The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1456 The Incarnation of Death

1456. Incarnation of Death

[I changed it a bit in the last chapter. The protagonist’s sword is still called ‘Soul Snatching’, which is more interesting. Anyway, the flag is full. 】

In the valley of the Lord of Darkness, there are still gloomy winds, gloomy clouds and mist, and sandstorms mixed with yellow sand all over the sky are constantly whistling around the valley, and there are waves of whistling sounds like howling ghosts and wolves.

Darth Malthael held the Soul Reaping Sword upside down, and walked forward step by step. The black blade hung down on the ground, and the super high temperature of the plasma directly melted the yellow sand and soil on the ground, forming a Burning lava trails.

The Soul Seizing Sword itself is also a double-ended lightsaber, but the hilt is made longer than ordinary double-ended lightsabers, and it cannot be separated into two sections.

For lightsabers, lightsabers with black blades do not exist. For example, the dark sword of the Mandalore Death Guard is also a very unique black lightsaber. However, although the Dark Sword looks unique, it is still a lightsaber. Its function is not much different from that of ordinary lightsabers. It is just that the range of electromagnetic restraint is adjusted during manufacturing, so that the blade of the lightsaber has a flat shape.

But the Soul Seizing Sword is not like that!

Rather than saying it is a lightsaber, it is better to say that it is a bridge through which Darth Malthael can communicate with the world of the Force through the Force of Death. As for what will happen in the world that can be directly connected to the Force, even Darth Malthael himself cannot understand everything, this can only be explored bit by bit.

The only certainty is that in the world of the original force, there are endless possibilities.

For this point, Darth Masail has been conducting research for a long time, such as Moore's amulet, such as the gauntlet of Little Clash, and even the Dark Reaper, as well as 4,000 years ago in the Sith War The destroyed interstellar forge, these former artifacts all have one thing in common - they can explode with power far exceeding their size and capacity!

Take Moore's amulet, for example. After being lost 7,000 years ago, this amulet has been radiating its energy in the dungeons of the planet Taris, turning hundreds of millions of Taris inhabitants into Rak ghouls. This process has continued for 3000 years, but it has not weakened at all!

For example, Little Klesh's gauntlet does not have anything to store energy, but it can release a force barrier that is enough to block most attacks.

This is the power of the force world.

And now the soul-snatching sword in Darth Malthael's hands, the first function is to cut directly at those Sith ghosts that exist between reality and illusion. As for the second role, he felt that when he used the original force skills including the original force lightning, he could release them directly through this sword, and the power would be much greater.

But Darth Malthael knew that this was only the beginning.

But now, first of all, we need to completely solve the problem here! Those Sith ghosts!

After the Sword of Seizing Souls was born, the ghosts of those ancient Sith Lords fled around one after another. They knew that this sword was their natural enemy!

More than half of the howling ghosts and wolves in this valley were emitted when these Sith ghosts fled in a hurry.

Darth Marthael chased Maka Ragnos all the way, and he vowed to get rid of this chatterbox and troll completely!

Not only because this guy's swearing is really ugly, but also because the fundamental reason why Maka Ragnos is so active is because he has the deepest understanding of the world of the Force! It is also because of this that he can run around and curse everywhere.

Therefore, if he is not dealt with, God knows what other moths will come out of him staying in the valley of the Dark Lord.

Swish! ! The black sword light flashed past, and a statue more than ten meters high was chopped off in the middle and collapsed to the ground. Darth Malthael walked over step by step, looking at the ghost floating in front of a very tall mausoleum.

"Don't run away, Maka Ragnos! You should know that I can't let you go today!" Darth Malthael grinned.

"Your existence is a blasphemy against the Sith!" Maka Ragnos roared loudly, and he also understood that he could no longer escape.

Darth Malthail's death force became stronger and stronger, especially after he committed suicide, the last shackles on him that restricted the death force disappeared completely! Now, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the incarnation of death!

"Is this considered blasphemy?" Darth Malthael sneered, "Then after being defeated again and again by the Galactic Republic, even the hometown where he originated was blown into a desert, the empire has long been wiped out, and even the world that existed If you don’t have any possibility, what can you do?”

Maka Ragnos said in a deep voice: "Listen! Your power is very powerful! Now you are a qualified Sith Lord! We have no grudges against you! I am willing to admit that you are a Sith King of the Empire! Get out of here, your enemy should be the Galactic Republic!"

Darth Masail chuckled and said, "I have no personal grievances with anyone, including Darth Sidious. Although he killed my master Darth Plagueis, after all, I was also involved at the time... the death of Darth Plagueis was extremely beneficial to me."

He slowly raised his hand, pointing the black blade of the Soul Seizing Sword at Maka Ragnos, "As for you... Maka Ragnos, it doesn't matter if you scold me or insult me I'm not so stingy... It's just that I need you now. Hehehehe..."

"Don't think that you already have the chance to win now!" Makar Ragnos roared, and endless black mist gushed out from his tomb, rolling towards Darth Malthael!

Swish! ! !

In the next second, the darkness, which was deeper than the black mist, cut everything apart in an instant! With this sword down, even the sky was paled! Even the huge mausoleum in front of him was directly cut off by this sword!

Maka Ragnos, who was the first to bear the brunt, was directly cut into countless dust by the power of the sword, and scattered away, leaving only a black gemstone that was bigger and deeper than the others slowly floating in the air.

Among the black gemstones, it seemed that Maka Ragnos's face could still be seen shaking constantly. He slapped and collided with the gemstones, but he couldn't escape the seal of the gemstones no matter what.

Countless metal tentacles stretched out from the hilt of the Sword of Soul Reaper, wrapping around the gem of Maka Ragnos and pulling it back.

At this moment, Darth Massail suddenly felt a death force much stronger than before erupting from him!

He is extremely close to death!

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