The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1411 Change of Dynasty (Part 2)

1411. Change of Dynasty (Part 2)

"Hahahahahaha!!" Kanes Moore laughed loudly, "I never thought of that! I was able to see the light of day again in this way! Hahahahahahaha!!!"

"You just exist in my deep memory, Kanes Moore. You have long been wiped out by Darth Malthael, and your soul has been scattered." The trial said lightly.

"Hehehehe! In the world of the Force, there has never been a real absolute! It has been 4,000 years, and you and I know everything about each other! The me who is manifested in your memory now is no different from the resurrected state !" Kanes Moore grinned, "My soul has been wandering in the dungeons of Planet Taris for more than 3,000 years, until you discovered it... No one is more familiar with this state than me!"

"But when I open my eyes, you will disappear completely," said the judge.

"Enough! Hahahahahaha! Enough!" Kanes-Moore laughed wildly. He turned his head and looked at the dream sisters who were about to escape. Not qualified yet!"

As he said that, his figure suddenly began to grow bigger and bigger, and finally became a giant with a height of 100 meters! He raised his palm, which was the size of a basketball court, and swept it across the air!

The illusion around where it passed was immediately crushed by that powerful force! When Kanes-Moore slapped the ground with his palm, there was even a shaking comparable to a strong earthquake!

The illusion was destroyed, and the dream sisters spurted out a mouthful of blood, as if hit by an invisible train, their bodies flew out and hit the wall with a bang.

"Hahahahahaha!!" Kanes Moore laughed loudly, and slapped the huge palm over again, with the momentum to slap the pair of sisters to death.

"Hehe...hehe..." Luna Huan's beautiful face was a little distorted, but she still had a smiling expression, even though her face was already covered in blood. But there was no smile in her eyes, she just stared at the huge palm that was getting closer.

Luna Meng struggled to stand up and protect her sister, but she was a step too late.

Boom~~~~! ! ! An extremely powerful force blasted over!

Swish! ! ! A bright blue light appeared in front of him, a lightsaber! Blue lightsaber!

There is still one……

The figure of Wei An.

This figure directly suffered a blow from Kanes-Moore and stood still!

Anakin - Skywalker, the Chosen One.

The strong wind brought by the huge palm left him covered with bruises, but even so, he stood like a mountain, standing still.

"Hahahaha...hahahahahaha..." Kanes-Moore's huge figure turned into countless smoke and quickly dissipated, and gradually disappeared with his laughter.

Standing there is the judgment.

And the surrounding illusions have long since disappeared, revealing the true face of the Temple of Unification. Here is the center of the Temple of Unity, the throne room. Here, there are corpses of guards and rebel soldiers everywhere. They all have gunshot wounds, and they all killed each other in the illusion.

Stella Gerrera and the last dozen or so rebel fighters lay unconscious on the other side.

On the king's throne, sat the body of a black man in fine clothes and a ribbon on his shoulders. He was shot in the chest, and he just sat on the throne and died.

It's Saw Gerrera.

Inside that pair of eyes that were dying to die, was full of reluctance and loss. I don't know what he saw in the illusion before he died, but when he realized his death, he should also understand that he just sat on the throne for less than a week, and he could no longer touch it.

Anakin-Skywalker and Judgment stood facing each other. The two lowered their lightsabers at the same time, but they didn't put them away.

"Ramses Dundup, will become the king of Planet Onderon, just as he has been doing for decades." The judge said in a deep voice, her tone was low and with unquestionable determination.

"Unless the planet Onderon, join the Galactic Republic and fight for the Republic!" Anakin Skywalker squeezed the words through his teeth.

"King Dundup, will fight for the people of Onderon," said the judge.

"You are a separatist." Anakin gritted his teeth.

"So the Republic, is it on the side of the people?" the judge asked rhetorically.

"Ending this war itself is fighting for the people." Anakin replied firmly.

Judgment slowly raised his lightsaber, and Anakin did the same.

"Sister Mask, that old man just now, he hasn't slept yet." Luna Meng's quiet voice suddenly came from behind.

Anakin-Skywalker took a few steps back on guard, and asked without looking back, "Can you still move?"

"It's okay. Sister Mask, you don't want to kill us." Luna Meng said, helped her younger sister Luna Huan up, and bowed slightly to the trial.

Judgment didn't move or speak, just raised his lightsaber at them.

"This coup cannot change the fact that the Republic has occupied the planet Onderon. This separatist warship factory must be destroyed!" Anakin Skywalker said to the trial.

"Planet Onderon, you have never had a choice, have you?" Stella Gerrera's voice came from the side, only to see that she had also woken up, sitting on the ground and looking at this side.

Anakin-Skywalker did not speak, he was always on guard against the trial, and stepped out of the throne room step by step.

A moment later, a spaceship took off from the spaceport outside the temple, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

An hour later, Ramses Dundup, the former king of Planet Onderon, returned to the Temple of Unity and directly announced that he would restore the king of Planet Onderon.

He declared that the Sanji Rush government, the general Kalani military government and the So-Gerrela rebel government that the planet Onderon had experienced before were all illegal governments. He also immediately received the support of the Royal Guards of Anderon and many people. After going through the perverse actions of the three governments, the people finally saw everything clearly.

After that, King Dundup announced to rejoin the Galactic Republic and accept the control of the Republic.

But immediately afterwards, he issued a series of decrees, abolishing the privileges of the Republic Army on the planet, and sent the Royal Guard to maintain the law and order in Izzy City, and directly arrested all Galactic Republic soldiers who violated the law and discipline.

If the person resists arrest, the Royal Guard will not hesitate to use force.

It is absolutely impossible for those Republic soldiers to accept such a thing, and the two sides continue to exchange fire. But the Onderon Royal Guard is very organized. For those Republic soldiers who are running around and committing crimes in twos and threes, their strength is even stronger.

A large number of soldiers of the Galactic Republic were arrested, temporarily imprisoned after a simple trial, and the crimes they committed were sent directly to Wilhuff Tarkin through open channels.

The news spread to Coruscant. Unsurprisingly, the Speaker of the Galactic Republic, Schiff Palpatine, issued an executive order to support the return of King Ramses Dundup. Because he was originally the king of the planet Onderon, and he was originally a member of the Galactic Republic, the Republic, and there is no reason to oppose him.

Even the one who supported King Dundup's return to the throne was Stella Gerrera, a rebel who had been sent by the Galactic Republic to train Jedi warriors.

And after King Dundup returned to the throne, none of Stella-Gerella and her comrades remained, they just left silently. This action also made the dark Jedi who had appeared in the battle a handle that the Republic would never be able to grasp.

Everything is so seamless.

King Dundup's government is reasonable and legal in all procedures, and on the basis of this reasonable and legal basis, he joined the republic of Wilhof-Tarkin and fought against it.

Planet Onderon seems to have taken a step back and returned to the state before the war, but in fact, it has taken another big step in an unknown direction.

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