1440. Temptation [Let's watch it tomorrow morning, I'm drunk now, there are repetitions. . . . . . 】

Shak-Ti asked some Jedi knights to go out to investigate, but was kindly persuaded by Spati clone soldiers patrolling the streets. These clone soldiers told them that Coruscant is now under martial law, and someone is trying to assassinate the Speaker but Failed, but the assassin has not been caught yet.

There are indications that this time the entire Coruscant is really under martial law, and it is not deliberately targeting the Jedi Order.

But the problem is here too. If something like this happened in the past, the Galactic Republic would almost certainly call on the help of the Jedi Knights, using their precognition to find the target. But now, none of them came to find the Jedi Order, not even a communication.

This is unreasonable... If Master Yoda assassinated Darth Sidious in the past, then the other party would undoubtedly blame the Jedi Order, but it is strange that there was no action against the Jedi Order.

But if nothing happened, why didn't the Jedi Order have something to do with the Republic? This is obviously to guard against them in secret.

Not only that, but their communications trying to contact other Jedi who were out in the field were all intercepted.

Things started to smell weird, but now the Jedi Knights can't know more information, they can only continue to prepare. Hide a small number of youngsters who have not had time to leave, and seal the collection hall to protect non-combatants.

Did the Galactic Republic fail? Why? Is it because he didn't recognize Master Yoda? Or did he really succeed?

Shak Ti couldn't figure out this matter at all. She knew that Master Yoda went to Darth Sidious with the determination to die, and there was no reason for things to happen like this.

After confirming that Palpatine is Darth Sidious, the Jedi Order must respond, and the Sith Lord must be arrested or beheaded. But as Shak Ti said before, everything about Palpatine is legal! Therefore, the Jedi Order has no position to take action against him.

Therefore, Master Yoda's only choice is to quit the Jedi Order and challenge the Sith Lord in his own name.

This is a very desperate decision, but at the same time it is the only way.

However, what does the republic's response mean now?

In the official announcement, nothing specific was mentioned, only that Speaker Palpatine had been assassinated and the assassin was at large. Not even Palpatine died or died!

In the tense atmosphere, time gradually passed another day.


"The connection to Coruscant has been cut off?" Tang Xiao frowned.

"That's true. We don't know what happened there, but all our intelligence agents have temporarily disconnected." In front of Tang Xiao was a short-haired old woman in her 60s.

The Fourth Civilization, head of the Military Intelligence Department, code-named Mrs. M.

"It looks like my time bomb has exploded..." A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Tang Xiao's mouth.

"Your Excellency Governor? This is..." Mrs. M didn't quite understand.

"There has been a change in the Jedi Order, and it may affect Palpatine, the chairman of the Galactic Republic." Tang Xiao laughed, "Be prepared, maybe there will be huge changes in the Galactic Republic. Seize this opportunity!"

"Yes, I will continue to pay attention to Coruscant." Mrs. M replied.

"Prepare me a spaceship registered in the Galactic Republic." Tang Xiao stood up and said with a grin, "I want to go out."

"Your Excellency, whether it is the Republic or the Confederation, it is very dangerous now..." Mrs. M said.

"Go... Korriban..." Tang Xiao's smile became weird.

"Corriban? Do you still need to prepare toothbrush and toothpaste? You brought a full set of oral care tools last time." Mrs. M asked jokingly.

"This time, I didn't intend to quarrel." The smile on the corner of Tang Xiao's mouth became more and more strange.


Swish! The black cloth hood was ripped off, Zhang Jiarui could barely open his eyes due to the strong light.

"Tylon Heavy Industries, energy experts, engineering experts, mechanical automation experts, Dr. Zhang Jiarui." A slightly feminine voice came.

"Why did you call your uncle?" Although Zhang Jiarui couldn't see the situation in front of him clearly, he directly turned back.

"I am the general representative of Quarter Power Dockyard, the son of Quarter of Quarter, and many people call me, Little Quarter," said the voice.

"Where are there so many Kuats? Hahahaha!" Zhang Jiarui laughed loudly, "Kuats went to Kuats to come, and in the end they boasted something to post!"

"Sorry, I think, maybe the current environment is not very suitable." The voice who called himself Little Quarter apologized slightly, and then ordered to the other side, "Adjust the lights! Let our distinguished guests enjoy themselves!"

A gust of fragrant wind hit, Zhang Jiarui only felt a few pairs of soft and delicate hands climbed onto his shoulders, gently rubbed his shoulders, pressed his seductive body against the fire, exhaled like orchids, bursts of fragrance.

"For the design of the Behemoth-class battlecruiser, our engineers have some immature opinions. But their level cannot compare with yours, but I believe that a large capital ship of the 3,000-meter class, 50 billion The investment of credits should be able to fully display your talents, allowing you to cross the galaxy and become the greatest engineer in the world." Little Quart's voice was full of temptation.

"If it's not enough, the cost can be increased at will... 100 billion? 200 billion?..." His voice gradually became farther away, "but now...enjoy...you will get everything you want...money, Status, women... In this top-level enjoyment, stepping towards the pinnacle of the galaxy..."

More warm ketones approached, and the scent pervading around was intoxicating. I don't know what kind of expensive spices or other things were mixed in. Zhang Jiarui felt as if the desire in his head had exploded. He almost instantly He couldn't hold it anymore, what happened next, he didn't know at all...

[The energy transmission structure of the Yamato Cannon...? 】

"Tree type...Multiple compound pressurization...Eight-stage cooling cycle...Multiphase energy focus..."

[What is the energy weapon behind Thor's mecha? 】

"Uh... ah!!! No...headache...focusing technology...ah..."

Zhang Jiarui suddenly opened his eyes and looked around.

