The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1467 Rescue Operation (4)

1467. Rescue Operation (4)

007 left, leaving behind a communicator. After all, several waves of people who came for the same purpose did not communicate with each other when sneaking in due to their own reasons, but now when preparing for action, necessary communication is absolutely necessary.

However, at this moment, everyone in the Twilight Covenant in the garbage disposal workshop fell into silence.

What 007 said just now seemed to be casual, but it shocked their young hearts greatly!

What? If the rescue fails, the goal is to kill Zhang Jiarui?

Shen Yuanhao came out from the hidden place, playing with the blaster pistol in his hand, without saying a word. Apart from Karina the Injoli who was full of killing, as the only adult, he naturally knew that this decision was the best solution at present.

However, Zhang Xucheng and Xiao Yan couldn't accept it.

"Kill...kill my father? This is, is this a joke...? How is it possible! Obviously we have all come here, surely... surely we can rescue my father, right?!" Zhang Xucheng's expression was a little bit Sluggish, he looked at Shen Yuanhao and said incessantly.

Shen Yuanhao frowned, he knew that what 007 said just now was the truth. And 007 definitely thinks that those who can sneak into the planet Kuat, the core area of ​​the Galactic Republic, are definitely not ordinary people, but they are also top-notch people, so he treats this place as his kind, and speaks very well. Straightforward.

On the industrial star ring of the Kuat planet, it is impossible to rescue a person who is under heavy protection and then retreat completely! And it can be seen without a doubt that 007 and the others came to carry out this mission, and from the very beginning, they had no intention of going back alive!

However, what can be done about this? Didn't I follow these children here as soon as my head got hot? Don't you still hold that one-ten-thousandth hope in your heart?

Shen Yuanhao came to Zhang Xucheng's side, knelt down and said solemnly: "Xiaocheng, don't worry, our goal must be to rescue your father! Alive!"

"But... you don't have any hope, do you? I heard it all..." Zhang Xucheng lowered his head.

"If a person waits until he is 100% sure about doing something, then that person is nothing but useless." Shen Yuanhao grabbed Zhang Xucheng's shoulders with both hands, and said seriously, "Many times, one percent hope , that’s enough! Believe in yourself, believe in the Force. Believe, your teacher’s teaching.”

Zhang Xucheng nodded heavily.

Shen Yuanhao stood up and said to Xiao Yan and Kleist beside him, "Now we know that three forces have come to the planet Kuat. The first one is us, which has the strongest destructive power, Karina, and hackers. , and invisibility, we should be the main force. The second unit is 007. He does not know how to get the high-level authority of the Quarter Security Department, but as he said, it is only a matter of time before such a high level of authority is stolen. No. The three strands are General Kalani next to Dr. Zhang Jiarui, the power he possesses is unknown, but it is easiest to do things right by Zhang Jiarui's side."

His expression was very solemn, "We must integrate the three forces before we have a chance! Kleist, can you build a communication network between us?"

"Building a communication network is very risky." Kleist shook his head. "This is completely different from peer-to-peer communication. It may not be long before the construction will be discovered by Kuat's people."

"No, I can connect our minds through telepathy." Zhang Xucheng said firmly, "But during this process, I have to concentrate and I can't do anything."

"We will use everyone, including Kleist, who will follow us. In this case, I am afraid that we will not be able to send one more person here to protect you." Shen Yuanhao said.

"It's fine for me to be here alone. I can find a place to hide." Zhang Xucheng said, "That's it! I'll be fine!"

"Okay, that's it." Shen Yuanhao nodded, "In this case, after General Kalani can communicate at night, we will hold a combat meeting to formulate a detailed combat plan. Tomorrow is the time for us to act!"

"No problem! Come on!" Xiao Yan said firmly.


At the same time, Quarter Industrial Star Ring.

The passage from the Quarter Industrial Star Ring loading and unloading area to the living area is not so much a passage as it is a huge city. The Industrial Star Ring is such a magnificent industrial creation.

In fact, from the perspective of the planet, the size of the Kuat planet with a diameter of only 10,000 kilometers is much smaller than that of the Lundili planet, and compared with the Lundili planet with a population of 600 billion, the resident population of the Kuat planet is only 3.6 billion.

In fact, Planet Kuat gives people the impression that it is a super industrial planet. But in addition to their developed industries, the good natural environment on the planet allows them to have very developed agriculture. The food produced in the centralized agricultural base with a pleasant climate can not only supply the consumption of the entire planet, but also can be exported in large quantities. The food exported by Kuat Planet alone is enough to feed hundreds of billions of people!

But even if there are these factors that seem to be industrial deduction items, why is the warship production capacity of Kuat Power Shipyard so much higher than that of Rendili Star Power Company? The most important reason is this magnificent industrial star ring.

In this ultra-giant star ring with a diameter of 15,000 kilometers, almost every inch is not wasted, and all the facilities are highly automated industrial bases.

How much capacity does such a super factory with a diameter of 15,000 kilometers and a circumference of nearly 50,000 kilometers have? The conclusion is that even the more than 3,600 interstellar docks owned by Lundili Interstellar Power Company, there is no way to compare with it.

However, at this time, a terrible accident is brewing on the Kuat Industrial Starlink.

A female soldier wearing the uniform of the Galactic Republic Navy sergeant is walking on the street with a suitcase. Unlike other female soldiers, she still has a scarf around her neck.

Standing in the passage, the female soldier looked up at the bustling surroundings, the endless flow of cargo spaceships and rail transit, the huge factories and pipelines, and the ubiquitous automatic machinery.

Everywhere is showing the terrifying industrial strength of Kuat Power Shipyard.

You know, the industrial star ring under their feet has thousands of warships of various types under construction anytime, anywhere! From time to time, you can see the newly released huge warship flying out of the dock for sea trial testing.

Here is the industrial center of the entire galaxy!

The female soldier sighed softly, she pulled the suitcase and continued to walk forward, nodding to a navy soldier in front who smiled kindly at her.

Then in the next second, an invisible force spread out instantly.

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