1507: Pregnant

Padmé Amidala didn't know how she got back to the office, she curled up on the sofa in a daze, trembling all over.

Domei hurried over to try to comfort her, but Padmé shook her head with a smile and said, "Go back first, Domei, I want to be alone for a while."

"Okay. I'm right outside the door. If you need it, you can call me at any time." Domei didn't insist. She saluted and left the office.

After the office door was closed, the tears that Padmé had endured for a long time finally came out of her eyes. She no longer suppressed her inner emotions, and wept loudly...crying almost heartbreakingly, hoarsely, all the pain, all the sadness, All the love, all the happiness, turned into bitter tears at this moment, flowing all over the cheeks and soaking the skirt of the clothes.

She fell from the sofa to the ground, and on the soft carpet, she beat her chest and stamped her feet, feeling extremely remorseful...

From Palpatine's words, she understood the whole story, and also understood how the dead angel found the secret manor—it was he who 'resurrected' Anakin's mother into a walking dead, so he could use this connection to directly It was no surprise to find that hiding place.

She believes that it was her own negligence that caused Anakin's death.

In the past few days, even after seeing the Order 66 issued by Anakin himself, Padmé still believes that she can bring her lover back to the light. She believes that her loyal love and his mother's deep affection are enough Let Anakin change his mind.

But who knew that just less than a day later, things had come to such an end!

From C-3PO and Rock-Johnson's intermittent memory storage, she also saw that Palpatine didn't seem to speak this time, and things developed as he said. The dead angel did force Anakin to worship him as his teacher on the grounds that he resurrected Anakin's mother, but Anakin refused. Then the dead angel acted brazenly, Anakin was not the opponent, and was eventually killed.

Anakin... his lover, did he really leave her just like that?

In just a few days, the Jedi Order was wiped out, Palpatine became the Sith Lord, and Anakin Skywalker was also dead. Such drastic changes almost made Padmé, who was in very bad health recently, even worse. overwhelmed.

I don’t know if she was tired from crying and fell asleep, or passed out. When Padmé woke up, she found that she was in the bedroom of the mansion. Two medical robots with a soft body and a very gentle voice were taking care of her beside her. she.

Domei sat by the bed with a sad expression on his face.

"Am I... asleep?" Padmé murmured.

"Amidala, why didn't you tell me?" Seeing that she was awake, Dome rushed over and held Padmé's hand tightly.

"What's wrong?" Padmé asked.

"You're already pregnant! Two months..." Domei said, tears streaming down her cheeks, "Is...his?"

Padmé turned her head to the other side and did not meet Dome's eyes. After a while, she said faintly, "Before going to Planet Onderon...it should be."

"Why...why do you want to do this..." Domei still couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that the smart and wise Senator Amidala, who was galloping in the political arena at a young age, had fallen so thoroughly in love.

Her political strength and sharpness make it impossible to connect her with a weak woman who is willing to secretly conceive for her lover.

"Dome, I'm not pregnant, you know?" Padmé said suddenly.

"But... your body..."

"Domey!" Padmé turned her head, stared into Domei's eyes, and said very seriously.

"It's... Senator Amidala..." Domei was in great pain.

Padmé Amidala raised her hand with difficulty, hugged her loyal maid gently, and said in her ear: "No matter what, Anakin or Master Yoda...they have not finished yet. We must complete their cause. Only in this way can we be worthy of their sacrifice."

"Yes... yes..." Duo Mei also burst into tears.

She understands how much sacrifice Padmé has made in this decision, and she will continue to fight to the end in this increasingly cruel political arena while dragging her pregnant body.

"If it's a boy, it's 'Luke'... If it's a girl, it's 'Leia'." Padmé said with a smile.


20BBY, ​​May.

With the issuance of Order 66, the Galactic Republic officially declared the Jedi Knights treasonous, wiped out the Jedi Knights, and hunted down every Jedi Knight throughout the galaxy.

But for the Jedi Knights who have guarded the Milky Way for more than 25,000 years, it is not just a military issue to easily destroy them. The speaker Schiff Palpatine who made this decision also had to endure very serious political backlash.

In the Galactic Council, even many members who were once loyal to Palpatine were unable to understand the order of the Extinct Knights, and their positions began to waver.

Not only that, members of Congress headed by Bail Organa began to publicly question the legitimacy of Order 66, and took this as an opportunity to launch formal impeachment procedures against Palpatine.

You must know that in the parliamentary system of the Galactic Republic, it is a very serious matter for members to impeach the current speaker, and often this is the end of the fish.

During the Battle of Naboo that year, Padmé Amidala, who was then the queen of the planet Naboo, also impeached the then Speaker of the House of Representatives, Phoenix Valorum, which led to the betrayal of all Valorum members and had to abdicate. step down.

And this time, Bail Organa's impeachment of Palpatine was also very serious. Because this is not only related to the legality of Order 66, but also to the question of whether the crime of treason by the Jedi Order is established!

In other words, if the Jedi Order wasn't treasonous, who was it?

Once such an issue is introduced, it is completely equivalent to detonating a nuclear bomb in a closed space!

In the following time, Palpatine and Bail Organa quarreled endlessly in the parliament, held several hearings, and also formed an investigation team to carefully check the whole matter.

But even in such a tragic struggle, the grand funeral of the combat hero Anakin Skywalker was still held.

Speaker Schiff Palpatine also personally attended the funeral and spoke at the funeral, and his first sentence was, "I always regard Anakin-Skywalker as my son..."

After finishing his speech, Palpatine retreated to his seat and watched the funeral process with a sad expression.

Deputy Speaker Mas Ameda quietly whispered in his ear: "I have already arranged, and all the funeral process is to remember the past. This will definitely arouse Padmé's strong emotional resonance... ..."

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