A huge and soft bed, covered with countless petals, is fragrant and charming, surrounded by several extremely attractive jade bodies, making people almost sink into it...

However, at this moment, there was nothing but a coldness in his heart. He knew what Kuat wanted, and even more what he should do.

"Where am I now?" Zhang Jiarui groped around for a while on the naked and peerless beauties, pretending to be confused, but his eyes were clear.

"Well... my dear... don't worry about it, now you just need to...enjoy..." one of the beauties said in a daze.

"You can get anything you want..."

"Whatever you want us to do, we will accept it..." The bodies of several beauties entangled Zhang Jiarui like water snakes, whispering beside him.

After getting rid of the entanglement of these beauties, Zhang Jiarui came to the bathroom. He knew that although this place was an intoxicating and gentle place, there was no doubt that he was under the strictest surveillance. Now, he must show cooperation and submissiveness.

He clamped his armpit tightly without any trace, feeling the slight foreign body sensation coming from his armpit, which made him slightly relieved. General Kalani's chip is still on him. It seems that the Galactic Republic and the people in the Kuat Power Dock still intend to use various soft methods to make him submit, so they did not conduct a particularly strict inspection on him.

When I returned to the bedroom, I found that those beauties had left silently at some point. The one sitting on the sofa was a very young man who seemed to be in his twenties. He was very gorgeously dressed and even looked like a woman. same guy.

Zhang Jiarui walked over, sat down in front of him carelessly, and said, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"This is too outlandish, Dr. Zhang." Little Kuat smiled, "I don't know, are you satisfied with the service we arranged?"

"Hmph! Seeing strangers?" Zhang Jiarui snorted coldly, "I haven't started yet, but you are so anxious to remove those beauties and come here to question me personally. Now you still say I'm strangers? Are you still asking me if I'm satisfied?"

He stood up and purposely puffed up his incomparably developed muscles, "Do you think my 'satisfaction' is only worth one night?"

"Please don't get me wrong, Dr. Zhang Jiarui. I just want to confirm your cooperation intention with our Kuat Power Shipyard...for example...do you know what is the extremely powerful energy weapon behind the Thor Mech?" Xiao Xiao Quarter said with a smile.

"Of course I know what it is, because I presided over the development of this thing." Zhang Jiarui sneered, "Do you still remember the catastrophe-class battlecruiser that beat you out of a galaxy across a galaxy in the battle on Planet Semirs? ? The Thor mecha is equipped with a miniature version of the particle light spear."

"Oh! It turns out that thing is called a particle light spear..." Little Quarter made an expression of sudden understanding, "Let's put it this way, what do you want so that you can re-analyze the technology of the particle light spear here? "

"Hahahahahaha! I want women! More women!!" Zhang Jiarui laughed wildly, "You want the technology of particle light spear? That's right! I know! Hahahaha! But, my asking price is very high! Let me play comfortably first! Until then, don't bother me!"

Little Quarter stood up and said with a meaningful smile: "Enjoy yourself, Dr. Zhang... But please understand that our patience is also limited. There is no point in delaying... Three days, please enjoy Enjoy these three days. After three days, you will devote yourself to your work, and then, analyze the technology of the particle light spear to us... After that, you will truly become the top executive of our Kuat Power Shipyard... ...enjoy all the glory and wealth..."


The northern part of the galaxy, the planet Dorin.

Hundreds of warships of different types are fighting fiercely near the planet. Destructive ion cannons and turbolaser cannons continue to flash across the space, exploding on the target, setting off a terrifying explosion.

The red and white-painted Republic warships fought and retreated. This fleet composed of the Jaeger-class battlecruisers and the Arquitense-class light cruisers has been surrounded by the enemy.

The warships that surrounded them were all in the shape of insects, big and small. Among them, more than a dozen large warships are more than 300 meters long, and there are more small warships, with a length of more than 100 meters and tens of meters in length.

It's a geth!

The battleships of the Geth move very quickly. Even a battleship with a length of more than 300 meters can reach the level of those small frigates in terms of turning and acceleration performance. Moreover, the ion cannon firepower fired by these battleships is extremely powerful, suppressing the Republic fleet. I can't breathe.

The fighter group of the Galactic Republic is also fighting the locust-like geth fighters, and the V-19 Riptide light fighter is no match for these geth fighters at all! Shot down by Geth in pieces!

That's right, the battle on the outskirts of Planet Dorin is turning into a rout!

This dark planet that gave birth to the Kel Dor (Kel Dor) masters Pulo-Kon and Sha-Kong is being completely captured by the raging Geth.

On the ground of the planet Dorin, which is full of toxic atmosphere, a large number of clone troops are deploying defenses outside the capital, Dor'Shan. Fighting side by side with them is a larger number of Kyle-Dor militiamen. They share the same hatred , resisting the attack of the geth.

In the darkness, countless light spots began to appear, densely packed, like starlight.

Seeing this situation, the soldiers couldn't help but clenched their weapons tightly. They knew that those spots of light all came from the flashlight-like heads of the geth individuals.

"Fire!!" a clone officer shouted suddenly.

boom! ! ! The heavy artillery on the back of an AT-TE walker immediately let out a deafening roar! Powerful heavy howitzers fell into the geth positions ahead.

Under the reflection of the fire at that moment, the dense army of Geth appeared in everyone's eyes!

Ordinary individuals with plasma rifles; red painted elite individuals with a height of about 3 meters; and even heavy individuals with a height of more than 8 meters!

And the more numerous ones are the walking corpses that look like corpses——corpse puppets!

Hundreds of thousands of corpse puppets rushed over with overwhelming power. This terrifying enemy that destroyed countless cities on the planet Duolin and caused countless slaughters launched its final attack on the last fortress of Duoshan City!

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