The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1471 Rescue Operation (9)

1471: Rescue Operation (9)

Facing the provocation of this guy called the black hole, Karina became more and more angry. She roared wildly, and waved the light ax in her hand like a spinning top. Even around her, only shadows of axes waving at high speed could be seen.

As the force of her body became more and more violent, her body size also gradually increased, and now her height is close to 3.8 meters! Just standing there is equivalent to an SCV!

The light ax waved in her hand, bringing out terrifying power, and the wind carrying the original force even left countless scratches and dents on the surrounding ground and walls.

At this moment, Karina, even if there is an AT-TE in front of her, she can disassemble it into a pile of parts in less than half a minute!

But in such a storm, although the black hole looks precarious, it is actually as stable as a rock. No matter how fierce Karina's attack was, the two retro-style red lightsabers in his hand caught every attack of Karina without any mess.

That's right! It's about catching the attack, not dodging!

Looking at the huge size gap between the two, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion—the power of the black hole far exceeds that of Karina!


And at this moment, in the engineering laboratory in the base, the Thor mech was smashing around like crazy.

It is said to be the Thor Mecha, but at first glance, it is completely indistinguishable, except for the huge size. Because all the outer armor of Thor's mech has been removed, all that can be seen are exposed mechanical devices.

Theoretically speaking, if a group of soldiers shoot wildly with blaster rifles, there is every chance to destroy these mechanical devices, and then cause various problems in the mecha.

But even so, this huge 20-meter-high mech walked over with the pace of an earthquake. Unless it was really well-trained, otherwise, the result could only be the same as those Kuat security soldiers, without any The courage to resist, turn around and run away.

"It's over there! It's the main engine of the laboratory!! Smash it!!" In the cockpit of Thor's mecha, Zhang Jiarui's muscular body curled up behind the driver's seat, and he pointed to a small experimental room in front of him. said loudly.

The one who is now driving the Thor Mecha is General Kalani!

All I saw was that the cover on the chest of the engineering robot he was using was opened, and dozens of data cables were pulled out and connected to the console. At the same time, his hands are also holding the joystick, and he can control it flexibly.

No way, this Thor mecha was destroyed too badly, almost only a frame structure and some relatively strong transmission structures remained. This is because Dr. Zhang Jiarui only activated the first-level self-destruct device when he retreated from the Dirksen satellite.

The first-level self-destruct device is only detonated at the core of the mecha, destroying the most technical part of the mecha, preventing the enemy from reverse engineering. Therefore, after the wreckage was recovered by Kuat, Zhang Jiarui, who participated in the design and development of Thor's mecha, was there, and the amount of work to restore it could not be said to be too large.

Because even if those core technologies were not exposed, Zhang Jiarui knew what kind of substitute was the most suitable. Directly using some off-the-shelf mechanical equipment provided by the Kuat Power Shipyard, the Thor Mecha was still successfully moved.

By the way, the second-level self-destruct device is a miniature nuclear bomb, and the use occasion of this design is when it explodes on the battlefield. Generally at this time, the question of whether the driver can run out will not be considered.

The reason why it can only be driven by General Kalani now is because there is no operating system interface on this Thor mecha. Therefore, it is completely impossible for one person alone to move this huge mech with an extremely complex structure.

General Kalani didn't speak. He heard Zhang Jiarui's prompt and directly controlled the Thor Mecha to kick it over. The huge mech directly plowed the laboratory to the ground, and then added a few more feet, and all the things that Zhang Jiarui left to the Kuat Power Dock during this period were all destroyed.

Although Quarter probably backed up these things, it doesn't matter, it's always a little more comfortable to level this place.

However, at this time, Zhang Jiarui heard his son's voice telepathically!

Although he yelled at Zhang Xucheng, blaming him for not coming to die, but at this moment his eyes were slightly red.

At this time, the huge indestructible door of the engineering laboratory was opened, and Shen Yuanhao ran in with Kleist and Xiao Yan. Seeing them, General Kalani manipulated the mecha to squat down, and Zhang Jiarui lowered the rope ladder for them to climb up.

