Chapter 1473 Dark Prophet

1473. Dark Prophet

"Bastard! What did you do to Xiaocheng!!!" Zhang Jiarui was furious when he heard this. He raised the six-barreled blaster machine gun in his hand, aimed it in the direction of the black hole and pulled the trigger! !

Countless blaster beams sprayed out, instantly covering the place where the black hole was located!

At the same time, the blaster sniper rifle in Shen Yuanhao's hand and the stun gun in Xiao Yan's hand also fired at the same time, and countless firepower immediately surrounded him.

However, it has no effect at all!

The two retro lightsabers in Black Hole's hands are waving at high speed, the speed of waving is so fast that the naked eye can hardly see clearly, only a light curtain around his body can be seen!

"Ahhhh!!!" Zhang Jiarui roared loudly, the cooler of the six-barreled blaster machine gun was burning red, but he still didn't stop.

Countless blast energy beams were bounced off by the black hole's lightsaber, flying out in all directions. However, these attacks did not touch Zhang Jiarui and the others at all!

Finally, the six-barreled blaster machine gun in Zhang Jiarui's hand had to stop firing due to overheating, and the chaotic scene gradually subsided.

Among the smoke and gunpowder smoke raised by countless bullets, the figure of the black hole gradually appeared, unscathed!

However, at this moment, he didn't pay attention to Zhang Jiarui and the others. He just stared in the other direction, his eyes were extremely sinister, "Moore's amulet, you'd better not meddle in your own business!"

Standing there is the judge!

Although she was motionless here, she used powerful force to guide and deflect all the reflected blast energy beams!

That's right, if it wasn't for her, the black hole would have shot Zhang Jiarui and the others into a sieve long ago by reflecting the blast beam back!

"Let's go first, find a spaceship, let's get out of here." Judgment said lightly.

"This bastard wants to threaten me with my son!! Today! He must die!!" Zhang Jiarui looked at the black hole, his eyes tearing open.

"'s useless! No matter how angry you are, your son is already dead! Hehehehe...what? Didn't 'he' give your son a chance to telepathically report his death?" Black Hole mocked.

Veins burst out on Zhang Jiarui's neck, and he was about to rush forward in extreme anger, but was blocked by an invisible force barrier.

The judge shook his head and said: "Don't worry, he doesn't have the ability to kill that child. You go first, and when I get rid of him later, we can go pick up your son together."

Zhang Jiarui's eyes were red, he looked back and forth between the black hole and the trial, and finally gave up, being dragged away by Shen Yuanhao.

The others, including Xiao Yan and Karina, also left together, but the black hole didn't stop them. At this moment, all his attention was on the trial.

From the first moment he saw her, Black Hole knew that this was definitely the most powerful enemy he had ever seen in his life!

A yellow lightsaber appeared in the hands of the judge, and she moved forward step by step...

In the next second, a terrifying force spread instantly! The black hole snorted and almost lost its balance! This power is too terrifying and too powerful! It even destroys every cell in the body from the inside out! !

Under the terrifying power of the black hole, even his eyes were a little blurred. He saw countless figures standing up around him... These figures were still wearing tattered uniforms of the Kuat Security Force!

No! not human! These are clearly a group of monsters!

"Moore's this the power of the Sith artifact?" Black Hole spat out these words with great difficulty.

Judgment didn't intend to talk too much, the yellow lightsaber slashed at him like a swimming dragon! The black hole quickly resisted, but under the suppression of the power of Moore's amulet, his power that could easily catch Karina's attack before can only retreat steadily!

Before taking a few steps back, he suddenly felt that danger was coming from behind, and he quickly seized the opportunity to strike back with a sword. Swish! ! A Lak ghoul that was sneaking up from behind was beheaded by him with a sword. On the head that had turned into a monster, he was still wearing a high hat unique to the Kuat security force.

