The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1460 The Second Galaxy Army

1460. Second Galaxy Army

"How could the Jedi Knights do such a thing? Assassinate the speaker?" Master Ray Gul frowned. He felt that this matter was really ridiculous.

However, he looked at Master Windu's expression again, and was surprised to find that Master Windu had a serious face, apparently not joking.

"After we left Coruscant, things may have changed." Master Windu said, "There is a piece of information that only members of the committee knew before."

He turned his head to look at Master Ray Gul, the electronic prosthetic eye in his left eye flashed an ominous red light, "The Supreme Speaker of the Galactic Republic, Shiv Palpatine, is the Lord of Sith, Darth Sidious .”

"What?! This is impossible!! Why would a Sith Lord become the speaker of our republic?!" Ray Gul was shocked, "And, such an important thing happened, we should gather everyone's strength to go directly Go arrest him!!"

"If things were that simple, that would be fine... a simple competition of strength, a battle between the two sides, and the victor wins everything." Master Windu said coldly: "Indeed, when I just learned this information , I did have the urge to rush into the speaker's office and arrest Palpatine, but then I calmed down... The matter is not that simple."

He shook his head and said, "The truth is, we can't just go and arrest Palpatine."

"Why? He's the Sith Lord!" Ray Gul said loudly.

"But he is also the legal speaker of the Galactic Republic, and his identity is not a problem at all. Because the Constitution of the Galactic Republic does not stipulate that the Lord of Sith cannot be the speaker." Master Windu said, "In addition, the information at that time It came from another Sith Lord's dead angel, so we cannot be sure of the accuracy of this information, and of course it is impossible to follow the words of another Sith Lord to attack the current Speaker of the Republic."

Ray Gul's face also became serious, and he immediately figured out the joints. Indeed, if this information comes from another Sith Lord, then there are countless possibilities behind it! It may be to sow discord, it may be to frame up at will, it may be to disturb the morale of the army, of course, it may be the truth!

For a long time, the dead angel, the Sith Lord, has been such an unpredictable image in the minds of the Jedi Order, so if this information really comes from him, the only thing the Jedi Order can do is to do nothing. Do.

It was only then that Ray Gul realized how dangerous the environment the Jedi Order had been in. Perhaps the Jedi Order would have collapsed if the Council hadn't been bearing most of the pressure for them!

"So, what you mean is that the Jedi Order had the exact information, so they took action against Darth Sidious?" Ray Gul said seriously.

"This is the greatest possibility." Master Windu said, "According to my understanding, there is no assassin who can make Coruscant a global martial law blockade. Even a year ago, the super mercenary Cade Bane raided the Galactic Council The building kidnapped a group of congressmen, and in that incident, Speaker Palpatine was still as stable as Mount Tai, and the security forces around him were much more than what we can see on the surface."

"Then we should lead the army back to Coruscant immediately, and help Master Yoda and them arrest Palpatine!" Ray Gul said.

"If this is really done, then we will have wasted the painstaking efforts of Master Yoda and Master Windu." Another voice came from the side.

Ray Gull turned his head and saluted the visitor: "Master Mundy..."

The person who came was Ki-Adi-Mundi, and judging from the force fluctuations emanating from him, he had already fallen into the dark side. However, compared to other Jedi knights who have fallen into the dark side, Ki-Adi-Mundy is obviously not too deeply affected by the dark side of the force. At least, he is not influenced by his emotions.

Ki-Adi-Mundi came over and said: "The reason why Master Yoda expelled Master Windu from the Jedi Order is to allow us to have a more convenient position in the face of this situation. Breaking away from the Jedi Knights The identity of the regiment and many things are more convenient for us to do. And more importantly... the Second Galaxy Army is in our hands."

Ray Gul's face became serious, "I understand, once the Jedi Knights and Palpatine break, then the Second Galaxy Army will become the force we rely on to fight against darkness!"

"It also includes the Neutral Galaxy Alliance." Master Windu said.

Master Ray Gul's eyes lit up, he was fascinated by such a visionary role of Master Windu, "It is true, in this case, we are leading the powerful Second Galaxy Army to go out and not return to Coruscant for a day , One day it will become a major threat to Palpatine! Relatively speaking, the Jedi Order will be safer! Therefore, we must not go back to Coruscant!"

Master Windu nodded, turned around to look at the vast starry sky outside the porthole, and said slowly: "Blood debt, blood repayment!"

"eye for eye!"

"Blood for blood!" Re-Gul and Master Ki-Adi-Mundi responded solemnly.

At this time, the fleet commander beckoned a few meters away, indicating that he had something to say, and Master Windu nodded to let him come over.

The fleet commander came to Master Windu, still maintaining great awe, he said: "General Windu, our squadron code-named J-13 was attacked near the planet Ploo II, But they have not sent back any more information except that they were attacked by the enemy. Now they have completely lost contact, and we are sending an investigation team to find out what happened."

Master Windu frowned, "There is a Jaeger-class battlecruiser and 5 Arquitects-class light cruisers in the J-13 squadron. Such a force will not prevent any news! Be careful! Send The nearby Fourth Squadron has 10 Jaeger-class battlecruisers, and they have enough strength to fight against all possible incoming enemies."

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away." The fleet commander nodded.

Master Windu frowned tightly, and he seemed to feel a little ominous in the induction of the Force.


At the same time, five Arquitense-class light cruisers were floating in space near the planet Pulo II, losing all response. But there was no damage to these warships!

On the other side, the only remaining Jaeger-class battlecruiser was desperately fighting back. Near the battleship, hundreds of fighter jets were densely scattered. These fighter jets also had no damage, but they had completely lost power.

Not only that, but the deflector shield of this hunter-class battlecruiser has also failed, and in the confrontation with the powerful enemy in front of him, it is just lingering.

A huge black shadow loomed over, covering almost the entire hull of the Jaeger-class ship!

It is dark and huge, with a round shell shape and a sharp bow. There are also huge disc-shaped devices on both sides of the battleship.

This is a super warship with a length of 4825 meters, and it was once a nightmare in the heart of the Galactic Republic!

The Conqueror-class battleship, the second ship - the Destruction! !

The huge ship of the Destroyer was densely packed with more than 500 multifunctional medium-sized turbo laser cannons, which fired wildly. The power of a single shot was not great, but there were a large number of them. The Republic Jaeger-class battlecruiser pours its firepower!

On the bridge of the Destroyer, Admiral Severance Tann of the Fourth Civilization showed a ferocious smile. She took a pointer and slapped the holographic star map fiercely, and said loudly: "Give me Open fire! Leave no one alive!! The end of the Second Galaxy Army begins today! I want them to be unable to return to Coruscant with even a sampan!!"

Accompanied by a burst of dazzling light and flames, this Jaeger-class battlecruiser was completely blown into ruins in a violent explosion!

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