The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1558 The Cage of the Trapped Beast (The Doomsday of the Second Galaxy Army 1)

Chapter 1558 The Cage of the Beast (The Doom of the Second Galaxy Army-1)

1558. The Cage of the Beast (The Doom of the Second Galaxy Army -1)

What I can and cannot do is out of your control. When I tell you to do something, all I want to hear are two words, "Yes" and "Sir." —The Losers—On the First Cabinet of the Fourth Reich, by Francis Underwood.


The Jaeger-class battlecruiser, the bridge of Endurance.

"General Windu! We found the trace of the Doom!" An intelligence officer walked over quickly and said loudly to Master Windu.

Master Windu's electronic eyes immediately glowed red, and he stood up, "Where is it! Say!"

The intelligence officer came to the holographic star map, pointed to one of the planets and said: "We found a lot of hyperspace fluctuations and energy reactions on the planet Akiva! This shows that there are a large number of spaceships intensively operating on this planet in the near future Pass!"

"Planet Akiva?" Master Windu frowned, "It's already outside the range of the Neutral Alliance...and it's not in this star sector. Are you sure it's their base of operations?"

The intelligence officer shook his head and said: "I can't be sure, General Windu. But Akiva planet is the only place where we can find large-scale hyperspace fluctuations after we expand the search range. It is difficult for a fleet of ordinary size to cause this level fluctuations, but in the nearby star fields, we did not find such clues.”

"Continue." Master Windu frowned.

The intelligence officer quickly said: "Recently, the largest squadron we have been attacked has 8 Jaeger-class ships, so judging from our recent action pattern on the destroyer, the destroyer is likely to carry 10 to 20 kilometer-class battleships. , it is likely to be a behemoth-class battlecruiser. Judging from this scale, it is indeed impossible for the opponent to obtain supplies within the range of the Neutral Alliance, so we expanded the range to the surrounding star areas."

Master Windu nodded.

"Then we compared the hyperspace fluctuations during each recent attack, and came up with such a picture." The intelligence officer called out a very complicated ripple picture.

This ripple pattern seems to be formed by thousands of ripples mixed together, which is complicated at all. Without instrumental analysis, it is impossible to know what it is.

But Master Windu knew this, and not only did he know it, he could even see it.

This is the texture map of hyperspace fluctuations!

Hyperspace is actually a high-dimensional space. If you want to display the content of high-dimensional space in low-dimensional space, then the result is like this. You need to use a lot of low-dimensional pictures to show a picture of high-dimensional space.

The hyperspace fluctuation detected in the hyperspace outpost is such a thing.

After all, it spans hundreds of thousands of light-years. It is impossible to get an accurate picture. The only basis is this thing.

"So, every time our fleet is attacked, there will be such hyperspace fluctuations around the planet Akiva?" Master Windu asked looking at these hyperspace ripples.

"That's true, and the larger the scale of the attack, the stronger the fluctuations on Akiva Planet," the intelligence officer said.

Master Windu nodded, "You step back."

"Yes!" The intelligence officer saluted and retreated.

Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, who had fallen into darkness, came over and looked at the information, and said, "Isn't it a little too coincidental?"

Master Windu nodded, then shook his head again, "Because it happens every time, I don't think it's a coincidence. If there are occasional coincidences, I will doubt it. Now this result can only be said that the other party cannot control the super Due to the occurrence of spatial fluctuations, fluctuations occur in every activity... Well, rather than being uncontrollable, it is better to say that even if they know there will be risks, they still have to do this in order to get a rest. What do you think? Master Mundy."

"If it is based on your judgment just now, I think that can only be the most optimistic situation." Ki-Adi-Mundi said, "But since the Jedi Order was attacked, all I can sense in the Force is There's chaos and there's no way to see the future."

Even after so many days, when Ki-Adi-Mundi talked about the Jedi Order and Order 66, they only said that they were attacked, but they were still unwilling to admit that the Jedi Order had been wiped out.

