Chapter 1482: Lucien Del Rey's Plan (Part 1)

1482. Lucien Del Rey's Plan (Part 1)

Darkness, endless darkness...

Pain, heart-piercing pain...

Anger, rage that would tear you apart...

Fear, terrific fear...

Edra Kattis wept, howled, and screamed in the dreadful abyss. The endless force of the dark side enveloped her, washing away the last light in her heart bit by bit.

In the valley of the Dark Lord on the planet Korriban, countless Sith ghosts who were sleeping roared towards her soul, trying to tear her to pieces! She repeated the pain of being torn apart from soul to body, and she even wanted to give up all of this and kill herself, maybe in this way she could get rid of this never-ending pain.

But the last voice in her heart told her, please don't do this.

Suicide in front of Darth Malthael, who controls death, may be the beginning of a more terrible and painful torture.

Countless Sith ghosts kept rushing towards her, and the force of the dark side full of death completely wrapped her in it. This was a thorough tempering, which made Edra Katis's force darker and purer!

Other Sith Lords would bring their apprentices to such a dark place, most of which were relics of the former Sith Empire, such as Darth Plagueis, the master of Darth Malthail, who was originally Take him to the Sidi Empire ruins castle on the Sochoron satellite to feel the roar and anger of the dark side.

This is not only to temper the dark side force of the apprentices and enhance their strength, but also to arouse their inner anger and hatred, making them full of unforgettable hatred for the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order. Only in this way can the power of the dark side be made stronger.

The force comes from the heart... especially the force of the dark side, which is full of negative emotions, and these negative emotions will in turn make the force of the dark side stronger.

But now it's different!

Most of the Sith ghosts in the Valley of the Dark Lord were conquered by Darth Malthael, they were changed by Malthael, and they were among the forces of the dark side raging around Edra Ketis, Doesn't include hatred for the Galactic Republic or the Jedi Order.

That's right! Darth Malthael delivered to Aedra Ketis through these Sith ghosts, only ambition! That was Darth Malthael's own ambition!

The ambition to conquer the entire galaxy, and even the entire universe!

To achieve this ambition, Darth Malthael will crush everything! Whether it's the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order, or even the Fourth Civilization itself! Nothing can be a hindrance to his ambition!

The reason why Tang Xiao awakened the force of the dark side in the first place was not only because he was an adult at that time, and he had seven emotions and six desires, so darkness would breed. More because of his boundless ambition!

As it was said in the conversation between Darth Malthael and Qui-Gon-Jinn's heroic spirits on the planet Dagobah... From the moment Tang Xiao saw the mothership database, his heart This boundless ambition was born!

It’s just that he has always concealed this ambition so well that most of the time, his real ambition is covered up by the appearance of ‘leading the fourth civilization to survive and dominate’, which makes people ignore the deepest part of his heart. of the most dreadful ambitions.

Tang Xiao is more tolerant than anyone else. He will never reveal anything until he really touches on his ultimate goal.

So now, what Darth Malthael handed over to Aidra Ketis is such an ambition! He wants this apprentice of his to become his real servant of darkness and an important part of his ambition!

He doesn't need Aedra Ketis to hate anyone, he just needs her to be his tool, to destroy all existences that stand in the way of his ambition, in the name of Darth Lilim!

That's enough.

Aidra Katis had fallen to her knees, unable to support her.

I really want to end all of this, it hurts so much, I'm so tired, I really want to sleep...

"If you close your eyes and go to sleep, you will become part of this valley, one of the countless ghosts. Maybe it will be even more miserable, because under the tearing of those Sith ghosts, you may not even have the last fragment of consciousness. There won't be any left." An old voice suddenly appeared in the heart of Aedra Ketis.

Edra Katis raised her head suddenly, only to see an old man in a coarse robe standing in front of her. His once beautiful hair was cut into a messy crew cut, a dirty cloth strip was wrapped around his eyes, and a tree branch was used as a walking stick in his hand.

"It's you? Lucien Del Rey..." Eddra Ketis murmured.

This old man is exactly the last leader of the Jedi Covenant 4,000 years ago, Lucian Del Rey. After the Jedi Covenant was disbanded, he also lost his eyes, but he still used the last wealth of the organization to buy the Delray II satellite, where he built a huge temple and wanted to rebuild the Jedi Covenant.

However, the blindness allowed him to see more things... He finally gave up. As a result, the Delray II satellite was abandoned until Tang Xiao found it.

Under the death force of Darth Malthael, Lucian Drey's heroic spirit began to recover. He gave the gauntlet of Little Clash to Malthael and lodged in it. Little did anyone know, but Lucien Del Rey had developed a deep bond with Edra Kattis after meeting her for the first time.

Because Lucian saw the unshakable light in the heart of Adella Ketis!

Although in the endless darkness, the ray of light is so faint, even too weak to be perceived, but the light still exists.

Lucian Del Rey, who was blind during his lifetime, saw more of the future, and from then on, he wanted to help Edra Kattis. But Darth Malthael's dark power has always been too strong, and he has not been able to prevent Edra Kattis from stepping into the abyss step by step under the guidance of Malthael.

"That's's me, Lucien Drey." Lucien Dray replied, his tone full of regret, "Darth Malthael is advancing step by step towards the deepest part of the dark side, it seems It can no longer be stopped..."

"Ah, can't you stop the master? Then don't stop it...Master, the master should be like this...he will conquer the galaxy...bring his reputation to every corner of the galaxy..." Ed La-Kitis had almost lost her ability to think, she murmured.

"No, this is not the future I see..." Lucian Del Rey said, "Maybe Darth Malthael can really conquer the entire galaxy, but what he brings is not dictatorship and rule, but... ...death and destruction!"

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