, while machine guns, cannons and trenches have become the absolute protagonists of the war.

But human wisdom is infinite, so countless talented war scientists once again threw more weapons into the battlefield. The appearance of tanks restrained machine guns, the appearance of airplanes prevented cannons from roaring unscrupulously, and the appearance of rockets and missiles expanded the space of war to an unprecedented breadth.

The war has embarked on the road of addition again. More and more weapons appear on the battlefield, and often a war breaks out, accompanied by hundreds or even thousands of different weapons and equipment, each performing its duties.

But the core of the war remains unchanged - killing.

In the interstellar era, space warships appeared on the battlefield. They could launch attacks covering the entire planet directly from outside the planet. In front of the warships, cannons, missiles, and machine guns all became decorations.

So the war at this time began to become simpler again-the exchange of fire between battleships decided everything. Whoever can expel the opponent's warship and gain control of the orbit outside the planet will have the power to kill the entire planet.

At this time, the battle on the ground was more due to political factors than war factors.

After all, there are only so many livable planets in the entire Milky Way galaxy. If one is blown up, one is missing. If we really want to let go of the bombing, in a few years, everyone can only live on the spaceship.

Some people may think that such a starship civilization is very romantic and effective, but in fact, a little analogy will show that if people live on a ship for many years, even if it is a luxury cruise ship, then within a year, This person is depressed.

Compared with the space-limited cabin on the spaceship and the down-to-earth, boundless land, it cannot be compared at all.

So at this time, the mode of war is often that the fleets of the two sides engage in battle, and then seize the opportunity to directly project the army to the political center of the opponent, and then achieve political results through military means. The most typical is to subvert the existing regime and foster a brand new puppet regime.

The clone army of the Galactic Republic was established based on this concept of war. This is even true of their warship design—for example, the huge hangar capacity of the Jaeger-class is actually more for ground support, not for fleet bombardment.

So at this time, even though the Galactic Republic and the Confederation of Independent Galaxies have been at war for more than two years, and both sides have brains out, they still have not mobilized as a whole—because in front of the space battleship, your army of millions and tens of millions, In fact, there is not much difference.

And the reason why the Duchy of Dawn made the Galactic Republic repeatedly deflate with small gains during the war was because they were at the forefront of the times, making the war more complicated.

A composite fleet with multiple functions coordinated with each other, and a composite army with multiple arms, which makes it difficult for the navy and army of the Galactic Republic to resist with a single arm and at most give you some long-distance support arms.

Therefore, the Galactic Republic is also learning now, and is also exploring how to complicate and diversify its own war mode.

All of this is actually traceable, and the trend of history is like this.

However, now in the northern border of the galaxy, the form of war here has taken on a different look-a form that is more cruel, more direct, and makes the Galactic Republic even more at a loss!

Extinction War! !


The planet Phaeda.

This is located in the northern part of the plane star map of the Milky Way. It is a remote planet in the outer ring, and there is not much hyperspace passage passing by. The climate is unpredictable.

This place has long been a haven for gangsters, bandits, smugglers, criminals, and here you can find almost every adventurous race in the galaxy - Rodians, Bothans, Grans, Humans , Ishitib people, etc., almost everywhere is filled with evil breath.

There is such a saying: Nashada (Smuggler's Moon) looks so elegant in front of Fei Aida. (“This was Phaeda, after all. On a bad day it made Nar Shaddaa look classy.”)

In the words of the 21st century, Nasada is Sicily, the hometown of the mafia, and Fiida is the dirty slum of Asan.

"Fuck you! You drunk you better get out of my bar! Or I want you to look good!" Deka, a burly Rodian, pointed his beloved modified blaster at a drunk head roared loudly.

"There is a zombie here! Hehehehe... Corpse puppets! Haha, we are all dead! Geths are eyeing this place, hahahaha..." The drunk stood up unsteadily, and threw the half- He picked up the bottle of bad wine, pulled out the cork, and gulped down several mouthfuls.

"Get out of here!! If you continue to talk nonsense here and affect my business, I will blow your head off now!" Deka was furious, and he pulled the bolt hard, and he added it to the charging device of the blaster rifle The supercharger started to work, and the barrel of the gun began to glow with dazzling energy.

With this shot, even a hovering car can be blown up.

"Don't...don't shoot, don't shoot..." The drunk quickly stepped back and staggered out.

Deka spat hard at his back, "What a fucking bad luck!"

"Hey, Deka, is what that guy said true? A corpse puppet really appeared and ate his wife?" asked a human alcoholic next to him.

"This guy drank all day and drove his wife away in anger, and then he came here to spread rumors everywhere! What a fucking bastard! His wife might be lying on the bed of a wealthy Muun merchant now, huh!" Deka snorted. ,

"I said, what if a corpse puppet really appears? Doesn't that mean that the Geth has really come?" A Gran man was a little terrified, "I heard last month that the Geth sent Raka Karo The planet has fallen... there is not a single survivor on the planet!"

