Chapter 1519 Battle of Ennako (23)

1519. Battle of Ennako (2, 3)

"Fire! Fire! Fire!!!" Republic Task Force Commander Kabayo roared loudly.

The 5 Knight-class Star Destroyers are fully fired, and each Star Destroyer is equipped with 60 double-mounted XX-9 heavy turbolaser cannons. Together, this is 600 cannons! Compared with the Jaeger-class battlecruiser with only 8 dual-mounted main guns, one Knight-class Star Destroyer is equivalent to the firepower of 8 Jaeger-class!

600 heavy-duty turbo laser cannons fired in salvo, the power is simply devastating, and it is the literal one.

Because the heaven and earth in the traditional sense, that is, the planet's atmosphere and surface rock and soil layers, are absolutely unable to resist this level of bombing!

However, when this kind of firepower fell on the Titan battleship Xuanwu, it disappeared without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea.

A faint green light radiates around the Titan battleship Xuanwu. When the turbo laser cannon passes through this light green light, the energy is directly neutralized by a large amount, and finally falls on the deflector shield of the battleship like a tickle. , even the ripples failed to set off.

"Bastard..." Kabayo was sweating even more now, and clenched his fists tightly. He knew that even if there were five of the latest Knight-class Star Destroyers of the Republic in his army, he would never be the opponent of the Xuanwu!

Compared with the previous battle in the Eliadu galaxy, the current commander of the Republic Fleet has long since given up all illusions after a long period of simulation and research. Without an absolute superior force, it is impossible to shake the Xuanwu. So they will not make any illusions about taking advantage of the Xuanwu.

But now, Kabayo had to bite the bullet and let his fleet rush up to fight the Xuanwu head-on.

The 5 Knight-class Star Destroyers were still firing wildly, countless flames exploded on the shield of the Xuanwu, but the opponent remained motionless!

"Take off the fighter!" Cabayo gave the order.

The Jaeger-class battlecruiser, which had already been fully equipped, immediately unfolded the hangar platform, and a large number of fighter jets took off densely.

However, the hulls on both sides of the Xuanwu once again emitted a dazzling red light, and then the electronic equipment and energy equipment of almost all warships in the Republic Fleet were interfered at the same time! Not only that, but the shells of those fighter jets also began to erode.

"It's the destruction matrix!! Let the fighter formations disperse as soon as possible!" Kabayo said loudly.

The destruction matrix is ​​a very powerful electromagnetic interference field, which can not only interfere with the electronic system of the enemy warship, reduce energy output and weapon charging efficiency, but also cause the armor of the enemy ship to be continuously eroded and damaged.

It's fine if it's a battleship like the Knight class or the Hunter class, but if it's a fighter jet, it won't be able to sustain it for too long under this interference field and it will be destroyed!

The Xuanwu is such a terrifying battleship. Not only can it make itself indestructible, but it can also prevent its opponents from using their strongest firepower.

Under the ebb and flow, the Xuanwu became difficult to shake.

"The capital ship continues to attack the Xuanwu! The other warships disperse! Attack the space port of the Trade Union!" Kabayo issued an order according to the battle plan.

If one must say that the Xuanwu has any weaknesses, then it is that the range covered by the terrifying combat systems on this Titan battleship is not too wide, at least compared to the tens of thousands of kilometers of battlefields of two large-scale fleets. In other words, the effect range of the Xuanwu can only cover a small part of it.

Therefore, it is also one of the solutions proposed by the military research department of the Republic to conduct large-scale detours through fast warships with high mobility.

At this moment, General Kabayo used his 5 Knight-class Star Destroyers and 20 Hunter-class Star Destroyers as bait, and after angering the Xuanwu, he continued to stay here as a meat shield. Other small and medium-sized battleships including the Arquitens-class light cruiser and fighter jet clusters bypassed the Titan battleship and rushed towards the trade alliance's space port.

A burst of indiscriminate bombing!

The spaceports used by the Trade Federation for cargo handling cannot withstand such bombardment, and other battleships of the Fourth Civilization, including the Cole-class battlecruisers, are not enough to block the large number of fighter jets and the central group of the Galactic Republic. Small fast battleship.

