Chapter 1551: Black Beast Squad (Part 1)

1551. Black Beast Squad (Part 1)

Gym training, strength training... Gym training, strength training...

After A-Sharad-Hit recovered some of his health, the officers in Sonner Prison began to gather the prisoners together for very cruel training.

The amount of training is very large, and it does not involve any technical and tactical training at all. It is all about training people's physical fitness to the limit. Even with Heite's physical fitness, he was tortured to death.

During the training process, people were constantly eliminated, and those who were eliminated were directly picked up by the spaceship with an umbrella-like logo on it, and never came back.

But Ramadan Pesso, who had spoken to Hitt, persevered, and the two gradually became friends.

According to Ramadan, he used to be a smuggler, but once he took over the job, he was greedy for huge profits, but he didn't know that he was transporting spices until he took off, and it was not ordinary spices, it was Diesel Bark! What's worse, these spices were snatched by a group of pirates from the transport ship in the hands of gang boss Ni Yongxiao!

As a result, he was chased and killed naturally, but Ramadan was also a ruthless person, and he took his brothers and killed him all the way. But as soon as it took off and flew out of the atmosphere, it was blocked by a Higra-class battlecruiser.

Ramadan never wanted to understand why the regular army came so fast, but he also understood that even though the Higra class had fallen behind on the frontal battlefield, his small smuggling ship was still faster than even a finger of others. not on.

Later, during the trial, the judge read out the people Ramadan killed one by one. Ramadan was stunned to find that all the gangsters he killed turned into law-abiding citizens in the mouth of the judge? ! Only then did he realize that he had been tricked.

Then he was sentenced to death and was thrown here.

For what happened to him, Heite could only sympathize with him. Because he doesn't know about other things, but the fact that the production of Diesel's bark is now monopolized by the Dawn Star is highly confidential, but it is tacitly understood among the high-level military of the Galactic Republic.

Because the Harunkar planet that produced Diesel bark was attacked by Tang Xiao's ingenious means at that time, the Balawai people who originally supported the separatism were wiped out by the Dawn planet, while the Korunai people who originally supported the Galactic Republic fell back. dawn star.

Such a change made the Galactic Republic's reputation in the affairs of the planet Harlencar unjustified, so they directly blocked the information on this planet.

So, the gang of pirates who asked Ramadan to deliver Diesel's bark was equivalent to snatching their specialties directly in the face of Dawn Star, can this be tolerated? Just coming over with a Higera class is considered gentle. Although I don't know what happened to the pirates, but from the fact that Ramadan was the only one who came here from the same group, it can be seen that they have all returned to ashes.

But when Ramadan asked Hit, Hit didn't know what to say. Could it be that he just told him that he was a Jedi Knight? That's not only hurting himself, but also hurting him.

So Heite can only tell him that he killed someone who shouldn't be killed, so he was hunted down by the army of the Republic, and when he fled to the planet Kuna's Fang, he was caught and killed several security officers by mistake , was arrested.

Ramadan didn't delve into it either, after all, there are too many such things. This is the case with the Galactic Republic, especially those wealthy nobles in the inner circle. If you want to kill their members, then they will really use the power of the military to chase you down.

He only felt that he and Heite were in the same disease, after all, they were both hunted down by the regular army in the end.

After a few more days of training, the time is not long. Heit reckoned that this training wasn't really for them to develop some tricks, but to further screen out the most physically fit criminals among them.

In the end, only Hit, Ramadan and 18 others remained, for a total of 20 people.

On this day, the officers of Sonnell Prison gathered them together, and all of them were blindfolded and taken out of the prison to another place.

After stepping off the spaceship, Hitt found himself in a very advanced engineering laboratory. What made him even more disturbed was that there were several rows of gantry frames next to the laboratory, and parts were hung on the frames.

These parts include a seemingly bloated breastplate, spherical shoulder armor, hands, feet and other mechanical accessories. If combined together, it is a human form!

Is this the latest Separatist battle mech? Because Heite has been hunted down all the time, he didn't see the military parade on Dawn Star, and he didn't know the existence of CMC-300 power armor. But this does not prevent him from drawing a conclusion based on his rich combat experience-once this kind of power armor enters the battlefield, it will definitely be able to form a crushing advantage over the existing clone equipment of the Galactic Republic!

But the question is, what do you do to bring criminals like yourself to this most advanced power armor research base? Do experiments?

At this time, the officer finally came over and said to them: "This is the last chance the Duchy of Liming gave you! The last mercy!"

He pointed at the power armor fiercely, "This is the latest power armor of the Principality, CMC-300! With the kindness of Grand Duke Tang Xiao, you have obtained this most advanced individual combat armor in the galaxy. A chance for the system to redeem itself!"

"Are we supposed to drive these power armors?" Even Heite, a former Jedi knight, found such a thing a bit unbelievable.

The officer sneered and replied: "That's right! Inside these power armors, there is a counting device! Killing an ordinary soldier is worth 1 point! Killing a Spati clone soldier is worth 3 points! Killing a soldier is worth 3 points! Kamino clone soldiers, 10 points! At the end of each battle, your sentence will be reduced according to the current score! When your sentence is emptied, you can be released!"

"Hahahaha!" A burly man with a hideous face and scars and bruises all over his body laughed strangely, "Does that mean that if you kill someone, you will get a reduced sentence? And you will be given the most advanced weapons to kill people? Hahahahaha! "

"Do you still have hope for your 291-year sentence? Bacheko the Butcher." The officer squinted at the burly man and said coldly.

'The Butcher' Bachekoche showed a ferocious smile, "Mr. Instructor, what I think is, if I screw your head off, can I add 100 years to my sentence? 291 years, I'm afraid I won't pass it. How long does it take to run out..."

Several prison guards around him immediately pointed their guns at his head. Not only that, but the Destroyer robot escorting them also stretched out their bodies and opened their shields.

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