With just one tenth of a second of distraction, the lightsabers of judgment kept coming! Compared with the previous battle with Anakin-Skywalker, her lightsaber swordsmanship has made great progress.

After all, it was not that she was not proficient in swordsmanship before, but because the swordsmanship she practiced was thousands of years ago. Compared with the modern swordsmanship that has been improved countless times by the Jedi Knights, it is indeed full of loopholes.

But for her, this is just a small problem. After she started to practice modern swordsmanship again, the speed at which her swordsmanship improved could be said to be changing with each passing day.

At this moment, under the suppression of Moore's amulet, the black hole must allocate most of its power to resist the erosion of the amulet, so it can only keep retreating under the attack of Judgment.

Black Hole's Jiakai swordsmanship and his original force can also be said to be the top existence in this galaxy, even in this extremely unfavorable situation, he can still withstand the attack of the trial.

However, he soon realized that something was wrong!

The force of the masked woman in front of her gradually turned to the dark side! And the force is getting stronger and stronger! Not only that, but the lightsaber in her hand gradually turned blood red!

This situation made the black hole horrified, "You! You can actually switch the force between light and darkness?! This is impossible!! No one can do it except Darth Revan four thousand years ago at this point!"

Judgment still didn't answer, she didn't talk much, and at this moment, she focused on attacking until she killed the target!

This is the instinct formed in the cruel training of the tool man she once cultivated as a Jedi covenant—the shadow.

In fact, she is not able to switch freely between light and darkness, but a strange balance has been formed between her power and the power of Carness Moore. In her normal times, the Force tends towards the light, because she never fell to the dark side.

And as she continues to strengthen her own force, Carness Moore's powerful dark side force will gradually take over, and her power will become the dark side.

The trial thinks this can only be said to be a coincidence, because even Darth Malthael, who also absorbed the power of Kanes Moore, could not do it.

However, what makes the trial a little strange is that Darth Malthael does not think this is a coincidence, but instead says it is her talent. In this regard, Judgment can only think that this elusive Sith Lord is comforting himself.

In fact, Darth Malthael knew that Celeste Morn was one of the few people in the world of "Star Wars" who had ever touched the unified force of light and darkness! In the original plot, decades later, together with the ghost of Kanes Moore, she killed Darth Krayt, known as the strongest Sith Lord in history, and at that moment, she realized Unify the Force... Finally, become one with the Force and return to nothingness.

At this time, as the force of the dark side continues to grow, the black hole can no longer hold on!

If there are no other factors, in fact, even if the trial erupts with the force of the dark side, he is still sure to fight the trial. However, at this moment, he must bear the erosion of the power of Moore's amulet all the time! Under the ebb and flow, he has already shown his defeat!

At this moment, his expression suddenly changed!

Sensing his expression, Judgment smiled coldly and said, "Did you feel it? I said, you can't hurt that little boy."

"You guys are really good... Hehehehe!" Hei Dong suddenly laughed grinningly.

Immediately afterwards, the two retro lightsabers in his hands suddenly stabbed like two poisonous snakes! At this moment, he gave up all his defenses, and this sword directly pierced Judgment's chest and lower abdomen!

Swish! ! ! Judgment's lightsaber chopped off his head directly!

"Hehehehehe..." Heidong's head fell to the ground, but he was still laughing strangely, and his headless corpse was still standing there motionless.

Suddenly, from inside his head, a black mist diffused from the eyes, nose, ears, and the cut in the neck! The black mist condensed in mid-air and did not disperse, and it actually began to condense into a human shape!

At the same time, at the garbage disposal workshop, the priestess also frowned, watching a black mist rise from the body of the young man whose chest she had pierced in front of her, and also formed a human form!

Soon, the black mist formed an extremely dark person, who seemed to be wearing a triangular crown on his head, and a terrifying light shone in his eyes.

What's even more strange is that on this dark figure, it seems that countless stars can be seen slowly flowing!