If we say which warships of the Galactic Republic have an advantage in performance among the battleships of both sides, then there is no doubt that the Arquitense-class light cruiser designed by Willix Blissex himself Definitely one of them.

The 325-meter-long light cruiser equipped by the Galactic Republic in large numbers surpasses the 344-meter Apocalypse-class light cruiser and the 290-meter Brown Bear-class heavy destroyer currently used by the Fourth Civilization in terms of combat performance. Of course, this is also because the 288-meter Enforcer-class heavy destroyers of the Fourth Civilization have not yet been deployed on a large scale.

This kind of division and harassment really made the battle group of the Xuanwu lose sight of the other, because the number of warships in this battle group is not large, and the five Dunov-class battlecruisers and the Sowa-class aircraft carrier must also follow the Xuanwu to provide support. . But relying on the Cole class alone cannot deal with the Republic light cruisers and fighter jets flying around like locusts.

In a violent explosion, another spaceport of the trade union was destroyed and exploded into countless pieces. Some Neimoidian transport planes swarmed out of the attacked spaceports, trying to escape, but they were all overtaken by the red-eyed Galactic Republic fighter pilots and destroyed one by one.

However, while achieving such a record, the price was that the 5 Knight-class Star Destroyers and 20 Hunter-class battlecruisers suffered extremely heavy losses under the concentrated attack of the Xuanwu Battlegroup.

In less than an hour of fighting, 9 Jaeger-class ships were destroyed, and the remaining warships were basically damaged to varying degrees.

"Don't stop! Continue to destroy the trade alliance's spaceport facilities!" Kabayo roared loudly.

Just when he was about to lose his hold, a communication finally intervened, only to see a Neimoidian in a high hat saying in panic: "Please stop! Stop! Stop bombing our spaceport! We surrender...surrender..."

Kabayo finally breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Want to surrender? Then you must first turn off the planetary shield and stop all resistance!"

The trade union executive still hesitated, "Turning off the planetary shield will..."

"Then I will continue to attack!" Kabayo said coldly.

"Don't! Don't! It's too difficult to shut down the planetary shields, we would like to shut down all near-fire and orbital defense systems first..." said the Neimoidians.


"Yes Yes……"

Soon, the armed space stations and defense platforms that were still firing wildly stopped resisting one after another. At the same time, the Xuanwu's attack became more violent. The orange lasers emitted by the eight heavy-duty pulse laser cannons equipped on the Titan battleship kept sweeping across the Knight-class Star Destroyer.

Finally, the shield of a Knight-class Star Destroyer was broken, and the main guns on the upper deck of the battleship were attacked by pulsed lasers, and a large number of them were immediately damaged, and the battleship's combat effectiveness also dropped sharply.

Seeing this, Kabayo quickly sent a communication to the rear.

A moment later, the white light flickered violently in space, and the 8,000-meter-long huge bodies of two Commander II-class dreadnoughts suddenly appeared, followed by another 10 Jaeger-class battlecruisers!

At the same time after jumping out of hyperspace, the powerful main guns of the two Commander IIs fired at the Titan battleship Xuanwu! At the same time, the newly joined battlecruisers of the Jaeger-class also took off more fighters.

They seized the opportunity now. The destruction matrix system of the Titan battleship Xuanwu had to stop due to overheating, and began to re-cool the cycle. At this time, the fighter group can finally act unscrupulously!

Without the destruction matrix that can erode through the shell of the fighter in 10 minutes, the fighters of the Republic can finally play a role. They rushed over like locusts, fought fiercely with the fighters that took off from the separatists, and took the protons they carried All torpedoes were launched.

Admiral Kourney watched the battle coldly from one of the Commander II-class dreadnought ships.

He wouldn't think that he already had the upper hand, because from the beginning of the battle to the present, they had paid so much losses, and the other party let alone the Xuanwu, even those Cole-class soldiers under the protection of the Xuanwu's group shield The battlecruisers did not suffer much damage either.

The battle lasted for more than an hour, and only seven Cole-class ships suffered varying degrees of damage. They were retreating towards the rear of the array and were being repaired by the Xingzi-class maintenance drone mothership.