"But we can't go on. Now it is different from when the Fang Fang attacked. At that time, the entire Galactic Republic was behind us, and we had enough time and supplies to fight against the Fang Fang. But now, the Alliance of Neutrals still has no Completely accept our control, to meet the consumption of such a large fleet, we must calculate carefully every day. If we do not solve the destruction, we will cut off the supply sooner or later." Master Windu said.

Master Mundy nodded and said: "That's true. Our last reliance is the main fleet of the Second Galaxy Army, but this is the only thing we have. We must not lose it! I agree to attack the planet Akiva."

"But we still have to be cautious." Master Windu said, "The Akiva galaxy is closer to the Yawen galaxy, and the hyperspace channel in the direction of the Yawen galaxy is very complicated, so it cannot be ruled out that the other party has an ambush there..."

"If you take the normal route, the most convenient way to get to the Akiva galaxy is Celannon galaxy (Celannon), but I think that direction will be ambushed instead. Why not gather the fleet to Phindar galaxy (Phindar)... ’ said Ki-Adi-Mundi.

"The Fendal galaxy does have a channel that can go to the Akiva galaxy, but there are two black holes on the way of that channel. Under the influence of the mass projection of the black holes, only a small number of spaceships can be navigated at one time. In addition, the other party is the Venom. The sister ship Destroyer, a small number of warships have fought with it in the past, and it was death." Master Windu said.

Ki-Adi-Mundi said: "Our purpose is just a threat. We gather the main force in the Fendal galaxy. If the opponent's destroyer is indeed in Akiva, then as long as they take action, we can directly Attack Planet Akiva! It would be better if he doesn't move, we will have plenty of time to further control the Alliance of Neutrals."

Master Windu thought for a while, nodded and said: "It is indeed a good plan, let's do it! Let the staff draw up an action plan as soon as possible. Also, the Alliance of Neutrals and the planet Mandalorian, send people to continue to impose pressure!"


Mandalorian planet, Concordia satellite, Concordia state capital.

"Hehehe... Mace Windu has already started to worry." Chaofan Vizsla said with a sneer, holding a glass of expensive red wine in his hand.

"What happened?" It was a beautiful red-haired girl wearing a headband, Bokatan Kryz, who spoke. Sister of the former Grand Duke of Mandalorian, Satine Kreiz.

Chaofan-Vizsla handed her a communication directly, "Look."

Bo-Katan looked at this communication. This was a communication from the Second Galaxy Army. They asked Mandalorian to stabilize the situation as soon as possible and provide more supplies and ammunition to their fleet. In return, the Second Galaxy Army will support the extraordinary - Vizsla becomes the true leader of the Alliance of Neutrals.

Even though he is still young, Bo-Katan Kriz sneered at this communication, "It's all empty talk... That bald head Windu thinks that just giving us a promise that we don't know if we can achieve it, we have to put Hand over a large amount of supplies?"

"Hahahaha, you are Satine's younger sister. You have completely inherited her keen political sense, but at the same time, you have learned the spirit of bravery and fearlessness in our death guard!" Transcendence-Vizsla said with a smile, " Do you know what's the best thing about this?"

"What is it?" Bo-Katan asked.

"The most wonderful thing is that if we keep the Second Galaxy Army hungry, they will keep feeding us like this. And once they are full, the planet Mandalorian may not be up to us. "Extraordinary - Vizsla said.

"Hehe, aren't you afraid of driving Windu into a hurry and directly occupying us with arms?" Bokatan Kryz asked back.

"Let me tell you clearly, Mace Windu and his Second Galaxy Army, dare not!" Chaofan-Vizsla sneered, "The Second Galaxy Army looks extremely powerful, but in fact, it is just a It's just a beast trapped in a cage. Armed to occupy the planet Mandalorian? Does he dare to put his power into this place? No matter whether he wins or loses, he will drain his few blood, and then in any next action Among them, they were restricted until they were starved to death."