It was as if the person standing in front of him was not a person, but a human-shaped universe! At the position of his heart is a very bright and huge star, as if it is the core of the Milky Way.

This dark star-like figure brought an incomparably oppressive feeling to the judge and the priestess at the same time! Even the two whose power is already at the top of this galaxy feel extremely afraid!

"Let's get to know each other again, I am an advisor to Speaker Palpatine, a member of the Dark Prophet—the black hole."

[Re-acquaintance, I am an advisor to Speaker Palpatine, a member of the Dark Prophet - Black Hole. 】

The two black holes said at the same time, his voice was extremely deep and empty, and at the same time revealed a chilling evil and fear!

"The Dark Prophet..." Judgment's gaze was serious, and she didn't care what the other party was. Since this person appeared in such a strange form, it can only explain one thing - the person who died under her sword just now, and whose swordsmanship is so strong that he can even be ranked number one in the Milky Way, is not the body of this black hole.

What the trial is concerned about is where his body is, so he must be found and killed!

"Dark Prophet? There is such an organization in the Milky Way?" The priestess also looked solemn, but what she cared more about was the organization that claimed to be the Dark Prophet.

There is no doubt that if a member of this organization, the black hole, is so powerful and weird, then the threat this organization poses to the Milky Way is absolutely enormous!

"We observe this galaxy and control this galaxy... We know everything and we control the future! Your actions are just insignificant existences in this galaxy...Everything is under our control...Everything will be Return to destruction..." The black holes in the two places said at the same time.

"It's still talking about destroying the Milky Way. It seems that the dark prophets are just some imaginary people." The priestess taunted, she wanted to provoke the other party to get more information, "Don't forget, you were just beheaded by me Under the sword, with your power, you want to destroy the Milky Way? Hahahaha..."

Judgment looked at the human figure that looked like a dark star in front of him, and said lightly: "How about you, it has nothing to do with me. You just need to wait quietly to die, and I will find you."

"Hahahahahaha!! We will meet again..." Hei Dong didn't seem to want to talk too much to them, and the two figures gradually disappeared into the air.

hum! ! Judgment slashed with his sword, but didn't touch anything.

As the figures dissipated, the two corpses also fell to the ground, shriveled quickly, and turned into two mummified corpses in less than a minute.

Only the voice of the black hole is still echoing in the air, "Destruction will eventually come... The galaxy, even the entire universe, will fall into a never-ending cycle of entropy (A never-ending cycle of entropy), repeating, Constantly destroying... until ushering in, the demise of everything..."

The sound gradually faded away, and everything calmed down again.

Judgment looked up in one direction, was silent for a while, then turned around and walked towards Zhang Jiarui and the others.

The priestess silently memorized the words of the black hole, but did not reveal it. She came to the terrified Zhang Xucheng, helped the little boy up, and said earnestly: "Xiaocheng, we are in a very dangerous situation now, Kuat The defense fleet is surrounded by a powerful force. Although the governor sent the most powerful force to reinforce it, this force is still a drop in the bucket compared to the guard force of Kuat Planet..."

"Teacher... I was wrong..." Zhang Xucheng bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

"I never said you were wrong, Xiaocheng." The priestess said, "Even if it is dangerous, it is correct to help your own relatives. Now, we need your help. Only you can make us all People act in unison, and then seize the one in ten thousand chance to escape!"

Zhang Xucheng nodded firmly, "I understand, teacher! Just say it, I will definitely do it!"


Although it is not powerful, it is very precise and detailed telepathy gradually spread...

Judgment who had just snatched a spaceship with Zhang Jiarui and the others suddenly turned around and nodded in one direction.

On the outskirts of Planet Kuat, in the hidden Astro-class frigate, Sola-A suddenly said: "Successful, I sensed the child's mind."

"I sensed it too. He has unlimited potential." Ola Khan, another dark templar sitting in the cabin, also stood up.

"In that case, let's act!" Cun Te said firmly.


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Black Hole, the emperor's advisor. 】

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