After all, the Thor mecha is 20 meters tall, which is equivalent to the size of a building. If it is not necessary to stay in the cab, it is actually very easy to find a spacious place to stand a few people in other places.

"Why are you kids here!? Where's my son?!" Zhang Jiarui hurriedly asked when he saw a few people.

"Xiaocheng stayed in the garbage disposal workshop. He had to maintain his telepathy to ensure our contact. Now we need to hurry to bring him back." Shen Yuanhao said.

"You bastard!!" Zhang Jiarui rushed over like a lion and lifted Shen Yuanhao up, roaring angrily, "You actually left my son alone!"

Shen Yuanhao was originally a killer, not to be outdone, he grabbed Zhang Jiarui's wrist like iron pliers, and slowly opened it. His face with the scar was a bit grim, "This is the only way! Besides, you thought I was What are you doing here?"

"Uncle Zhang! This is Xiaocheng's own decision! Only in this way can we rescue you!" Xiao Yan said from the side.

【Father, don't blame Uncle Shen. It's really up to me. I don't know how to fight, I don't know how to use computers, and I don't know how to be invisible. I just can hear voices that others can't hear. But, I also want to do my part! I can hear the voices in other people's hearts, so... the world of the heart, this is my battlefield! 】In telepathy, Zhang Xucheng said firmly.

The corners of Zhang Jiarui’s eyes were moist. In order to hide his emotions, he threw himself to the cockpit and said loudly to General Kalani: “Kalani! Fuck my son, let's go!"

[Don't forget there is also the dinosaur sister! That Jedi Knight is very powerful! I'm worried she's no match! ] Zhang Xucheng said quickly.


At the same time, in an office building in Kuat Power Dock.

A large number of Lark ghouls are raging in the building, and they are massacring crazily! While shooting and shooting, he ran wildly at an unattainable speed, and quickly overwhelmed a large number of Kuat security soldiers in front of him.

Inside the building, there are even some combat robots and automatic turrets guarding them, but they are also unable to withstand the impact of the Rak ghoul!

A quadruple-mounted laser cannon was adjusting its direction and preparing to shoot, but with a flash of yellow sword light, the turret was instantly split into two.

The figure of the judge appeared in the smoke of the turret explosion. Surrounded by the Lak ghouls, she easily broke through the defense line of the Kuat security soldiers and rushed directly into the topmost office.

Several senior officials of the Kuat Power Dock were shivering under the guard of more than a dozen battle robots, but these battle robots only existed for less than a minute, and were instantly wiped out by the lightsaber in the hands of the judge!

"Where is the separatist senior engineer that you captured earlier?" Judgment said coldly.

Several high-ranking officials huddled together, unable to speak out because of the great fear, and two of them even peed in fear.

Under the mask, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Judgment's mouth. Under her control, several Lark ghouls came over, one by one, and grabbed these high-ranking officials directly. She continued: "Tell I answer, otherwise, you too will become one of these Rak ghouls."

"I...I don't know..." a senior official said tremblingly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the Rak ghoul who was holding him cut the skin of his arm with his sharp claws without hesitation.

After only a few seconds, the man twitched violently, and then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he mutated into a Lark ghoul!

This terrible and cruel mutation process directly frightened several high-ranking officials to collapse! One of them said loudly: "I know! I know! That person is in District 17! In District 17! That's not our jurisdiction, it's on the other side of the star ring, more than 15,000 kilometers away from the surface here!"

"What about the exact location?" The judge asked again.

"I only know that it is an education and training base, and I only know the general idea!" The senior official said quickly, "If you are in a hurry, why don't you go there first?"

Judgment frowned, she did feel that there seemed to be some induction of the Force in that direction. But force sensing is not her specialty, she is better at lightsaber swordsmanship. So after confirming that this person was not lying, she lifted him up without saying a word, and threw him directly from the upstairs window!