According to the research of the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic, in order to defeat the Titan battleship Xuanwu, there are only two ways to go - the first way is to use a large number of high-speed warships to conduct roundabout operations, bypass the coverage of the Xuanwu, and attack other parts of the battlefield. hit. The second way is to use superior forces or another super warship to cause irreversible damage to the Xuanwu and its battle group in a short period of time, and then win the battle in one fell swoop.

It can be said that if the victory cannot be established an hour after the start of the battle, then the result will only get worse if the battle continues.

It is a pity that Admiral Kourney can only adopt such a refueling tactic to confront the Xuanwu due to the poor hyperspace channel conditions between the planet Naboo and the planet Ennako.

As for a super battleship like the Xuanwu, what I like the most is that the opponent adopts refueling tactics.

In fact, in many cases, the commander himself knows the disadvantages of refueling tactics, but sometimes he still has to adopt them. Many of these are caused by objective reasons such as logistics supplies.

For example, Admiral Kourney is very helpless now, and the development of the war is actually exactly as he expected. He couldn't concentrate his superior force to besiege the Xuanwu at all, he could only attack with refueling tactics. In this way, he couldn't even hurt a single hair of the Xuanwu.

"Continue to attack the Xuanwu! Don't let it have the opportunity to reinforce the planet Ennako! Other warships, continue to bomb the trade alliance's spaceport and planetary shield!" Admiral Kourney continued to order, "Notify General Kabayo, temporarily Retreat and rest!"


The new forces joined, and General Carbayo's task force was finally able to retreat after paying a heavy price as a human shield. The Republic fleet began to redeploy with two Commander II-class dreadnoughts as the core, and continued to engage the Xuanwu.

"Is Lott-Dude still okay?" Admiral Kourney kept in touch with Governor Lynch-Hauser.

"He said that the managers on Ennako's side have been shaken. As long as we put more pressure on them, he can naturally make them surrender." Lynch Houser was also nervous.

Kourney nodded, turned around and said loudly: "Notify the planet Ennako in clear code! Immediately put down the weapons, lower the planetary shield, and declare neutrality! We will promise to abide by the principle of neutrality and not conduct any military operations on the planet Ennako! Otherwise, our fleet would rather die with the planet!"

"Yes!" The communicator immediately sent out a communication.

But there was no response from Planet Ennako.

"Lot Dude said that the pressure we put on is not enough! Planet Ennako still thinks that the Xuanwu can protect them." Lynch Houser said, "There is no other way, let's go one way to the end!"

Kourney nodded sullenly.

The two Commander II-class dreadnoughts began to turn around, facing the firepower of the Titan battleship Xuanwu and flew towards the planet Ennaco, and the powerful main guns no longer attacked the Xuanwu, but turned their muzzles to start bombing Planet Ennaco!

During this process, of course, the Xuanwu and the battle group it belonged to could not just watch from the sidelines, they poured their most powerful firepower over it!

boom! boom! boom! ! The Commander II's main cannon bombarded the planetary shield, creating an extremely strong ripple.

The planetary shield equipped on the planet Ennako is not a very high-power one. It is mainly used to defend against pirates. Under the attack of the two dreadnoughts, it seems to be overwhelmed.

boom! boom! boom! ! Lasers and missiles continued to fall on the battleship, causing bursts of dull explosions and violent vibrations. Admiral Kourney stared at the projection of the holographic star map, gritted his teeth and said, "This should be fine!"

"General! There is communication access again in the direction of Ennako!" The communications soldier shouted.

Admiral Kourney felt that the big rock in his heart had finally fallen, and he hurriedly said, "Take it!"

The Neimoidian wearing a tall hat reappeared in the holographic projection. He put his hands on his chest in a Neimoidian-specific posture, looking extremely cowardly.

"I am the director of Planet Ennaco..." The Neimoidians looked terrified, "Communication again, I am sincerely afraid, I want to say... say..."

The expression on his face suddenly became weird, showing a mocking sneer, "Planet Ennako, how could it be possible to compromise with a group of dying people?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a shrill scream suddenly came from the radar department, "General!! A short-distance hyperspace jump in the galaxy has been detected!"

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