Bo-Katan touched his chin and thought for a while, "You mean that although the Second Galaxy Army can occupy us, once they do so, they will not get the resources they want, and will starve to death instead. So occupying Mandalore The planet is easy, but also ruined their own future?"

"I asked someone to give him a hint that all our centralized farms and food processing factories have planted bombs. Once they want to plot something wrong, these bombs will be detonated immediately!" Transcendence - Vizsla grinned.

"If you do this, at least half of the people on Mandalorian will starve to death." Bo-Katan Kreiz's expression turned ugly.

"Hahahaha! Then what does it matter to me?" Extraordinary-Vizsla laughed.

"I have to say, I feel that you seem to have become a lot smarter recently, and you have become a lot more annoying." Bokatan Kriz said, "Did you change, or is someone teaching you?"

"This has always been my method. Don't forget how Jango Fett and his so-called real Mandalorians were dealt with by me." Extraordinary Vizsla waved his hand, "Okay Well, I will deal with Windu. You should continue to attack the remnants of Prime Minister Almek. This matter must be done by you. Only if you defeat Almek, then you can justifiably become Manda Luo planet has a new female archduke."

"My sister's wrong path will be corrected in my hands!" Bokatan Keriz said confidently. She put on her helmet again, and walked out with several Death Guard fighters.

The armors of the Death Guard warriors who followed Bo-Katan-Kritz all had blue stripes on their armors, which was different from the pure black armors of Transcendence-Vizsla's men.

After Bo-Katan Kriz left, Transcendent Vizsla returned to his office. He turned on a mysterious communicator, and the other end of the holographic projection reflected a short figure wearing a black cloak .

"Uh...Honorable Master...isn't he here?" Transcendence-Vizsla was a little surprised when he didn't see the Bis people.

"The lord has more important things to do, and this matter obviously has nothing to do with you. Tell me what you want." The man in the black cloak is Shen-Jon!

"I want to report to the Lord that Mace Windu's fleet has been under attack, but I don't know who the attacker is. Now he is putting more and more pressure on us, asking us to increase supplies. "Extraordinary-Vizsla said hastily.

"I told you, if you starve him, you will be safe, if you feed him, you will surely die. Just keep going like this." Shen-Jon said coldly.

"But now with the Jedi should I deal with it?" Chao Fan-Vizsla asked.

"Don't pay attention to the organization that is already doomed to perish. Your established strategy remains the same, continue to deal with the Second Galaxy Army and the Galactic Republic, and ask them to raise their bargaining chips. When the remnants of Almek are completely wiped out, you will Openly prop up Bo-Katan Kriz as the new Grand Duke, and then rejoin the Galactic Republic." Shen Jon said.

Extraordinary-Vizsla hurriedly asked: "I'm just wondering about this matter. After all, it was Master Windu who recognized the legal status of our death guard at that time. We didn't get much support from the Galactic Council."

Under the hood of the cloak, Shen-Jon's smile became cold, "Believe me, the Galactic Council, it won't be something you need to think about soon."

"This..." Chaofan-Vizsla was stunned for a moment, to be honest he didn't believe this person. After all, he was just the Lord's apprentice, but at this moment, he wanted to question the incredible plan that the other party said, but he didn't dare to speak, and was stunned for a while.

Shen Qiaoen didn't want to talk to him at the moment, seeing him in a daze, he immediately cut off the communication.


And at this time, Mace Windu finally started his action.

After looting another batch of supplies from the Alliance of Neutrals and the planet Mandalorian, Master Windu divided his fleet into three.

One of them continues to stay on the planet Garros IV, which is directly occupied by the Second Galaxy Army and is currently their headquarters.

Two of them went to the vicinity of the planet Mandalorian to ensure that nothing happened to this most important planet.

As for Master Windu himself, he led the most powerful part of the fleet and headed directly for Planet Fendal. According to the plan, his fleet will be stationed in Fendal. If the battleship Doom is really replenished and repaired on Planet Akiva, then his action will give Doom the greatest deterrence!

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