"Then your mother's nonsense!" Deka said, "If there are no survivors, how did you get this news? It's not the news released by the Galactic Republic, so that we can obey them obediently, pay them taxes, and then They're coming to garrison us too! Hey Doku! Do you want to be garrisoned here?"

he asked loudly across the bar.

"Fuck the Galactic Republic! Fuck Palpatine!" A burly human black man over there who was at least two meters tall raised his middle finger high.

"Hahahahaha!!" Several partners who were with the black man shouted loudly, and then took a drink from the large wine glass in their hands.

"Listen to me, kid with three eyes." Deka leaned back on the bar and said to the Gran (the Gran has three eyes), "What does Fieda have? There are condemned prisoners, spices, and slaves here." , there is good wine... but there will be no geth! What can those killing machines look at in our place? The female slaves kept in the basement by the Muun people?"

"The Geth are only interested in factories!" Another mercenary also said, "Fiaida doesn't have a factory... If the water purification plant in Jeppen's house can be counted as a factory, hahahaha!"

The smugglers and mercenaries laughed loudly, drinking wine and drinking wine, and did not return home drunk.

"Hey!! Camille! Come out to dance!!" Someone yelled, telling the only dancer in this shabby bar to come out and do a striptease as soon as possible.

Soon, a normal-looking human woman with a slightly out-of-shape figure came out from the backstage wearing revealing clothes, twisted and twisted to the wine table, and started her vulgar dance.

"Wow ha ha ha ha! Respect my beauty! Ha ha ha ha!!" The mercenaries laughed.

No wonder they are so happy, in a place like Fieda where blood is licked anytime and anywhere, they have the luxury to go to the bar for a drink, stuff a roll of money in the underwear of those vulgar dancers in exchange for a wink or blow a kiss Yes, basically they are people who have made several deals.

They celebrate having lived another day and earn a fortune to enjoy themselves.

In other words, those who can come to drink are the successful ones who came down on this day. As for those losers, they should be in the jungle outside Fieda City, being eaten by wild beasts.

However, at this moment, there was a muffled sound from the bar door! All I saw was a figure knocking open the wooden door and staggering in.

Boom! ! The wooden door that was knocked open fell directly to the ground.

Although the wooden door was just a decoration, the bar owner Deka was furious when it was destroyed like this. He picked up his modified blaster rifle and walked over, but saw that the person who hit the door was actually the drunk who was driven away just now!

"I fuck you! George! I'm going to break your leg today! It's fucking now!!" Deka yelled angrily, and walked over to catch the drunk.

"Yes! Break his legs! Hahahahaha!!" Some drinkers booed inside.

However, before Deka could catch the drunk man, the man fell to the ground with a plop!

At this time, everyone saw that the drunkard's back was dripping with blood, and there was a huge wound where the bones were deep! You can even see the spine!

"Ah~~~!!!" The dancing girl stood higher and could see more clearly. She jumped down with a scream and ran back to the backstage.

The bartender in charge of the music saw that something was wrong, and walked over to turn off the loud music, and the surrounding fell into silence.

"Hey..." There was an inhuman panting sound from outside the door, and then, a person walked through the darkness outside the door and stepped into the bar.

I only saw that this 'person' was not human at all except that he was barely human!

It didn't wear clothes, and the moisture from its body was drained, like a mummy that had been buried for hundreds of years! Moreover, there are a lot of light from energy nodes on its body, and its eyes have no eyelids or pupils. It is completely a spherical luminous body, with pipes and wires criss-crossing, protruding from a hole in its abdomen, all over the body in all directions!

This distorted and terrifying appearance made people feel chills all over their bodies after seeing it, and the meaning behind it made people even more desperate!

Corpse puppets! !

boom! ! The modified blaster in Deka's hand fired! The overloaded blast energy beam exploded in an instant, and the powerful power directly blasted the corpse out!

"'s a corpse! It's a corpse!!! The Geth is coming!!" The drinkers who saw clearly screamed loudly.

"No! No!! My wife is still at home!!" A smuggler shouted, picked up his weapon and ran towards the door.

However, it didn't take long before there was a burst of gunshots outside the door, and soon there was a shrill scream!

"Asshole! Follow me to see the situation!!" Deka greeted loudly.

Immediately, a few bold mercenaries walked over with their guns in hand. They cautiously stepped out of the bar to check the situation outside the door.

I could only see that the street where the bar was located had long been silent, and most of the houses on the opposite side were darkened, and in a small number of houses that were still lit, there were strange shadows swaying from time to time.

"What the hell is going on here?" a mercenary whispered.

Before, the music in their bar was very loud, and everyone was immersed in the wine and spices, who was going to take care of things outside the door. But now that they came out, they realized that something happened in this place!

A few steps forward, I saw the mercenary who ran out just now was lying on the ground, and a corpse puppet was squatting on the ground tearing his corpse.

Not only that, but there seemed to be something moving in the surrounding darkness.

"There's more than one corpse puppet! Go back! Hurry up!!!" When Deka said the last word, he almost roared hysterically.

"Hiss~~~~~~" There was a roar in the darkness, and then several corpse puppets appeared, rushing towards them! ! (end of this chapter)

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