The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1446 The Sith Story (Part 2)

1446. The Sith Story (Part 2)

"Dead Angel?" Anakin Skywalker was surprised to hear the name.

Because he had a lot of dealings with the dead angel, the dead angel also resurrected his mother Shmi-Skywalker, showing outstanding attainments in the force of life. Even in the several meetings between the two, Anakin recalled that every time the dead angel might kill himself, but he didn't do it.

He immediately thought of another question, "But you said just now that Sith is a two-person system. Why does Plagueis have another apprentice?"

"Because of the dead angel, he is different." Darth Sidious said, "I don't know when Plagueis took this apprentice, but when I first met him, I Now I know why he entered Plagueis' eyes, and asked him not to hesitate to destroy the principle of the two-person system, but also to accept him as an apprentice..."

Darth Sidious stared into Anakin's eyes, and said slowly, "The angel of death, controls death..."

Anakin Skywalker's eyes became serious.

Darth Sidious went on to say: "If you have seen the dead angel, you know that he has the ability to deprive a person of all vitality in a gesture of his hand. He can even resurrect the dead and turn them into walking dead! If you are with him If you fight against each other, then you must be prepared to be killed by him, and then be enslaved by him... As far as I know, many people in the Jedi Order have been turned into this by the dead angel... Just what I know, there are Master Adi Gallia, Master Green Beatty, these guys."

"Yes..." Anakin Skywalker's breathing became a little heavy, his heart began to stir, and anger began to fill his heart.

"Plagueis's research is how to live forever, how to create life... and the research of the dead angel is how to take life and how to play with death." Darth Sidious said, "Maybe Plagueis wants to Let's verify his own research on life and immortality from the other side of life, but obviously, the dead angel doesn't think so."

Darth Sidious raised his hand and took off the mechanical prosthesis of his left hand. In the place where the limb was severed, it was thin and shriveled, like a branch that had been dry for decades, "Look, this is the dead angel The damage done to me. I fought against the dead angel twice..."

He reinstalled the mechanical prosthesis, raised a finger and said, "The first time was the night before I was about to run for the speaker. On that day, Plagueis brought the dead angel to a clubhouse in Coruscant to hold a meeting The banquet came to cheer me up. But during the banquet, the dead angel suddenly proposed that after I was elected as the speaker, as another apprentice of Plagueis, that is, my junior student, he must also enjoy the same power... He demanded When I am elected, I appoint him as co-speaker."

Darth Sidious's expression became angry again, "This is impossible! Not to mention that it is impossible for him to become the co-speaker at all, but because if I really do this, this election will be a A complete scandal! I thought it was just a joke, but no, he poisoned our food and drink, and then shot and killed Darth Plagueis while we were weak!"

"I have been poisoned, and there is almost no room to fight back. I can only use the original force to detoxify. However, my master Preggs seriously injured the angel of death in the counterattack before he died, and he had to escape. And I also During the fight, he was also hit by his death force on the palm, and the hand immediately rotted and withered, and no advanced medical equipment could restore it." Darth Sidious's voice was trembling with anger, "After the dead angel escaped, , he went to Plagueis's residence, swept away all his research manuscripts, returned to Dawn Planet, and continued to be the governor of his planet."

"I just took revenge for my parents, family, and the people of the planet Naboo during the battle on the planet Naboo... The new hatred once again occupied my heart and life." Darth Sidious sighed In one breath, "Why did I have to attack Dawn Planet several times after the war broke out, because I know that the dead angel is the biggest threat to this galaxy!"

"Then what about the second fight?" Anakin asked.

"Ah, just a few months ago, I seemed to be seriously ill for a few days." Darth Sidious said, "Do you know what the state of the dead angel is now? He twisted my master Pray Gus's research is constantly delving into the path of the death force, he is no longer human..."

"Maybe you saw on the news that the governor of Dawn Star is still the same, but let me tell you, that is just a clone. The real him is no different from a skeleton, and the powerful death force , any creature will instantly become a walking dead!" Darth Sidious continued, "And just a few months ago, I saw him, and he planned to go to the planet Korriban..."

"Planet Korriban? I've never heard of it." Anakin Skywalker frowned.

"It's natural. The Jedi Order doesn't trust you, and it's impossible for them to let you know some information they think is critical." Darth Sidious snorted coldly, "The planet Korriban is the Sith The place of origin of the Lord, where the coffins of the Sith Lords of the past are buried. This planet is the holy land of our Lord Sith... So, you can imagine that the dead angel who has mastered the power of death came to Corey What is Banxing going to do?"

"He wants to resurrect those Sith Lords?" Anakin asked.

"No! He wants to desecrate the tombs of those Sith lords, and then turn the souls of those Sith lords into his servants! After that, he will become the incarnation of death!" Darth Sidious said, "I will never let him succeed! So that time, I and the dead angel fought again on the planet Korriban!"

"At that time, the Death Angel was already very powerful, and I was no match for him at all..." Darth Sidious said through gritted teeth, "But with the help of the souls of those Sith monarchs, I barely tied with him But during the battle, I was also wounded by the dead angel, who sucked away my life force of at least ten years..."

Speaking of this, he sighed wearily, "But it's too late now... I have already felt in the force, the dead angel, has gone to the planet Korriban again. And this time, I have no ability to stop him... ..."

"The dead angel... will he become the incarnation of death on the planet Korriban?" Anakin Skywalker was surprised, "If this is the case, he must be stopped!"

"It's too late, no one in this galaxy can do it now." Palpatine shook his head, "Master Yoda may have been able to do it, but he was injured by the Death Angel during the battle in the Lundili galaxy. Count Dooku is in cahoots with the Dead Angel, and it is impossible to stop him. Master Windu? I think he is far more interested in war than the Force now...and I...Master Yoda hurt me very much Heavy...cough cough cough cough..."

He coughed for a while, then suddenly changed the subject and asked, "I heard that you took your mother to the planet Naboo for recuperation?"

"Yes." Anakin-Skywalker was not surprised by this, and for the Speaker of the Galactic Republic, it was not difficult for his intelligence agency to know these things.

Darth Sidious's voice slowly penetrated into his ears like a devil, "I heard from the intelligence agent that your mother's current state is actually a zombie?"

Anakin-Skywalker felt as if his chest exploded at this moment, he jumped up and shouted loudly, "No! No! My mother is not dead! She is not dead!! The angel of death brought her back to life!! He said he could completely recover my mother!!"

Darth Sidious's expression became extremely ferocious, "But you seem to have forgotten that it is not very difficult for the Angel of Death, who has the power of death, to resurrect a corpse into a zombie..."

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