Chapter 1424 Dangerous process

1424、Dangerous Process

"Governor, I just received a notification from Dr. Halsey that Jango Fett has joined the Spartan Project." In the holographic projection, Helmut Zemo, chief of staff of the Fourth Civilization, was reporting.

"It's not surprising that he made this choice. After experiencing the coup d'etat on Mandalorian, especially the death guard behind the coup d'etat, it is absolutely impossible for him to let go of all this." Darth Malthael sneered.

"And because of Grand Duke Satine, the hermit will not turn a blind eye to the planet Mandalorian. Although he disappeared with Grand Duke Satine and left behind the mask of the hermit, he will return to all of this in the end. said Zemo, smiling.

"The Mandalorian planet is beyond our reach, and according to the information I got, there are undercurrents surging there. Counting my cheap master, there are at least three or more forces that are just around the corner. At this time, through the Spartan plan to invest in a Entering the powerful unknown is the last thing we can do." Darth Malthael said, "Don't begrudge the cost, after getting Jango Fett's consent, let him put some of his former followers Call me over and join the Spartan Project together."

"Don't you need someone from the Fourth Legion?" Zemo asked.

"The Spartan plan is just a prototype now. Compared with the full version in the database, we have too much work to do. Currently, the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group is developing an enhanced version based on the T virus that can be used in the Spartan plan." Medicines, related superconducting optical nerve dendrites, artificial muscle fibers, etc. These technologies are also under development, and they are not stable yet. At this time, it is best to have this group of Mandalorians as test subjects. Darth Malthael said, "Dr. Halsey has just been awakened for a month after all, so the Spartan plan is still in its infancy."

Zemo nodded and recorded on his universal tool, and then he said: "...The other thing is that the battle for the Onderon planet is over, the planet has fallen, the Dirksen satellite has been plowed to the ground, and the investment we invested The power was also completely wiped out. However, because of the preparations made in advance, no key information fell into the hands of the Republic, and the Galactic Republic suffered heavy losses on Planet Onderon. losses, their Fourth Army is now nothing but a skeleton."

"But Dr. Zhang Jiarui has been captured. The Galactic Republic will try every means to pry his mouth open and obtain the information they are interested in." Darth Masail said, "Is there no news about the trial?"

"No. She has lost contact." Zemo said, "This time, she clearly has this ability, but she did not use the power of the Moore amulet to turn those millions of Republic soldiers into Rak ghouls."

"She's still a Jedi at heart, which isn't surprising," Darth Malthael said, "and, having seen what's happening on Onderon, she should be all the more determined to overthrow the Galactic Republic and the Jedi." The belief of the samurai group."

He thought for a while and said, "Zhang Jiarui must be rescued. Let Mrs. M get ready and send her best agent, the one with the code name 007. In addition, let the two dark saints Aura Khan and Sola Ah The Tang warriors are going to assist 007, and the Salari special forces also need to assist on the periphery. When necessary, they will rush in to save people at any cost! If they can't be rescued, then Zhang Jiarui will be killed on the spot!"

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away." Zemo nodded, and then said: "Also, according to the information obtained recently, the 20th Army of the Galactic Republic should start again. The target is the place where the Ji Wen people are located." Planet Go-Dur."

Darth-Masail said: "Our pressure will only increase. Now the Confederation of Independent Galaxies is retreating steadily, and on the Republic side, the production capacity of the Kuat Power Shipyard is also gradually increasing, which will make the Galactic Republic Invest more and more power in our direction. Therefore, in addition to firmly holding the two transportation hubs of the Yago-Dur galaxy and the Eliadu galaxy, the population migration and industrial migration of the Rendili galaxy must also be Speed ​​up. We don’t want to surpass the Galactic Republic in terms of production capacity, but at least we can’t let them snowball to expand their advantages.”

"Planet Lundili... The Galactic Republic has already blocked it, and is deploying hyperspace blockers everywhere. Fortunately, they should not be able to intercept several secret shipping lanes of the Lundili galaxy in a short period of time." Zemo said, "It's just that the situation in the inner circle is getting more and more dangerous now. The Second Army of the Republic has already begun to attack the planet Cato-Nimoidia, and the recent ambiguous attitude of the Technology Alliance should also be related to them. It is related to the siege of the home planet Skako."

"The planet Lundili and the planet Balmora-Neimoidia cannot be lost. This is the bottom line. This is related to the stability of the Lundili Interstellar Power Company and the Trade Federation. I don't ask them for any help, but at least , can’t be the fuse of their betrayal because of these two planets.” Darth Malthael said.

"Yes." Zemo saluted respectfully.

Darth Masail stood up from the sofa and said, "Okay, let's proceed according to the established plan. I should return to the Dawn Planet in a week. After I come back, I will immediately hold the Fourth Civilization Summit The summit. The final and most difficult phase of this war is at hand."

"Yes. As you wish, my lord." Zemo bowed deeply, and then turned off the communication.

Darth Malthael waved his hand, threw the communicator aside, and walked out of the communication room. He is still on the island of Abora on the planet Mullinster, conducting his dangerous experiments.

Now, this latest toy is in its final stages.

A lifeless and gloomy Bissman is standing on the Sith altar whose blood does not condense all the year round, and the terrifying force of the dark side surrounds him, as if it is real! This powerful force is simply the only one seen in the world!

Sensing Darth Marsail's arrival, the Bis man turned around and knelt respectfully on one knee, "My lord, I have completely controlled this body."

This Bis man is less than 1.6 meters tall, even among the Bis people who are generally not tall, he is also a short type, and he also wears a mechanical respirator on his mouth, and a pair of scarlet eyes are shining ominously.

That's right, this is Darth Malthael's new toy!

The body of Darth Tenebrous, plus the soul of Darth Venamis! Such wonderful materials, under Darth Malthael's powerful and weird essence transfer technique, combined with Sith alchemy, finally merged into one, becoming a terrifying and powerful warrior!

Spirit of Vengeance!

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