"Wow!!!!" The high official screamed loudly and fell down, but was caught by a spaceship right after.

Judgment also jumped directly onto the spaceship, grabbed the man into the cockpit of the spaceship, and controlled the spaceship to fly directly towards the passage leading to outer space.

The distance between the two locations is as high as more than 15,000 kilometers. If you fly in the gravitational environment inside the star ring, plus the influence of air resistance, it will take at least an hour to fly there.

Therefore, the fastest way to arrive is to enter outer space first, get rid of the influence of gravity and air, and then fly over. With her powerful Jedi control ability, she can push the speed of the spacecraft to the limit, so that it can be reached within ten minutes at most. arrive!

Of course, this kind of operation can only be used on the space station or the star ring. If you do this by taking off from the surface of the planet, by the time you get out of the planet's atmosphere and fly back, it will be long past time.


At this time, Karina, who was fighting the black hole, had also fallen into desperation.

Although she is extremely powerful, she is not an opponent of the black hole at all. Black Hole's dual-wielding lightsaber swordsmanship, Jakai, can almost exert its greatest power. He can easily find the gap of Karina's light axe, and then continue to cause more damage to Karina's body.

What's even more desperate is that he is not only extremely fast but also very flexible, and his strength is not weaker than Karina's at all! With the help of the Force, he directly confronted Karina's light ax again and again!

If it wasn't for the black hole that really wanted to make Karina a treasure, I'm afraid Karina would have lost by now!

Being teased like this, Karina became more and more angry. She almost fell into madness, her eyes were red, and she just wanted to chop the person in front of her into a pulp!

There was a trace of hopeless force in her rage, which finally broke through the interference of the black hole, and was accepted by Zhang Xucheng.

"Sister Dinosaur! No... no... Sister Dinosaur is going to be killed!!" Zhang Xucheng felt Karina's already crazy emotions, and he was horrified, "No! Who will save her! Sister Dinosaur will be killed! That person is killed! Don't..."

In desperation, his face was extremely pale, and his little head began to think quickly.

"That's right! There's that person! The monster maker! Since he created monsters on Kuat's industrial star ring, he must be Kuat's enemy!" Zhang Xucheng suddenly remembered, "But...but I didn't I can't touch that person's heart... Sister Dinosaur... no! I must try!!"

He closed his eyes and began to concentrate his mind, spreading his telepathy towards the entire industrial star ring.

[No matter who you are, please help me! Help the dinosaur sister! She is about to be killed by the Jedi Knights...please help me...]

To cover such a wide range of telepathy, Zhang Xucheng has completely surpassed his own limit! Nosebleeds kept flowing down, and his face became paler and paler.

At this moment, he had no idea that a figure had come to this garbage disposal workshop and opened the door.

"Hehehehe... I found you..." a gloomy voice said.

I only saw a young man who looked to be only in his 20s coming over, and he also had black battle patterns drawn on his face, which was exactly the same as the battle patterns on the black hole tens of kilometers away!

And in his hand, he also held a flat red lightsaber of the same style with a winged tsuba!

"I didn't expect that there was an unexpected surprise, hehehehe..." The man showed a cruel smile, walked over step by step, and searched around.

At this time, he also sensed Zhang Xucheng's distress signal spreading in all directions. He turned his eyes and immediately locked on a very unremarkable cargo box!

"Is it here?" The man rushed up, flashed the lightsaber in his hand, and immediately cut open the cargo box!

Zhang Xucheng screamed, only to realize that he was exposed! He turned his head and looked at the approaching person with horror on his face, trembling all over.

" turned out to be a child. I thought it was a person with a high level of force cultivation!" The man mocked, "Well, a child is a child. After you die, remember to use your Telepathically report the funeral to your parents!"

"Help... help..." Zhang Xucheng was so frightened that he sat on the ground and dared not move.

"Hehehehehe!" The visitor raised the lightsaber in his hand ferociously.

At this moment, another voice suddenly broke into the force induction of the two of them!

【Who gave you the courage to do something to my students? 】

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