150. Simple woman

Boom! With a muffled sound, the hideous and terrifying head of Morristin's eight-legged dragon flew up into the air and landed in front of the cage.

But Aliya Isabel had no fear at all, she just looked at Tang Xiao who was walking step by step, as if as long as she had him, even the abyssal demon would be fearless standing in front of her.

Tang Xiao came to the cage, closed the energy field, cut off the lock with a sword, threw away the gapped long sword, and stretched out his hand to Alia: "You are safe, miss, but I have to remind you, Starting today, you will be my personal property."

"Private... all... all..." Aliya repeated blankly.

This man, said that I...is his property...? And it's private! Does that mean that it only belongs to him?

An inexplicable feeling rippled in her heart, as if a bomb exploded in her heart with a bang. A hot current gushed out from her heart and reached her cheeks, her pretty face flushed for a while, even a warm current flowed through her lower abdomen, making her tremble all over.

From the time she can remember until now, she has been Madam Pixi's slave. In order to sell her for a good price, Madam Pixi raised her with good food and drink, and invited the best etiquette teacher to teach her. In addition, she also needs to learn singing, dancing, vocal music, soft exercises, in short, she needs to learn everything that can please men.

And there are cultural classes, poetry, literature, accounting and so on.

Her diet and time are strictly controlled, and she has almost no time for fun, nor can she enjoy delicious food. It seems that the meaning of her existence is to train and learn well, and then sell it at a good price.

When she was given to Hege Damask II, she only felt a burst of despair, because the woman's intuition told her that Hege would never treat her as a human being.

As it turned out, Hei Ge put her in a cage and fed her to the beast without hesitation.

However, just when she was completely desperate, Tang Xiao appeared! He came to her like a god descending from the earth, cut off the beast's head, opened the cage, and rescued her.

Most importantly, Tang Xiao's super handsome face, vigorous figure, and calm demeanor all fascinated her.

Seeing Alia still kneeling in the cage, Tang Xiao frowned, went up to give her a hand, but found that the girl's body was as soft as dough rolled by hands. So he directly pulled the girl over, grabbed her slender waist with one hand and hugged her out.

However, the girl was tall and tall, not much shorter than Tang Xiao, so Tang Xiao felt uncomfortable when holding her waist with one hand, and the girl's soft feet were still dragging on the ground.

In front of ruthless people like Hei Ge, Pi Xi, and Dryden, the princess hug was too weak, so Tang Xiao simply carried Alia across his shoulders and carried her out.

Alia didn't care, she lay on Tang Xiao's back, feeling Tang Xiao's body temperature and breath with her whole body, and a heat flow circulated in her body again, which made her blush, and... wanted to go to the bathroom a little bit.

Tang Xiao also felt that the girl's body became hot, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He just felt that the body fragrance on the girl's body was very pleasant, so he couldn't help taking a few deep breaths.

Back in the auditorium, Tang Xiao threw Aliya on the sofa and came in front of Hei Ge and the others.

"Hahahaha! It's Tang Xiao brother! You are so handsome when you slay Morristin's eight-legged dragon! Hahahaha! If I were a woman, I might fall in love with you too!" De Lai Don-Worth clapped his hands and laughed.

"That's for sure. I estimate that even if 20 fully armed mercenaries come over, they will definitely not be a match for Mr. Xiao." Mrs. Pixi also said while shaking her long body.

"Then, as a trophy, this woman is yours." Hege Damask II said lightly. His gaze never stayed on Aliya from the beginning to the end, as if what he sent was not a rare beauty in the world, but a Chinese cabbage.

Dryden Voss, on the other hand, kept staring at Aaliyah. He was fascinated by her almost immediately. He couldn't help but walk over, stretched out his fingers to pick up a lock of silky blonde hair, and put it under his nose to smell deeply. For a moment, "Ah~~~ You are really a stunner...Brother Tang Xiao, you are really blessed!"

It's no wonder that Madam Bixi, who is still dominant on a developed industrial planet like Corellia, is also confident in bringing out such a woman to follow Hego Damask II who is backed by the Interstellar Banking Association. make a deal.

Dryden Voss reached out to touch Alia's cheek, but Alia jumped up from the sofa like a frightened little rabbit and ran behind Tang Xiao.

Beating a dog also depends on the owner, let alone playing with a woman who has the owner face to face. Although Dryden Voss felt itchy, he still forcibly suppressed the evil fire in his heart, smiled reluctantly and said to Tang Xiao: "Brother, when you get tired of playing with this woman, remember to tell me .I am willing to exchange her with the property of a planet..."

"Oh, then you have to wait." Tang Xiao said lightly.

He was not in the habit of handing over his private possessions to others.

At this time, Hei Ge's voice sounded, "Okay, the three of you are here to stay, mainly because of the matter of Planet Marathal."

Tang Xiao, Mrs. Vixi and Dryden Voss immediately put away all their thoughts and listened attentively.

He Ge continued: "The dispute between Planet Marathal and the Enterprise Alliance has been going on for a long time, and now is the best time to detonate this bomb."

"Phoenix Valorum, the chairman of the Galactic Council, is not having an easy life, right? Hahahaha..." Dryden said with a smirk.

"I heard that he accepted a bribe of 1 million credits through a trust fund, which is really shameful." Mrs. Pixi also let out an ugly laugh, "It's no wonder it's Mr. Hei Ge, it's simple and simple. One step, and put Valorum back against the wall."

Tang Xiao just stood there without saying a word.

He Ge continued: "The Enterprise Alliance is going to raise the fuel tax on Planet Marathal, but Planet Marastal is firmly opposed. In fact, I also think they will definitely oppose it, because if the fuel tax is allowed to increase, they will Thirty percent of the gross domestic product would all go to the corporate alliance."

"I don't care how much of their total production value is plundered by the business alliance. I only care about how much we can get? Hehehehe." Mrs. Bixi said.

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