Chapter 1487 Execute Order 66 (Execute Order 66) (4)

1487, Order No. 66 (Execute Order 66) (4)

"...The behavior of the Jedi Knights is absolutely unacceptable! Since the outbreak of the war, the Jedi Knights have to withdraw and leave at the most critical moment! The reason is because of the different ways of using the Force? This behavior is equivalent to Treason!" When Anakin and Kai Aikewei walked into the venue, although the meeting had not officially started, some congressmen had already begun to make impassioned statements.

"The teachings of the Sith are diametrically opposed to those of the Jedi Knights! If different religious beliefs are to be respected according to the Constitution of the Republic, then what kind of respect is it to force the Jedi Knights to work under the Speaker of the Sith!!" The loud voice over there Full of anger is Alderaan planetary councilor, Bail Organa.

"Could it be possible under the leadership of Speaker Palpatine in the past, but now it's not working? Now it's about the life and death of the Galactic Republic, but the Jedi Knights leave as soon as they say it. This is taking the lives of trillions of people in our Republic Where is the property safe!?" Another congressman asked sharply.

Many congressmen are arguing with each other and refusing to give in, but obviously, at this time, there are only a few congressmen who can clearly see that they support the Jedi Order. Because compared to the difference between the Jedi Knights and the Sith, more congressmen are obviously more concerned about the possible changes in the direction of the war due to the departure of the Jedi Knights.

They don't care whether the Jedi Order accepts the Lord of Sith, or even whether the speaker of the Galactic Republic is the Lord of Sith. They just care that once the Jedi Order leaves and the war is lost, their interests will be affected. damage.

Kai Ai Kewei sighed from the side, and said to Anakin Skywalker: "It's not that we don't want to help the Jedi Knights speak out, but that the current situation in the parliament is such that a planet like ours has almost no power to resist. Even speaking, the Jedi Knights and the Galactic Republic have been separated now. If you support the Jedi Knights, you are against the Galactic Republic. Under such circumstances, we dare not speak..."

Anakin Skywalker nodded without saying a word, but his eyes kept searching in the spherical parliament hall, trying to find the beautiful shadow that belonged to him on the countless anti-gravity platforms.

However, before he could find it, the Speaker of the Republic, Palpatine, had already arrived at the meeting place, accompanied by the Deputy Speaker Mas-Ameida, and the meeting officially began.

Mas Almeda first summarized the previous topics, and then Palpatine stepped forward, manipulated the anti-gravity platform to fly to the center of the venue, and then used his unique peaceful and infectious The voice said: "Dear members, today's meeting was not my original intention. I am deeply saddened that such a change has taken place in the Jedi Order, which should be the guardians of the Galactic Republic."

He opened his hands and greeted all around, "The Galactic Republic has stood in the Milky Way for more than 25,000 years... For 25,000 years, the Republic has been a staunch ally of the Jedi Order. I still remember, According to records more than 20,000 years ago, during the first civil war of the Jedi Knights, the faction on the bright side was on the verge of extinction! The faction on the dark side wanted to cooperate with the Republic to govern the galaxy together...but the Republic refused Yes, we firmly stand on the side of the light side, even at the cost of tens of millions of lives, we still help the light side and defeat the dark force..."

"After that, the Old Sith War, the New Sith War, the Mandalorian War, the Eternal Empire, the Infinite Empire, the Sith Empire... the thrilling wars, the terrifying opponents, the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Knights The regiment fought against the enemy together, fought with each other with sincerity, and finally won the victory. Let us finally stand on the top of the galaxy and benefit the people of the entire galaxy. But now..."

Palpatine went on to say: "Why did this happen? Is separatism too powerful? Is Count Dooku too powerful? I believe that neither Count Dooku nor the dead angel can reconcile with the once infinite empire. The Eternal Empire? Why did the Jedi Knights shrink back in the face of such a war? Why did such a war create such a rift between the Republic and the Jedi Knights?"

He looked around, "The Jedi Order said, this is because of me. Well, I don't want to discuss whether I did my duty correctly as the Speaker, I just want to ask, why now? Why are we about to launch a counterattack , to reunify the galaxy and stop the war completely? Why is it at this time that the Jedi Order asked to leave?! Is it really because of me?"

"This is because you have been deceiving the Jedi Order from the very beginning, you have been deceiving us all!" An extremely firm voice sounded.

Upon hearing this voice, Anakin Skywalker, who was originally sluggish, suddenly woke up. He raised his head and saw an anti-gravity platform flying towards the center of the venue.

Padmé Amidala, a member of the Naboo planet councilor and the representative of the Jomel star area, is standing among them.

At this moment, she is completely different from the grief-stricken look in the office just now. Although she is petite, but standing there is extremely tall and straight, and her face is determined, as if no matter what difficulties can shake her. Average heart!

Padme flew over on the anti-gravity platform, faced Palpatine, and said loudly: "You have been hiding the fact that you are a Sith from the beginning! This behavior itself is a kind of deception! The Republic and the Jedi Order The reason why such a conflict happened is in the final analysis because of your deceit! Think for yourself, in the election after the Star Wars on Naboo 13 years ago, if you knew you were a Sith, how many votes would you have gotten! ?”

The smile on Palpatine's face suddenly froze, but he still said with the same provocative sophistry: "Then do you think that the Jedi Order can affect the election of the Speaker of the Republic? Or do you think that everyone who participated in the election at that time A member of parliament violates the spirit of the Constitution of the Galactic Republic, and will disputes over religious beliefs be placed above the interests of the Republic?"

"You didn't answer my question directly, Mr. Speaker." Padmé Amidala looked aggressive at this moment.

Even if she was not understood by others, or even betrayed by her true love, she still chose to persevere to the end!

"My answer is that I will get the majority of votes, the same as the fact that has already happened." Palpatine said coldly, "On the contrary, you, who stand on the side of the Jedi Order, but are not willing to fight for the Republic Senator Amidala, who is thinking about the future, can you explain to me why the Jedi Knights, who claim to be the guardians of the Galactic Republic and have always regarded themselves as fair and just, made such impulsive, unbearable, and even despicable actions? matter?"

He raised his hand and pointed lightly, and a huge holographic projection appeared in the center of the venue.

In the projection, it was the speaker's office, and Schiff Palpatine was working at his desk.

At this moment, the door of the office suddenly opened, and then a small figure rushed in like lightning. The speed was so fast that no one could see clearly who the other party was.

But this figure was holding a small green lightsaber in his hand!

Thanks for the 1850 starting point coins rewarded by _九食糖米酒_! ! Thanks to the stubborn Slytherin for the reward of 500 starting coins! !


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