Chapter 1418 Dirkson Meat Grinder (final)

1418. Dexen Meat Grinder (Final)

The Extractor cannon equipped on Thor's mecha fired continuously, and the destructive beams swept across the sky. Those unsuspecting Galactic Republic transport ships were shot down one by one. spill down.

The Galactic Republic's air force strikes also failed in a short period of time, because the place where the Thunderlord Mech is located not only has very dense anti-aircraft firepower, but also is next to the command center. The defense facilities here are well hidden, and there is no Destroyed by air strikes.

At the same time, a large number of bunkers and deflector shield generators have also been built here. This is the last line of defense including General Kalani, but at the same time, it is also the place where the last sharp knife is hidden.

And now...

See you in the picture!

Now on the Dirkson satellite, it is definitely a scene like hell. The transport ship that flies in is full of replenished soldiers, and the transport ship that flies away is also full of wounded to be taken away. In addition, this time the Fourth Civilization What does it mean that the army's counterattack was launched from within the city?

It means that the ups and downs of the transport ship are all in the city!

It means that these transport ships are all within the attack range of the Thor mech equipped with the extractor gun!

What is hell? The corpses and stumps that rain down from the sky, the destructive light beams, and the crashing and exploding spaceships are hell!

Even at the beginning of the landing operation, facing the full version of the defense system of the Dirksen satellite, the Galactic Republic has never been beaten so miserably! Because at that time, they at least knew what they were about to face.

And now, as many as 7 large AA-9 transport ships have been shot down! Each AA-9 large transport ship can carry 5,000 soldiers!

Dr. Zhang Jiarui was in the cockpit, constantly manipulating the mecha to carry out ruthless killings. The last time under General Kalani's plan, when he used white phosphorous bombs to kill a large number of rebels, he was frightened by the cruel scene and almost lost his will to fight. But this time, he was creating dozens, hundreds of times of killings, but his heart was still extremely cold.

Of course, he also made some preparations for this. For example, in the panoramic holographic image in the cockpit, what falls from the sky is not horrible stumps, but parts of countless robots.

This is a small program he asked Chaolianhua, who has now been promoted to the head of the network intelligence department, to help him write, which can automatically recognize the human body and replace it with a robot on the screen.

Because Zhang Jiarui knew that it was impossible for him to become so hard-hearted in a few days, so that he could face this level of killing without any burden, but even if he was deceiving himself, he still wanted to continue this killing.

Because of everything that happened on the planet Onderon, he was terrified. I am afraid that the soldiers of the Republic will act recklessly, drive the residents out of their homes, rob and enslave at will, and even violate those innocent women!

However, the government authorities remained silent, saying nothing, and even fueled the flames. When Saw Gerrera was in power, there were scenes where the victimized people had no way to complain, but were instead arrested by the military and police of Planet Onderon!

Zhang Jiarui was afraid, he was afraid that such a scene would happen one day on Dawn Star, in Dawn City. And at that time, his wife and children will also be among them!



He slammed the fire button! The beam of the extractor cannon shot out again! A CSS-1 Republic-class shuttle that was climbing altitude and wanted to leave this hell was directly shot through from the tail engine!


Meanwhile, on the flagship of the Galactic Republic Fleet, Viceroy of the Fourth Army Willhuff Tarkin faced just such a carnage. He didn't lose his composure as before. He just stared at the screen coldly, and watched the green signboard representing the combat unit of the self army turn red at an astonishing speed like swiping the screen.

After a long time, he picked up the communicator and said calmly: "This is exactly the reason why I will completely destroy and deter all resistance at all costs and by any means...Young Jedi Knight."

Then, he turned his head and said to the adjutant next to him: "Don't stop the attack, I don't want to care about how many people die, I just want one result - the destruction of all separatists on the Dirksen satellite! If the air force can't get in, send the ground force , All the army units that are close to the Thor Mech, regardless of their state, attack me with all their strength! Be sure to destroy the Thor Mech!" ""

"Your Excellency Governor, we have contacted an armored force with an AT-TE walker and seven TX-130 Saber suspension tanks. This force has successfully landed inside the city, and it is not far from the area where the Thor Mecha is located. to 3 kilometers." The adjutant checked the portable terminal in his hand and said, "There are also some scattered infantry around, you can call them together."

Tarkin just said with a gloomy face, "As soon as possible."


"Yes! That's it! Go to hell! Go to hell!!!" Zhang Jiarui roared with red eyes.

He pressed the fire button again, and the powerful beam of the Extractor cannon shot out instantly, and another transport ship was shot down, and along the path of the beam, two unlucky Republic fighter jets were also affected, instantly Falling down as two balls of fire.

The system has begun to alarm, the continuous launch has overwhelmed the reactor, and the cooling system is about to melt down.

But Dr. Zhang Jiarui, who has slaughtered countless soldiers of the Galactic Republic, still has no intention of stopping. He is still firing wildly, shooting wildly!

General Kalani's voice came from the communication, "It's ok, Dr. Zhang Jiarui, the battle plan is over, you should evacuate immediately. I have arranged for the guards to come over to respond, and the mass launcher is ready and ready to launch at any time."

As if Zhang Jiarui didn't hear it, he pressed the fire button again, but this time, the extractor cannon didn't fire, instead there was an alarm sound.

Through the 360° panoramic projection transmitted by the camera, he saw that the spherical device on his back—the extractor cannon had caught fire and spontaneously ignited, and it was completely useless.

At this time, the madness in Zhang Jiarui's eyes weakened a little. He stretched out his hand to activate the self-destruct device, and opened the hatch to run out.

In the passage behind, two IG-100 guard robots walked in the front holding high-voltage electric poles. Behind them were 10 Destroyer robots curled up into a ball and rolling quickly, followed by hundreds of B- 2 super fighting robots. This group of elite guards is quickly moving towards the position of Thor's mecha.

However, there was a sudden bang, and a gap was opened in the outer defense here by the heavy artillery. In the distance, the muzzle of the heavy-duty multifunctional howitzer behind an AT-TE walker was emitting a wisp of smoke.

boom! ! An anti-tank missile exploded on the armor on Thor's chest! I only saw several TX-130 Saber suspension tanks had already broken through the outer defense of the fortress, and rushed in at a very fast speed!

Zhang Jiarui's eyes froze, and he grabbed the joystick again with his raised hand, and the Thor's Hammer particle beam cannons on both arms of Thor's mecha turned their muzzles and fired fiercely in the direction of these floating tanks!

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